
Cultural Challenges of Widows and Widowers’ Coping Strategies in South-South Geo Political Zone, Nigeria

The study is on cultural challenges and widows and widowers’ coping strategies in South-South Geo-Political Zone, Nigeria. This research employed two research questions and two hypotheses to guide the study. The study employed survey research design. The study area were the six states of the South-South geopolitical zone of Nigeria. A total of 441 widows and widowers in Federal Universities in South-South Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria based on information from the registrar, ASUU form the sample of the study. Two different instruments were employed for data collection. The” Widows and Widowers Coping Strategies for Family and cultural Challenges” (WWCSFCC) questionnaire and Focus Group Discussion Guide for Widows and Widowers (FGDEWW). Cronbach Alpha Coefficient was used to determine the reliability of the instruments. Bar chart, mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions. Independent t-test, simple were used to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. Bar chart, mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions. Independent t-test, were used to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study unveiled that there is no significance difference in the cultural challenges facing widows and widowers in South-South geopolitical zone of Nigeria and there is difference in the coping strategies that could be employed by widows and widowers in South-South geopolitical zone of Nigeria. Among others it was recommended that the families, friends and the society should be sensitized to clearly identify the challenges widows and widowers experience and, in the process, come up with alternative support systems that would help widowed persons adjust to widowhood.

Integrating Artificial Intelligence in Teacher Education: A Systematic Analysis

The current work is a systematic review paper that examines the function and significance of artificial intelligence (AI) in teacher education. The researcher gathered almost fifty articles from various platforms, including Google Scholar, Science Direct, Research Gate, and others, on AI and teacher education. Additionally, those publications’ analysis reveals a few key areas and their significance for teacher preparation. By delivering tailored learning experiences, improving instructional strategies, and providing data-driven insights etc. After collecting the article from the above sources, the investigator analyzed all the article on four major points e.g. AI and digital learning, AI and Teacher Education, AI and pedagogical leaning, AI and challenges in teaching learning process systematically, where the investigator found few points and analyzed vividly, at the end the view concern to the Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to completely transform Teacher Education. But in order to fully enjoy these advantages, the ethical, equitable, and preparedness issues around AI must be resolved.

Curriculum Development and the Challenges of Foreign Language Teachers in Pre-University Education in Albania

The importance of learning foreign languages has reached new dimensions in today’s globalized world. Foreign language skills have become a fundamental requirement for successful international communication and interaction. Europe, as part of these global developments, aims to establish itself as a unified economic, cultural, and linguistic entity. Therefore, a united Europe places significant emphasis on promoting foreign language education, based on new pedagogical principles and the best global and European practices, implemented through various reform projects. The goal is to improve citizens’ language proficiency and strengthen intercultural communication.

In particular, Albania has recognized the importance of foreign language education since the 1990s and acknowledged the need to reform curricula to equip Albanian citizens with the best European qualifications. These reforms aim to modernize foreign language education and adapt it to current needs and standards. Moreover, they promote Albania’s European integration and strengthen national identity within the European context by educating students to be open-minded and culturally competent citizens. This significantly contributes to the social and economic development of the country. Our article will examine how these goals have been achieved and what the curriculum reforms specifically entail.

Barriers and Challenges in Implementing Clinical Pathway of Sectio Caesarea for Health Workers in a Private Hospital

Clinical pathway (CP) is one of the requirements required in hospital accreditation standards. It has an important role in controlling quality, and costs and supporting patient safety, especially in cases that have the potential to consume large amounts of resources, one of which is a sectio cesarean (SC). Apart from being able to reduce maternal mortality due to normal childbirth, SC procedures can also cause post-operative injuries. This research explores the barriers and challenges to implementing the sectio caesarean clinical pathway among health workers in hospitals. This qualitative case study research recruited 10 informants consisting of 3 obstetricians, 2 executive nurses, the head of the inpatient room, the head of the operating room, the deputy director of medical services, and 2 patients who had undergone SC at the hospital purposively. In-depth interviews were conducted in March 2024 at a private hospital in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia. Thematic analysis was used for data analysis. Several themes emerged as obstacles to the implementation of CP SC in this research, namely: 1) individuals, 2) patients, 3) infrastructure, and 4) hospital management support. Apart from that, the challenges faced include the need to carry out socialization, monitoring, and evaluation activities, as well as collaborative activities between health workers and hospitals to share experiences to increase compliance in implementing CP SC. Hospital management is expected to provide regular outreach, training, and personal approaches to health workers regarding the implementation of CP SC. Collaboration between professionals and hospitals is also needed to share experiences regarding the implementation of sectio caesarean clinical pathways in hospitals.

Exploring challenges of online learning in the context of Ba Ria – Vung Tau University by English Major students

This study aims to find out challenges of English major students in conducting online learning at Ba Ria – Vung Tau University (BVU). The research results were found by analyzing quantitative data by introducing survey to 160 English major students; the qualitative data was summarized by 15 English major students and 10 teachers from the interview. The results revealed many difficulties by the evaluation and perception of both students and teachers. The aspect of support is the highest while the lowest belonged to the challenges in aspect of the environment. Meanwhile, the challenges in aspect of collaboration were at the second position and the third position is about students’ attitude towards online learning. About challenges relating to equipment, the result was at the fourth position. Additionally, further discussions and recommendations on challenges that English major students encountered during online learning were also proposed.

Lived Experiences of Grade – 11 Stem Students in Mathematics Using Modular Distance Learning

This qualitative study explored the lived experiences of Grade – 11 STEM students in mathematics using modular distance learning. With the aim of understanding the challenges, coping strategies, support systems, emotional factors, and perceived advantages associated with this learning modality, the research design employed a phenomenological approach. Data collection involved one-on-one interviews with 12 participants, and thematic analysis was utilized to identify common themes. The findings revealed challenges in understanding complex topics, managing the modular structure, and dealing with distractions and connectivity issues. Participants adapted through self-regulated learning, utilization of online resources, and independent learning strategies. The study highlighted the importance of teacher and parental support, effective guidance, and the promotion of positive emotional experiences. The advantages identified include access to information, flexible time management, and autonomous exploration of resources. The implications of these findings would contribute to the design and implementation of educational interventions, addressing challenges, and enhancing distance learning experiences. The study concluded by offering recommendations for educators, policymakers, and researchers to optimize distance learning programs and support student success.

The Adoption of Blended Learning as an Emerging Mode of Learning among EFL Students: Current Challenges and Future Directions

Blended learning is one of the well-known concepts that has emerged as a result of the significant impact that technology has had on learning and teaching. The latter has created obstacles that have greatly influenced learning while also bringing new opportunities to learn from. In order to ascertain students’ perceptions of this type of learning and weigh the advantages and disadvantages to ensure best practices that support the quality of online learning, the current study was conducted among EFL students at three Moroccan universities (Dhar Mehraz University, Sais University, and Moulay Ismail University). 304 EFL students who successfully completed an online survey were included in the study. According to the quantitative and qualitative data collected, it was found that EFL students are thrilled with this approach to learning as they are prepared to switch from traditional learning to blended learning due to its benefits, such as self-paced learning, increased student engagement, flexibility, and cost effectiveness. The findings also indicated that EFL students encounter several difficulties while employing blended learning, which include procrastination, distraction, content overload, technical issues, and plagiarism.

Cultural Practices against Women in Nigeria: The Media Frames and the Challenges

This study set out to investigate the patterns of framing of cultural practices against women by the media in Nigeria; as well as the challenges of framing the practices in South East Nigeria. The major objectives were to determine the frequency of coverage, the framing patterns and the constraints to media coverage. The survey method was employed to study a sample of 276 journalists in South East Nigeria using the questionnaire as instrument for data collection to determine their opinions about the challenges of media coverage of the practices. Also, content analysis method was employed to study the frequency of coverage of the practices in select radio, television and newspaper contents; as well as to determine framing patterns. In the end, it was found that both radio and television stations gave adequate coverage to the practices while the newspapers’ level of coverage was low. It was also found that the patterns of framing ranges from condemnatory stance to revealing the consequences on the societal development and to clamouring for review, amendment and eradication of the practices. However, challenges of coverage were lack of enabling laws, family and religious link to practices, sacredness and secrecy of the practices, etc.  It is, therefore, recommended that the media, policy makers, NGOs, community leaders, etc should find ways of ameliorating the identified hitches so as to enable hitch-free coverage of cultural practices so that analysis would be pragmatic.


Pedagogical Challenges and Opportunities during Covid-19 Pandemic: Perspectives from the Pre-Service and High School Teachers

This study aimed to determine the pedagogical challenges and opportunities of the Pre-Service and high school teachers in the new normal education.  The sample size was determined using the slovins formula and 13 pre-service teachers, and 26 High School Teachers were the participants. Descriptive and inferential were used. Findings revealed that most of the respondents were 21-26 years old, female, high school teachers, and situated mostly in urban areas. The conduct of online classes was the major challenge faced by both pre-service and high school teachers for they used to conduct classroom teaching for many years. The online teaching-learning modality was successfully implemented to practice teaching as a mission to facilitate students learning through various online strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic. Age, sex, type of respondents, and locality did not show a significant degree of variance in the extent of the pedagogical challenges and opportunities they encountered. The locality has a significant degree of variance in terms of teaching-learning engagement and opportunities for teaching-learning platforms. Hence, seminars and workshops on online pedagogies and online assessment tools strategies to facilitate online teaching more engaging was recommended.

Challenges of Teaching and Learning English at Undergraduate Level: A Case Study

This paper is an attempt to investigate the challenges or problems regarding teaching and learning English as a compulsory subject at the undergraduate level of Panjab University Constituent College Dharamkot (PUCCD). The study discusses both the perspective of teachers and learners using case study model. Classroom observation, questionnaire, and textbook analysis are used as methodology. The triangulation of data results out the challenges of teaching and learning English language which is faced by both the students and teachers in this college and points out some basic solutions regarding that.