
A Review on the Prevalence and Management of Colorectal Cancer

Cancer had become a common disease worldwide and cancer related death is also increasing in various parts of the world in spite of increased screening and diagnostic facilities available for early detection of cancer and availability of advanced care system. Changes in the diet and life style had led to alteration in the microenvironment of the cells leading to genetic changes and mutation. In this review, Colorectal cancer prevalence, risk factors for the development of colorectal cancer, pathogenesis, diagnosis and various treatment modalities available are discussed here.

Investigation of Momordica charantia phytochemicals against PIM1 Kinase: A Computational Approach

Prostate cancer is a significant contributor to male cancer-related mortality. PIM1 kinase has implications in the development and progression of various cancers, particularly prostate cancer. PIM1, a serine/threonine protein kinase plays a crucial role in cellular processes including survival, growth and differentiation. In prostate cancer increased PIM1 expression is associated with a more aggressive phenotype and poorer patient outcomes. It has emerged as a promising therapeutic target for prostate cancer treatment. The development of PIM1 kinase inhibitors has greatly enhanced and progressed significantly. Different stages of clinical trials demonstrating their potential as therapeutic agents. Momordica charantia, or bitter melon has a long history in traditional medicine for various health conditions, it is very rich in secondary metabolites like triterpenoids, glycosides, alkaloids, flavonoids and phenolic acids. Bitter melon is considered to have medicinal properties including potential anticancer phytochemicals. This study employs virtual screening, molecular dynamic simulation and ADME/T analysis to explore bitter melon’s phytochemicals and their interaction with PIM1 kinase. The goal is to understand the molecular details and pharmacokinetics of bitter melon compounds evaluating their potential as therapeutic agents against prostate cancer. In our present study, it was found that out of all investigated phytochemicals catechin and gallic acid shows satisfactory result depending upon various parameters taken into consideration for conducting the study.

History of Issue, Epidemiological and Surgical Aspects of Acute Large Bowel Obstruction of Tumoral Genesis

The authors in this literature review consider and reveal the history of the issue, epidemiological and surgical aspects of acute obstruction of the colon of tumor genesis. It is noted that patients with colostomy are permanently disabled in acute large bowel obstruction of tumor origin. The presence of a colostomy in these patients often exacerbates the course of comorbidities, thereby making it difficult or excluding the possibility of performing the recovery phase of the operation.

They conclude that today there is still a need for further research and a comprehensive indepth study of the issues of surgical tactics. The solution of these issues will reduce the frequency of postoperative complications, mortality, improve the performance of labor and social rehabilitation of this contingent of seriously ill patients.