
Enhancing Brand Loyalty through Innovative Branding Initiatives in Home Decor Enterprise

This research evaluates the brand image, satisfaction, trust, love, loyalty, and overall experience of Benison Gorden, known for high-quality curtains and blinds, as it shifts its market focus from the middle to the upper class. Using a mixed-methods approach, the study gathered data through structured surveys and consumer feedback. Quantitative results showed strong performance across various indicators: brand image scores averaged 4.034, 4.000, and 4.025; satisfaction ranged from 4.084 to 4.139; trust averaged between 4.105 and 4.168; love brand indicators scored 4.109, 4.122, and 4.025; loyalty ranged from 4.088 to 4.164; and brand experience ranged from 4.059 to 4.118. Qualitative feedback revealed that consumers appreciate the premium quality and design of Benison Gorden products, associating them with exclusivity and prestige. However, consumers suggested improvements in customer service, personalization, and product customization. The study concludes that Benison Gorden can successfully shift its target market by maintaining high product quality, enhancing customer service, offering personalization, and expanding product options. This strategy aligns with upper-class consumer expectations and leverages their higher spending power. Benison Gorden’s strong performance across key brand indicators provides a solid foundation for this transition. The brand’s ability to evoke high emotional attachment and loyalty suggests it can build a devoted upper-class customer base. Positive overall brand experiences indicate the brand’s capacity to deliver consistent value, essential for growth in a competitive market. As Benison Gorden navigates this market shift, continuous monitoring of consumer feedback and adaptive strategies will be crucial. The research highlights the need for a comprehensive understanding of both quantitative metrics and qualitative insights into consumer behavior and sentiments. This dual approach provides a robust framework for strategic planning and decision-making, enabling Benison Gorden to effectively target the upper-class market. By leveraging its strengths and addressing areas for improvement, Benison Gorden can enhance its competitive edge and achieve long-term success. The study’s findings offer valuable guidance for other brands aiming to shift their market focus, demonstrating the effectiveness of integrating quantitative and qualitative data to inform strategic direction and ensure a successful transition.

Proposed Marketing Strategies to Increase Brand Loyalty and Sales of Cetaphil Indonesia

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Proposed Marketing Strategy to Increase Brand Loyalty: Study Case of Lazada Indonesia

The Indonesian e-commerce market is poised for significant growth, with projections indicating an expansion from USD 52.93 billion in 2023 to USD 86.81 billion by 2028. This rapid growth is driven by increasing internet and smartphone penetration, coupled with a rising demand for online shopping. Lazada Indonesia, one of the major players in this market, faces intense competition from platforms like Tokopedia and Shopee. This study aims to explore the strategic positioning of Lazada Indonesia, focusing on brand loyalty and market share dynamics within the Indonesian e-commerce landscape.

Utilizing a mixed-method approach, the research integrates both qualitative and quantitative data to provide a comprehensive analysis. The study employs various strategic frameworks, including PESTLE, Porter’s Five Forces, VRIO, STP, and the 7Ps of marketing, to assess Lazada’s internal and external environments. Key findings indicate that Lazada’s strengths lie in its robust technological infrastructure, extensive product offerings, and strong brand recognition supported by Alibaba. However, the company faces significant challenges, including inconsistent user experiences, internal coordination issues, and the need for more localized marketing strategies to effectively engage with the diverse Indonesian market.

The research provides actionable insights and strategic recommendations for Lazada Indonesia to enhance its market positioning and increase brand loyalty. Strategies include improving customer service, leveraging big data for personalized marketing, and forming strategic partnerships to enhance logistical capabilities. By addressing these areas, Lazada can better meet customer needs, strengthen its competitive edge, and achieve sustainable growth in the rapidly evolving Indonesian e-commerce sector.

Marketing Strategy Using new wave Marketing Approach to Increase Customer Loyalty in Cement Industry (Dynamix Case)

Cement Industry is becoming more dynamic; a decade ago, market conditions were still very ideal, with demand and production in balance, but the presence of new entrants tightened competition, forcing Dynamix to survive in the face of an attack from low-cost cement products This study was conducted to determine what can be done to preserve and boost sales through effective marketing strategy and a focus on customers. The investigation began by examining the market’s dynamic competition and evaluating Dynamix’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as potential risks posed by competitors or emerging market segments in Indonesia. The presentation is carried out in a systematic and detailed manner to offer recommendations that meet the needs of facing against competitors. To gain a comprehensive understanding, a study approach was used that included both quantitative and qualitative analysis to investigate the stages of the customer’s decision-making process when choosing which product to use.

The study also examines literature on marketing strategy, using the most recent techniques as a reference, where the theory has been applied by various companies. Having the right theoretical framework will be one of the main base foundations in providing insight and perspectives to build the most effective marketing plan. With this research, it is hopes to contribute Dynamix journey to meeting future challenges by implementing the explained strategy of focusing on target customers through recommended activities in terms of communication material selection and marketing activities. Hopefully, this study will be able to make Dynamix the leading cement brand in Indonesia.

The Effect of Social Media Marketing Activities on Brand Loyalty and Willingness to Pay Premium Price: Brand Equity as Intervening Variable and Income Level as Moderating Variable

Currently, the Indonesian society cannot be separated from the need for the internet, which serves various purposes to facilitate their daily activities. The internet is used for accessing information, communication, education, entertainment, as well as business needs. By the end of 2022, the internet was predominantly used for exploring social media and streaming video. One of the companies that provides video-on-demand (VOD) streaming services popular among the Indonesian population is Viu. Viu utilizes marketing activities through social media, including on TikTok. This study intends to investigate the influence of social media marketing activities (SMMAs) on brand loyalty (BL) and willingness to pay premium price (WPP), with brand equity in terms brand awareness (BA) and brand image (BI) as a mediating factors and income level as a moderating factor. The research adopts a quantitative method with a causal approach. The population for this study comprises all followers of Viu’s TikTok account and Viu users. Purposive sampling, a sample selection technique based on specific considerations, is employed. Data collection is conducted through online questionnaires via google form. The data analysis technique utilized in this study is SEM-PLS using SmartPLS 3.2.9. The research findings indicate that SMMAs have a positive and significant influence on brand awareness and brand image. Brand awareness does not affect brand loyalty and willingness to pay premium price. However, brand image has a positive and significant influence on brand loyalty and willingness to pay premium price. Brand loyalty has a positive and significant influence on willingness to pay premium price. Brand awareness does not mediate the relationship between SMMAs and consumer willingness to pay a premium price, but brand image mediates this relationship. Furthermore, income level strengthens the relationship between brand loyalty and willingness to pay premium price.

Analyzing the Influence of Korean Celebrities as Brand Ambassadors toward Customer Loyalty in Indonesia

K-Wave, also known as Hallyu, has taken over Indonesia, particularly among millennials. It is getting more challenging to find luxury brands that do not hire K-pop stars or Korean celebrities as their global ambassadors. Due to their promising engagement, several brands in Indonesia are currently courting Korean celebrities to become brand ambassadors. It is important to note that customers may be aware that the artist may not use products from all of the brands. Consequently, brands in Indonesia continue to employ Korean celebrities as brand ambassadors. Developing strong brand loyalty is one strategy to achieve success in a market that is saturated with competitors and where the costs of switching from one seller to another are very low. To cultivate consumer loyalty, brands should give opportunities for consumers to engage in activities they enjoy. Young Indonesians were attracted to K-pop because it gave them a sense of escape and community. Whether through personality congruence between the company and the celebrity or through fan engagement, leveraging Korean celebrities to create customer loyalty for brands in Indonesia. This research mostly employs quantitative methods to collect data. A questionnaire-based online survey will serve as the research tool. Respondents were offered a series of questions requiring multiple-choice, likert-scale, and short-answer responses. The survey was made accessible to respondents via multiple online platforms. Due to the widespread circulation of survey links via the internet, a screening question was necessary to validate that respondents are qualified to finish the survey. The screening questions determined whether or not respondents had purchased products or services from the brand whose brand ambassadors are Korean celebrities. In order for their future survey response to be valid, the requirement must be met. According to the data analysis results, personality congruence and fan engagement have a significant impact on strengthening customer brand loyalty through brand attachment and brand love. The majority of respondents believe that Korean celebrities are attractive and that purchasing their endorsed products is a sort of support for them. The results of this study also indicated that the type of items purchased had no effect on consumer loyalty. Therefore, brands in Indonesia are not required to develop a marketing strategy that is especially targeted to their products. Implementing brand matching and gamification techniques, as well as developing an exclusive ecosystem for their products, are a few things Indonesian companies should do if they want to maximize the impact of Korean celebrities as brand ambassadors.