
The Effect of Quality, Brand Trust, and Brand Image of Cataflam™ on Patient Loyalty: a case study on K24 Pharmacy Yogyakarta

The success of a business is determined by how high consumer loyalty is to the brand owned by the business. High consumer loyalty is determined by product quality, brand trust, and brand image. Cataflam™ as one of the trademarks of a group of pain relievers belonging to the category of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Currently in almost all pharmacies, Cataflam™ is considered the best selling pain reliever compared to other brands. This study aims to observe the effect of product and packaging quality, brand trust, and brand image of Cataflam™ on patient loyalty at Apotek K24 Yogyakarta. Descriptive research method was carried out with student t-test to see the relationship between variables on patient loyalty. The convergence analysis of the questionnaire was proven by loading factor and AVE value, while the reliability analysis of the questionnaire was proven by Cronbach’s alpha and composite reliability (CR). Descriptive data collected from 100 patients showed that the questionnaire was reliable and converged with a loading factor of 0.773 to 0.959; AVE value 0.657 to 0.832; Composite Reliability (CR) value 0.884 to 0.933; and Cronbach’s alpha value 0.825 to 0.899. The results of the student t-test analysis showed that all p-values were less than 0.05. The conclusion of this study is that the quality, brand trust, and brand image of Cataflam™ as a pain reliever have an effect on patient loyalty.

Mediation Role of Consumer Satisfaction, Consumer Experience, Price Perception, Quality of Service and Brand Image on Repurchasing Interest (Study at Empal Gentong Restaurant H. Apud Cirebon)

The purpose of this study was to analyze the role of consumer satisfaction in mediating consumer experience, price perception, service quality and brand image on repurchase intention (case study of Empal Gentong H. Apud). The study involved 151 consumers of empal gentong H. Apud who had bought at least once in three months and were in the Cirebon area. Researchers used Partial Least Square (PLS) as a technique used to analyze measurements and structural models. This type of research is descriptive quantitative with the method used is a direct survey and using google form and the results of this study indicate that three variables have a positive and significant effect while the other five variables have a positive and insignificant effect and the last one has a negative and insignificant effect.