
Purchase Intentions in Indonesian E-Learning: A Study on Brand Equity, Advertising, and Pricing

This study investigates the factors influencing purchase intentions for online paid courses in Indonesia, with a particular focus on brand equity, advertising, and price. Utilizing a Likert scale questionnaire distributed to 595 Indonesians aged 18-35, who bought their e-learning themselves or through family support. The research employs Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) for data analysis. Key findings indicate a strong preference for e-learning platforms offering interactive, practical content aligned with personal and professional development goals. The study reveals that enhancing skill sets, especially for career advancement or entrepreneurship, is a primary motivator for users. The importance of practical application of skills in real-world scenarios is emphasized, highlighting the need for practical exercises and case studies in course content. Quality mentorship and interactive features like live sessions significantly improve the learning experience, while technical issues and budget considerations are noted as potential barriers. The findings suggest that e-learning providers should focus on delivering high-quality content through flexible and competitive pricing models to attract and retain learners.