
Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy to Increase Brand Equity of BPJS Kesehatan

BPJS Kesehatan, the implementing body of the JKN Programme, is confronted with the challenge of maintaining program sustainability due to a significant number of inactive participants in the PBPU segment, a situation primarily attributed to the organization’s low brand equity. The primary research objective of this study is to To develop integrated marketing communication strategy to increase BPJS Kesehatan brand equity. The methodelogy used is qualitative and quantitative research. Despite possessing commendable competitive advantages and offering the most affordable healthcare options, BPJS Kesehatan’s struggle stems from deficiencies in marketing communication. Internally, the organization recognizes its potential to build brand equity but acknowledges a gap in marketing communication effectiveness and message coherence. Externally, the PBPU segment exhibits low brand equity, notably in terms of loyalty and awareness towards the JKN program. The identified target demographic for BPJS Kesehatan within the PBPU segment includes individuals aged 18-35, residing in urban and densely populated areas, with an upper-class socioeconomic status. While these individuals generally express trust in BPJS Kesehatan, they lack awareness of the program details. To address these challenges, a recommended strategy involves implementing an Integrated Marketing Communication approach with a specific theme: “ease of health insurance, which is reliable.” Key messages emphasizing affordability, accessibility, quality, value, convenience, technology, and social impact should be conveyed. Utilizing diverse marketing channels such as television, online video, social media campaigns, mobile app optimization, and events can enhance communication effectiveness. Additionally, BPJS Kesehatan should consider developing supplementary benefits to augment services and increase participant loyalty. It is also crucial to empower employees to serve as effective communicators, enhancing their assertive communication skills to bolster the organization’s overall communication strategy.

Achieving New Exsport Brand Equity through Improvement of Social Media Marketing Effort (SMME) to Increase Sales

The creative industry in Indonesia is currently in the spotlight because it contributes significant value to the economy in Indonesia. Therefore, bags brand also plays an increasingly important role in Indonesia’s manufacturing sector and bags industry is one of creative economy in Indonesia. But, fashion industry need more than just only good quality product or good design product, to compete in nowadays, a brand must develop their customer relationship followed by the brand perception. Developing a dynamic and competitive business world demands the company to changes the orientation to the way they create the product, maintain its products, attract customers, and handle competitors. A deep understanding of how product information of a brand competes in the minds of consumers in the intense market competition is very crucial. This research will be used to create a marketing plan for the Exsport bags brand. The study utilized to produce the alternative approach is based on observations of the brand’s internal and external analysis. The qualitative technique, and TOWS analysis are used in the strategy analysis. The qualitative method is used to assess existing market knowledge, which will lead to the identification of new brand value after rebranding, where TOWS analysis will define numerous potential strategies based on external and internal brand analysis. The strategy developed by this research focus on developing a new online media strategy to showcase Exsport’s new value, as well as the relevant strategy used by the firm to compete in the future market.

Instagram Coffee Shop Content Ideation for Pondok Aren (Bintaro) Community

The development of the coffee shop industry in Bintaro, South Tangerang is becoming more numerous and varied, this has given rise to competition for customers. Therefor Coffee shop carries out Instagram activities as a channel to provide their content. However, 77.22% of coffee shops are dissatisfied with the performance of their Instagram. In the final project this aims to find out what content attracts the Bintaro Community and how this content influences brand equity. This study uses the PLS method with the independent variable Instagram Attractiveness (IA) and the dependent variables in the form of Brand Awareness (BA), Brand Image (BI), Perceived Quality (PQ), Brand Love (BL) and Brand Re-usage Intention (RI). Data collection used the Google form which was distributed to 210 respondents from the Bintaro community who use Instagram.

From the results of the study, it was found that the Instagram Attractiveness variable was accepted and had a positive impact on Brand Awareness, Brand Image, Perceived Quality. Brand Awareness, Brand Image, Perceived Quality variables were accepted and had a positive impact on Brand Love and Brand Re-usage Intention. However, the Brand Awareness variable for Brand Re-usage Intention is rejected. It can be concluded that Menu, Ambience and Event content at coffee shops are attractive types of content and will have a positive impact on Brand Equity. The solutions given to coffee shops are planning, creating, and also posting menu content, events and also ambience with viral marketing strategies, building Instagram themes for brand images, and also using photography techniques to create content.