
Enhancing Nogi Livin’s Brand Awareness: A Customer Decision Journey Perspective through Social Media

This study investigates the effectiveness of digital marketing strategies employed by Nogi Livin, an emerging Indonesian furniture company, in enhancing brand awareness and influencing customer decision journeys. The global furniture market’s expansion is leveraged by digitalization and changing consumer preferences, presenting challenges and opportunities for companies like Nogi Livin. Using the McKinsey Consumer Decision Journey Model, this research delineates the impact of social media strategies on customer engagement and purchasing decisions. A mixed-method approach, including quantitative data from online surveys and qualitative insights, was employed. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to measure the relationship between online presence and brand awareness, and subsequently, the influence of brand awareness on customer engagement. Findings indicate a significant positive correlation between strategic online engagements and enhanced brand awareness, which strongly links to increased customer engagement and positively affects the consumer decision journey. This research contributes to theoretical and practical understandings of digital marketing’s impact in the furniture industry.

Proposed Marketing Strategy to Increase Sales of F&B Business (Case Study: Kapau Anak Sultan)

Kapau Anak Sultan is a quick-service restaurant chain specializing in Nasi Kapau, a mixed rice dish from Nagari Kapau, West Sumatra. Established in early 2021, Kapau Anak Sultan currently has over 20 outlets all over the Jabodetabek area and other cities in Indonesia. According to the external analysis, the constant rise of GDP mostly due to F&B businesses and the increase in monthly expenditure for food and beverage has made the outlook for the F&B businesses in Indonesia promising. However, the sales of Kapau Anak Sultan are declining, and brand awareness is still considered low compared to competitors. Thus, this research was conducted to provide Kapau Anak Sultan with marketing strategies aligned with the business strategy. This research used primary and secondary data. To obtain the primary data, both qualitative and quantitative methods were used in this research. To determine the current customer and internal conditions, an in-depth interview with the CEO and management was carried out. Furthermore, an online survey was conducted for the customer analysis, in which 224 respondents were obtained. Meanwhile, the secondary data, for instance, textbooks and previous research journals were used to determine the external conditions. This research affords the new segmentation, targeting, and positioning for Kapau Anak Sultan and provides the new marketing mix (4Ps), such as product, price, place, and promotion. In summary, Kapau Anak Sultan needs to re-assess its resources and capabilities to deliver excellent marketing strategies and be able to survive in the strict competition in the F&B industry.

Proposed Marketing Strategy to Increase Sales Snack Food Popcorn (Case Study: Karmellow)

Karmellow is one of the popcorn snacks produced by PT Suara Matahari Trading (SUMATRA Group). Karmellow has three flavours of popcorn in 20 grams at an affordable price. Based on the research, there is a demand for snack food, especially popcorn, for consumers in Indonesia due to increasing snack food sales and the increasing global market size of popcorn snacks. However, the trendline of sales of Karmellow popcorn is declining, and the awareness of Karmellow is considered low. Therefore, this research was conducted to help Karmellow increase sales and brand awareness by creating an excellent marketing strategy. In this research, both qualitative and quantitative methods are used. In-depth interviews were conducted with the COO and employees of SUMATRA to know the internal conditions. Secondary data, such as textbooks, was also gathered to determine the external conditions. Besides this, the research also distributed online questionnaires to 252 respondents. This research results in the new segmentation, targeting, and positioning for Karmellow and a new marketing mix (4Ps), such as product, place, price, and promotion, as the proposed marketing strategy for Karmellow. It can be concluded that Karmellow has an opportunity in Indonesia but needs several marketing strategies.

The Impact of Brand Awareness, and Product Attributes to Increase Purchase Intention (Study Case: Transvision)

In the dynamic landscape of the Indonesian television industry, the rise of over-the-top (OTT) services poses a major challenge to traditional pay-TV providers such as Transvision. Intense competition from emerging OTT providers in Indonesia requires innovative strategies to secure customer acquisition. Indonesia is one of the fastest growing pay-TV markets, with a predicted CAGR of 5% and revenue projections of $633 million by 2025. The demographic differences between OTT and pay TV users, highlight the need for a customized marketing approach. In detail, Transvision, which offers pay TV services through Android TV box devices, faces hurdles in terms of market penetration and brand recognition. This study aims to propose an effective transvision marketing strategy while considering the complex dynamics of the evolving television landscape in Indonesia. Using a quantitative approach, the research conducted an examination of customers and hypothesis testing, administering surveys to android TV box users in the Jabodetabek area. The data, processed through SEM-PLS, indicated that social media marketing and electronic word of mouth positively impact brand awareness. Furthermore, significant product attributes, including variety of content and additional features, subscription package price, and payment method options, were found to influence purchase intention. The study concludes that both brand awareness and product attributes play pivotal roles in shaping purchase intention.

The Impact of Perceived Value and Attitude towards Purchase Intention at Sambel Branding Restaurant

Sambal is a traditional Indonesian spice that has been an essential component of Indonesian cuisine for centuries. Today, it is considered a staple spice in all Indonesian dishes. The popularity of sambal has attracted many new restaurants of varying scales to enter the spicy food market and utilize the “Sambel” brand as their restaurant attraction. Jakarta, which is one of the eight primary cities in Indonesia, ranks fourth with the most restaurant dine-in visits in 2022. As per the data provided by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), there are 6,780 restaurant units in Indonesia of medium to large scale. Jakarta secures the top spot as the province with the most medium-scale restaurants in Indonesia, with 3,062 units in 2021. Sambel Korek DNO is one of the dining places in Jakarta with the Sambel, the central outlet is located in Sumur Batu Kemayoran. This establishment is the highest contributor to the sales of Sambel Korek DNO as compared to other establishments. The significant consumption levels of Jakartans and their fondness for spicy cuisine drive new entries to launch their street food stalls, small establishments, and restaurants under the Sambel brand, causing an increase in competition. However, the sales of DNO Korek Sambal did not meet the target this year due to a decline in the number of customers dining at this outlet. This could be attributed to low brand awareness, as many other eateries also use the “Sambel” branding. Additionally, customers’ perception of quality may be influenced by the similarity in offerings with other major players in the “Sambel” market, such as Waroeng SS and Sambal Bakar Indonesia. This research wants to analyze whether perceived value and attitude could mediate brand awareness and perceived quality toward purchase intention for potential customers and existing customers. This research is conducted using SPSS and PLS-SEM. Resulting that Attitude has no mediating effects on brand awareness and perceived quality towards purchase intention. However, perceived quality has mediating effects on brand awareness and perceived quality towards attitude, which has a significant influence on purchase intention.

Propose Marketing Strategies of Oasis Siliwangi Sport Hotel to Increase Brand Awareness and Purchase Intention

After the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, there was a rise in tourist visitors from different parts of Indonesia to Bandung, resulting in a direct boost in the occupancy rate of star hotels in the city. Because of this growth, numerous hotels developed, with the majority being 3-star establishments. The Oasis Siliwangi Sport Hotel is a three-star establishment in Bandung, offering a range of facilities and an ideal location. Oasis Siliwangi Sport Hotel in Bandung is now struggling with a lack of brand awareness, resulting in potential customers being unaware of the hotel’s existence and room occupancy rates. Consequently, this has led to a decline in the intention to make reservations. The objective of this study is to determine the variables that influence the level of brand awareness for Oasis Siliwangi Sport Hotel and develop effective marketing strategies to enhance the likelihood of customers choosing to stay at Oasis Siliwangi Sport Hotel. Data collection comes from primary data and secondary data. The primary data collection strategy is quantitative, utilizing a questionnaire for consumer analysis and hypothesis testing. Secondary data will be acquired from national and international scientific journals, previous research, book literature, government reports, and other reliable source of internet sites. The survey was disseminated to 217 potential target market participants with prior experience lodging at the hotel. The gathered data is analyzed using SMART PLS. The research findings indicate that Advertising and Social Media Marketing positively influence Brand Awareness. Furthermore, brand awareness, price, and facilities influence customer’s purchase intention. Based on these findings, several recommendations and strategies are made. These include create exciting bundling package and loyalty program, optimize promotion activities, utilize advertising to reach consumers, and strengthen hotel facility.

The Effect of Social Media Marketing Activities on Brand Loyalty and Willingness to Pay Premium Price: Brand Equity as Intervening Variable and Income Level as Moderating Variable

Currently, the Indonesian society cannot be separated from the need for the internet, which serves various purposes to facilitate their daily activities. The internet is used for accessing information, communication, education, entertainment, as well as business needs. By the end of 2022, the internet was predominantly used for exploring social media and streaming video. One of the companies that provides video-on-demand (VOD) streaming services popular among the Indonesian population is Viu. Viu utilizes marketing activities through social media, including on TikTok. This study intends to investigate the influence of social media marketing activities (SMMAs) on brand loyalty (BL) and willingness to pay premium price (WPP), with brand equity in terms brand awareness (BA) and brand image (BI) as a mediating factors and income level as a moderating factor. The research adopts a quantitative method with a causal approach. The population for this study comprises all followers of Viu’s TikTok account and Viu users. Purposive sampling, a sample selection technique based on specific considerations, is employed. Data collection is conducted through online questionnaires via google form. The data analysis technique utilized in this study is SEM-PLS using SmartPLS 3.2.9. The research findings indicate that SMMAs have a positive and significant influence on brand awareness and brand image. Brand awareness does not affect brand loyalty and willingness to pay premium price. However, brand image has a positive and significant influence on brand loyalty and willingness to pay premium price. Brand loyalty has a positive and significant influence on willingness to pay premium price. Brand awareness does not mediate the relationship between SMMAs and consumer willingness to pay a premium price, but brand image mediates this relationship. Furthermore, income level strengthens the relationship between brand loyalty and willingness to pay premium price.

Proposed Marketing Strategy to Improve Mutual Fund Asset under Management (AUM) Growth of PT. Anargya Aset Management

People frequently use the asset under management (AUM) of investment management companies as a key indicator when evaluating their investment options. Anargya AUM is not competitive enough, ranking 72 from 95 investment managers in Indonesia. Anargya feels the need to prioritise increasing their AUM in order to capture leads so it can be converted into sales. Anargya needs to evaluate their marketing strategy to increase brand awareness, in hope to increase their mutual funds AUM. The author will then examine the marketing mix (7P) and lastly SWOT/TOWS matrix was developed before coming up with a marketing communication strategy that is appropriate for the research object. Mediocre marketing strategy can hinder the company’s ability to be presence both in physical and digital. Anargya not prepared enough to communicate its brand message. This investment management company can overcome the challenges and improve their marketing strategy and social media presence, leading to enhanced brand awareness

The Effect of Digital Marketing Implementation Towards Muslim Fashion Brand Awareness and Brand Image on Covid’19 Pandemic

Digital marketing has a positive impact on brand awareness and brand image. This can have a good effect on the economy as it can increase brand awareness and brand image of Muslim fashion brands. This good economic effect will translate into improved company performance in covid’19. This study aims to determine the influence of the company’s digital marketing on brand awareness and brand image on covid’19 in Muslim fashion brands. This study uses multiple regression on panel data from a sample of 100 respondents based in Indonesia. The variable of this research is digital marketing in Muslim fashion brands. Other variables are brand awareness and brand image to see what effect digital marketing has on these variables in covid’19. The results of the study resulted in t value > t table and sig < 0.05 from each hypothesis that everything was declared accepted because t value > t table and sig < 0.05. This study shows a significant influence of digital marketing on Muslim fashion brands on brand awareness and brand image during the covid’19 pandemic.

Proposed Marketing Strategy for Coffee Shop in Jakarta

Most Indonesian people, especially the millennial generation, has adopted hanging out and drinking coffee into their way of life as a way to support their daily activities. coffee consumption hit 3,3 million bags @60kg, and the end of the year of 2021 it reached 5 millions of bags. Sicangkir Coffee is a coffee shop that placed in Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta which following the trend since 2018. After Pandemic covid-19 hit indonesia in 2020, sicangkir sales decline a lot and trying to regain the sales they used to have. Sicangkir have challenges due to proliferation of coffee shops in Jakarta.

Finding an appropriate marketing strategy to improve Sicangkir Coffee sales is the goal of this study. Internal and External analysis is carried out to understand business problem broadly and deeply. Analysis of the internal focus on STP (Segmenting, Targeting and Positioning) and Marketing Mix (7P), while the external analysis focus on PEST analysis, Porter Five Forces and Competitor Analysis. In this research both primary and secondary data were collected for analysis. All the analysis result are summarized in SWOT framework (Strenghts, Weakness, Opportunitites and Threats) and further analyzed using TOWS matrix to generate several strategies proposals.