
Analysis of Factors Affecting Complaints of Lower Back Pain among Nurses at Bhayangkara Hospital Kendari

Background: One of the important factors that affect the quality of nurses’ work is occupational health and safety. One of the occupational diseases is Low Back Pain (LBP). Occupations that have a high risk of back pain are nurses. According to the Indonesian Neurological Association (INA) regarding the incidence of lower back pain in hospital nurses, the prevalence of lower back pain cases in nurses in Indonesia shows that 18,2% occurs in men and 13,6% in women. Then, based on the nursing management report at Bhayangkara Hospital Kendari in 2023, most of the nurses’ complaints were lower back pain due to the workload being too high for nurses.

Method: This research was a quantitative analytical research with a cross-sectional design approach. The data analysis was carried out using SPSS statistical tests with multiple linear regression. The population in this study was 102 nurses, while the sample was 102 nurses (total sampling).

Results: The results showed a significant p-value for workload 0,049<0,05, physical activity 0,028<0,05, body position 0,004<0,05, working period 0,048<0,05 and body mass index (BMI) 0,001<0,05.

Conclusion: This research concluded that there was an effect between workload, physical activity, body position, work period and body mass index on complaints of lower back pain in nurses at Bhayangkara Hospital Tk.III Kendari. This research can be a reference material for hospitals, health workers or nurses and can increase knowledge in preventing or reducing the occurrence of lower back pain while working.

Association of Adiponectin Levels with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Objective: To measure the levels of adiponectin in women with PCOS having high body mass index.

Methodology: A cross-sectional study including 96 study participants was conducted in Services Hospital, Lahore in December 2020 out of 96 study participants 48 were enrolled as cases having polycystic ovarian syndrome compared with 48 healthy women as controls. Detailed information about age, duration of menstrual cycle, body mass index (BMI), and clinical features like obesity, infertility, acne and hairs on face were noted. A total 5ml venous blood was collected by using aseptic techniques and then centrifuged immediately; serum was separated and stored at -20 °C after proper labeling.  Samples were analyzed for estimation of serum adiponectin by using enzyme linked immunosorbent assay. Statistical analysis was carried out by statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) 21. The p-value < 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant.

Results: In this study level of adiponectin was decreased in PCOS women as compared to healthy women. Mean ± SD of adiponectin in PCOS women was 2.08±0.70µg/ml which was lower than in control group 9.71±5.35µg/ml. Median/Inter Quaitel Range of PCOS women was 2.00/0.78 which is lower in comparison with the Median/IQR of adiponectin in healthy women 8.60/9.63, p-value of   adiponectin was significant (p = 0.00).

Conclusion: Adiponectin is important variable present in circulation. Its levels are changed in response to disease process as occurs in PCOS.