
Culture of Human Behavior in Architecture

The basic process that involves human interaction with their environment is environmental information obtained by the process of perception. Perception is formed because of the interaction of a person (individual) with their life space, which is finally realised in behavioral attitudes. Thus, the behavior, response, and action are determined by personal perception. It can be argued that human psychiatry determines human behavior in the form of condition, attitude, perception, cognition, and motivation. Cognition is obtained from the culture, experience, and education that an individual owns. The aspect of cognition is an aspect of change movement because the information received determines the feeling and the willingness to do. In terms of cognition, it consists of several components, namely cognitive components that will answer the question of what people think about objects. The components of affection conation will answer what is felt (happy / not happy) to the object, and it will answer the question of the willingness to act toward the object. Each component does not stand alone, but one unity is called the cognition system. The cognition system is the result of a cognitive process. It comprises perception activities, imagination, thinking, reasoning, and decision-making.

Investigating the Correlation between Frustration and Values with an Emphasis on Gender

This research paper investigates the correlation between individuals’ reactions to frustration and their values, with an emphasis on sex differences. Frustration is an arbitrary emotional response to obstacles or unmet expectations, although social values carry beliefs and principles that guide behavior within a societal context. Getting a gist of how sex influences these aspects can shed light on societal dynamics and inform interventions aimed at promoting psychological well-being and social harmony. The study undergoes a quantitative approach to the data, through different scales using SPSS to analyze data and gather comprehensive insights. Results reveal new patterns in how individuals of different genders perceive and respond to frustration in relation to their value system, Enlightening the need for gender-sensitive works in addressing emotional regulation and socialization processes.

Health Claims in Food Products: Buyers Attitude and Behaviour in Indonesia

This study explores the dynamics of health claims in food products and investigates the attitudes and behaviors of buyers in Indonesia. With a growing global trend towards healthier lifestyles, understanding consumer responses to health-related claims on food items is crucial. The research delves into the factors influencing buyer attitudes, examining the impact of demographic variables, socio-cultural nuances, and individual attitudes towards health claims. Through a combination of qualitative and quantitative methodologies, the study aims to unveil patterns in consumer decision-making processes and discern the extent to which health claims influence purchasing behaviors in the Indonesian market. By shedding light on the intricate interplay between health claims and consumer choices, this research contributes valuable insights for both the food industry and policymakers seeking to foster healthier dietary practices in Indonesia.

Farmer Attitudes on Farmer Behavior in Adopting Innovation of Rice Planting (Transplanter) In the Seputih Agung Subdistrict

The use of mechanization in agriculture in addition to increasing rice productivity can also be a strategy in overcoming labor scarcity as well as the use of technology and the adoption of the transition from using traditional tools to modern tools. The transplanter machine is a new innovation for some people in Central Lampung Regency, such as in Seputih Agung District, which is one of the sub-districts that received transplanter assistance from the government which is expected to be implemented by farmers on their farming land. Transplanter machine technology if adopted by farmers is very profitable, because it can facilitate the planting of rice seeds, speed up work time, is effective, and also saves production costs for the planting process. The behavior of farmers in adopting transplanters is formed through the level of knowledge they have which will affect farmers in determining their attitude to accept and implement an innovation. The objectives in this study were to determine farmers’ attitudes towards transplanter innovation adoption, determine farmer behavior in adopting transplanter innovation and analyze the effect of farmers’ attitudes towards transplanter innovation adoption. This research was conducted in January 2023 in Seputih Agung District, Central Lampung Regency for farmers who are members of farmer groups receiving transplanter machine assistance with 70 respondents. The research method used is quantitative descriptive with statistical analysis of Partial Least Square (PLS) assisted through SmartPLS Software version 3.0. The results showed that the cognitive attitudes of farmers were included in the fairly high category, which means that farmers had sufficient knowledge about rice transplanter machines. The affective attitude of farmers is included in the high enough category, which means that the affective attitude is sufficient to provide support for the attitude of farmers in adopting transplanter innovations. The conative attitude of farmers is included in the fairly high enough category, which means attitudes that tend to be followers or imitators. This also happened in Seputih Agung Subdistrict, farmers wanted to use the transplanter machine if many farmers had used it and acknowledged the benefits they would get. The behavior of farmers in adopting transplanter innovations as measured by selecting seeds and selecting seeds, making nurseries in dapog, setting spacing, setting soil depth, and setting the number of seeds is included in the moderate category. The results of the analysis of the variable attitude of farmers towards the behavior of farmers in adopting transplanter innovations have a significant influence, these results indicate that the greater the attitude of farmers is able to increase the behavior of farmers in adopting transplanter innovations.

Factors Related To Public Behavior towards Patients with Mental Disorders in Buton Utara District

Background: People with mental disorders often get greater stigma and discrimination from the surrounding community than individuals who suffer from other medical illnesses. This treatment is due to ignorance or misunderstanding of family or community members regarding mental disorders. This study aims to determine the determinants of community behavior towards people with mental disorders.

Method: This type of research is an observational analytic using a cross-sectional design which was carried out in North Buton Regency in October 2022 involving 86 respondents who were selected randomly.

Results: The results showed that the behavior of the majority was good as many as 47 respondents (54.7%), followed by poor behavior as many as 39 respondents (45.3%). Community behavior towards people with mental disorders in North Buton Regency is related to income (p-value 0.043), knowledge (p-value 0.000), attitude (p-value 0.014) and is not related to education level (p-value 0.489). Knowledge is the factor most related to people’s behavior towards people with mental disorders in North Buton Regency.

Conclusion: The conclusion of the study is that people’s behavior towards people with mental disorders is related to good knowledge, good attitudes, and income.