
Dimensions of Risk in the Effect of Customers’ Awareness and Knowledge on the Readiness to adopt Neobanks

The majority of conventional banks offer digital services during pandemics, while the government promotes cashless transactions in daily life. In India, the Neobanking industry is developing at an increasing rate. It’s a purely online bank with no physical branches; all transactions are made through mobile applications. The purpose of this study is to find out how aware consumers are about neobanks, as well as risk factors and readiness for neobank adoption. additionally, the study builds the SEM model from the survey data of 169 respondents that had access to online banking services. The findings indicates that while financial risk and security risk have no obvious association with knowledge, whereas awareness and social risk have a substantial link with knowledge that results in readiness to use neobanks. As a result, in order to boost client usage in the future, it is essential to raise knowledge about neobanks through media advertising and provide comprehensive information about the applications.

Comprehensive and Understanding of PM2.5 among Thai High School Students

The majority of Thai people prefer to spend their time participating in outdoor activities. However, Thailand is considered a polluted country, and Bangkok is ranked as the most polluted city in the country. Younger generations faced an issue of lacking awareness about PM2.5. As a consequence of encountering particulate fine particles, individuals may be at high risk of developing respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. In addition, none of the researchers have ever conducted a survey researching the comprehensiveness and understanding of high school students in Thailand about PM2.5. Hence, this research aims to analyze and determine understanding among Thai high school students in Thailand. The research was conducted through an online survey consisting of 21-multiple choice questions. With 133 individuals participating in the survey, the mean score was rounded up to 13.65, illustrating the comprehension level of high school students to be on an average scale. From analyzing the correlation between the two variables, the F value was 0.27. According to mean value, the most prominent fundamental reasons for having average knowledge on fine particles may be a consequence of not including the topic into school’s syllabus and low promotion in the media, such as newspapers and social media. Thus, this research aims to raise awareness, concern, and comprehension among high school students about the effects of PM2.5.

Proposed Marketing Strategy to Increase the Awareness of Bulan Imunisasi Anak Nasional (BIAN) in Bandung City

Bulan Imunisasi Anak Nasional or BIAN is an Health Ministry of Republic Indonesia program that aims to enhance the children’s health by immunize them with a mass Complete Immunization and Follow-Up Immunization in Indonesia especially for the children that did not have immunize yet since the pandemic in 2020. Bandung City which is included in West Java Province has the lowest coverage of BIAN Immunization among the other City/Districts in West Java.

This research is aimed to figure out what factors affected the low coverage of BIAN Immunization in Bandung City and analyze the situation regarding the field report in the implementation phase and how to solve it by applying better strategies in upcoming BIAN events. The analysis that was conducted are External and Internal Analysis to find what factors that related to the issue. In the External Analysis, the author uses Customer Analysis, Stakeholder Analysis, and PESTEL Analysis to indicate any external factors that affected the low coverage of BIAN Immunization. In the Internal Analysis, the author uses Tangible Analysis, Intangible Analysis, and Interview Data from stakeholders that hold the event. There are several findings in External and Internal Analysis especially in Advertisement and Public Relation became the strong factor that affected the main issue because of low awareness of the target audience. From several analyses and the findings, there are four proposed strategies to increase the awareness of the target audience to participate in the event to enhance the coverage of the immunization in Bandung City. The first one is improvement in Public Relation strategy that needs to be more organized and comprehensive especially with external parties. The second strategy is improvement in Advertisement strategy, especially in social media activation and Advocacy Advertisement. The third strategy is collaboration with brands that have a strong family image in the health sector. The fourth strategy is initiation in having Key Opinion (KOL) as the face of BIAN in Bandung City. In academic recommendation, the next author should consider the current situation of the target audience especially in their awareness towards the event and the current coverage of the immunization.

VRIO Analysis in the Commercialization of the Traditional Music Industry

Art is one of the elements of human culture in general which is an expression of the creativity of the culture itself. Culture-based creativity is a reflection or uniqueness of a nation’s identity. However, in the current era of globalization, traditional arts are increasingly being abandoned by the public. Based on the data released by about West Java arts’ status state that there are several traditional arts that are almost extinct and there will be an increasing number of traditional arts that follow extinction. One of the reasons is that the current generation is more interested in popular music than traditional music or in other words they are not sufficiently concerned about their own culture. This is also because many think that traditional art is outdated. Not only experiencing extinction, several Indonesian traditional arts have also been claimed by other countries. Quoting from (2010) in his article entitled “Angklung Will Become a World Cultural Heritage” which also discussed where angklung as a traditional art from Indonesia was claimed by another country which infuriated the Indonesian people, and after the debate between Indonesia and Malaysia. Angklung then was registered as an Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) of Indonesia at UNESCO in November 2010. In order to actively participate in preserving and maintaining the existence of angklung in society, RagamLaras came up with an innovation for angklung, where the RagamLaras angklung has 15 scales that can play both pentatonic and diatonic notes in one angklung ensemble. It is hoped that it can provide a new presentation for the performing arts of angklung and open space for creativity for traditional artists, as well as spreading the public awareness, especially the younger generation, to get to know and preserve the nation’s culture better.

Reality of Awareness and Response of Students to the Risks of Child Sexual Abuse in Cyberspace

This article mainly discuss the reality of awareness and response of students to the risks of child sexual abuse in cyberspace at Van Hoang secondary School in Phu Xuyen district, Hanoi. The survey results are collected from the opinions of 220 students in the research area. The study indicates that students have a certain understanding of the expressions and risks of sexual abuse in cyberspace, however, many of them fail to be correctly aware of these issues. In addition, the research results also show the limited awareness of students about ways of repsonse, prevention and self – protection agaisnt the risks of sexual abuse. Therefore, it is urgent to improve knowledge and skills of secondary school students to cope with the expressions and risks of sexual abuse in cyberspace and realistic solutions are needed.

A Study on the Level of Awareness of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWS) At Tripoli, Libya on the Myths & Facts on Corona Virus (Covid – 19): Basis for Program Planning

The study aimed to determine the level of awareness of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) of Tripoli, Libya on the myths & facts on corona virus (COVID – 19). Specifically, this study answered the following questions:1) What are the Demographic Profile of the respondents in terms of Gender, Educational Background and Occupational Background?? 2) What are the Overseas Filipino Workers level of awareness on the myths & facts on corona virus (COVID-19)? 3) Based on the results of the study, what measures can be formulated to increase the level of awareness of the Overseas Filipino Workers on corona virus (COVID-19)? The findings that the researcher was able to extract from the study were: 1) the frequency and percentage of the Overseas Filipino Workers demographic profile in terms of Gender, shows that female are mostly dominant which is 29 or 66.25% while male is 17 or 36.91%. In terms of Educational Background, results reveals that mostly are on the College level which accounts to 29 or 63.04%, Bachelor degree holder, 11 or 23.91%, Masters 3 or 6.52%, Doctorate 1 or 2.2% and College Undergraduate 2 or 4.3%. Occupational Background of the respondents reveals that Predominantly, 26 or 56.5% belongs to the Health sector, Oil & Gas 7 or 15.2%, Education, 1 or 2.2%, Others like those of the Embassies 8 or 17.4%, Not applicable 4 or 8.7%. There was a “Not Applicable” response as there were participants on the symposium who are dependents of the Overseas Filipino Workers and are not currently employed in Tripoli, Libya.  2) Detailed analysis of Table 3 reflecting the results of the frequency and percentage of the Overseas Filipino Workers level of awareness on the Facts and Myths of COVID-19 reveals that mostly 91.31% are aware of the facts on COVID-19, 5.70% unaware and 2.98% undecided. Predominantly, 53.07% of the Overseas Filipino Workers are aware on Myths on COVID-19 as reflected on the “NO” responses on questions on MYTHS, however the 40.75% results on the “YES” responses showed only a difference of 12.32% which is quite alarming and 2.98% are undecided.3) The measures that could be formulated to increase the level of awareness of the Overseas Filipino Workers are to conduct information dissemination campaign through symposiums, research forums and the use of Information Education Campaign (IEC) materials. Based on these findings, the researcher was able to conclude that the Overseas Filipino Workers in Tripoli, Libya are aware of both the FACTS & MYTHS on COVID-19, however, it is worthwhile to note that there is small difference in the figures reflected on the MYTHS aspect, thus there is still a need to correct these misconceptions so as to contribute on measures to end this pandemic.

Understanding and Perceptions of Skin Donation and Skin Banking among Health Care Professionals – Tertiary Care Centre in Eastern India

Introduction: The skin is our body’s most diverse organ. Other organs, such as the kidneys and liver, could be impaired and somehow still function, but the loss of 40percent of someone’s skin can be fatal. In developing countries, burns led to the deaths of the majority of people. The study aimed to establish the relationship between medical professionals’ awareness and attitudes regarding skin donation and skin banking.
Methods: This cross-sectional survey was conducted at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhubaneswar, AIIMS, Odisha, between August 2020 to November 2020. A total of 124 health care practitioners from AIIMS, BBSR responded to the survey questions. It is divided into five sections: Social and economic data; Skin donation awareness survey, and skin bank attitude scale.
Results: Less than half of health care professionals, 53.74 %, reported a lack of awareness of skin donation, and 56.16 per cent said lack of understanding of skin bank. The fair, positive relationship prevailed among skin donation awareness, and then either attitude (r=0.36, P=0.01), and a similar relationship existed between skin banking awareness and attitude (r=0.32, P=0.01). According to the report’s findings, having a clear understanding of skin donation and skin banking leads to positive behaviours.
Conclusion: In this review, health care professionals’ awareness of skin donation and skin banking is average. Hospital and nursing administrators should be actively involved in education programmes to enhance nurses’ education and increase awareness about skin donation and skin banking.

Environmental Awareness and the Use of Disposable Plastic

Disposable plastic pollution has become one of the biggest environmental issues. It is evident that single-use plastic products are cheap, versatile, lightweight, resistant, easily available everywhere, which has made them very popular among people around the globe.

However, in many countries, single-use plastic shopping bags are the main source of rubbish, causing pollution impacting the environment and biodiversity. Although a lot of people understand harmful effects of plastic pollution, most people still keep using single-use plastic products. Due to these problems, our study aims to 1) understand the relationship between awareness about plastic pollution and the use of disposable plastic products, 2) explore students’ behaviors, knowledge, and awareness in reducing global warming caused by the overuse of plastic products, 3) observe the students’ attitude toward the impacts of disposable plastic pollution, and 4) raise participants’ awareness about environmental issues among a group of Thai high school students. Data were collected using a questionnaire asking about participants’ global warming knowledge, behaviors, and opinions about plastic usage. Survey samples, including Triamudomsuksanomklao students, were randomly selected through a random sampling method with a total of 307 students (100 males, 182 females, and 25 others). The majority of participants understood how harmful plastic pollution is to the environment. Our results revealed that participants’ knowledge and awareness were at high levels. Nevertheless, statistical analyses showed that there is a significant correlation between the level of awareness about plastic pollution and behavioral change, i.e. trying to avoid and reduce the use of one-time plastic bags or stop using plastic straws.