
Envisioning the Future: A Quantitative Analysis of Architecture Students’ Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence Integration in Architectural Design across Region III, IV-A, and NCR, Philippines

In an era characterized by modernization and technological advancements, the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) has brought changes to the different processes of various industries, including the field of architecture. To address concerns and present the views of those in the industry, this research aims to identify and describe the perceptions of Architecture students from various universities/colleges towards adopting AI in Architectural Design through descriptive-correlational research. As well as to discover the students’ acceptance level in adopting artificial intelligence in academic curriculum. Forty-five (45) university/college students enrolled in an Architecture program across diverse institutions drawn from a purposive sampling method answered a survey questionnaire containing Twenty (20) questions answerable by a 5-point Likert Scale. The results revealed that the students’ perceptions were neutral regarding adopting artificial intelligence in academic curriculum and future employment and careers. The correlational analysis suggested that the relationship between the perception of AI in architecture and its impact on career and employment was weak as they saw the potential threat of AI in future employment opportunities. The researchers recommended the results of this study for future research when gathering data related to artificial intelligence, the perception of the students, and the development of AI on how to improve and recognize the limitations of its use.

Proposed Business Strategies for Business Development in Indonesia’s Interior Design Industry (Case: Hepta Desain)

This research aims to develop a proposed business strategy for Hepta Desain, an architectural consultancy firm in Indonesia, to capitalize on the interior design division and seize the opportunity for increased profitability. The study explores the internal and external factors influencing Hepta Desain in the interior design industry and identifies strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats through a comprehensive SWOT analysis. The application of the TOWS Matrix and IE Matrix aids in formulating effective business strategies. Analysis reveals that Hepta Desain possesses strong financial capacity, an established organizational structure, valuable physical assets, advanced technological infrastructure, intangible resources, a positive reputation, and relevant certifications. Leveraging these strengths, the company can pursue market penetration and product development strategies to capitalize on existing industry opportunities. However, certain weaknesses and threats, such as limited transportation resources, technological presence, physical market presence, and service activities, require attention. The recommendations include strengthening marketing and PR activities, investing in technology and innovation, expanding physical presence, and developing strategic partnerships to mitigate risks and maximize competitive advantage. By implementing these strategies, Hepta Desain can position itself as a proactive and distinct player in the interior design industry, thereby enhancing its profitability and market standing.

Korean Residential Architecture of Joseon Dynasty Through The Kingdom of a Thousand Years

The novel “The Kingdom of a Thousand Years” by Kim Kyung-uk is based on a true story from history when three Dutch sailors drifted into Joseon during the 17th century. Through the narration of Jan Jansz Weltevree – the first Westerner to set foot in Joseon, the life, society, and people of Joseon are perceived and depicted in a fresh and unfamiliar way, different from the evaluations of Koreans or Easterners. This study focuses on examining the architecture and culture of the people in Joseon to understand the diverse types of houses for each social class during the Joseon period, while also identifying similarities and differences with the architecture of houses in Vietnam.

Proposed Integrated Marketing Strategy to Increase Brand Awareness for PT Karya Seni Hadiprana (Hadiprana Artwork)

PT. Karya Seni Hadiprana (KSH) is a consultant and contractor company that provides artwork in architecture and interior industry. The company provides customize premium artwork products and services that have local content inspired from the rich of Indonesian culture. However they are having decreasing numbers of new customers and revenue streams due to global pandemic of COVID-19. Digitalization in architecture and interior industry also impact the PT KSH compare with other competitor who already utilized digital marketing strategy. The purpose of this study is to find out the reasons of the business issues, due to changing of customer behavior impact from Covid-19 and digitalization in architecture and interior industry. The research method uses qualitative descriptive methods. Qualitative descriptive methods are used to acquire primary data and make observation from in-depth interview with the company executives. The collection data is then to create internal and external analysis. The internal analysis is to gather the information about PT KSH internal conditions with Marketing Mix, Business Model Canvas and VRIO analysis, while the external analysis is used to evaluate the external factor of architecture and interior industry as well as customer behavior. Furthermore, after internal and external analysis was conducted, the researchers used SWOT analysis and find the weakness of the company, which lack of digital marketing strategy. Based on the analysis, researchers presented new integrated marketing strategy by optimizing digital marketing and improve marketing knowledge in order to increase awareness of products and services of PT Karya Seni Hadiprana.