
Grapes (Vitis Vitaceae) – Potent Medicinal Fruit Serves as a Source of Antioxidants and Antibacterial Agent

In plant kingdom, medicinal plants are main important resource for a variety of drug like emetics, anti-cancer and antimicrobials. Medicinal herbs are highly cultured in India, which includes more than 2000 species are present. Grapes are soft fruit crop belongs to the Family of Vitaceae and Genus of Vitis. Grapes contain excellent source of nutritional values such as vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbohydrate. In this present work, various phytochemical constituents of grapes were identified in different extracts (Ethanol, Acetone and Aqueous). These phytochemicals are used for the treatment of several diseases. The antioxidant property of different extracts of grapes shows better result. The ellagic acid and the natural phenolic antioxidants were also identified. The antimicrobial activity of various grapes extract shows better result against Enterococcus and E.coli sps. Finally, the grape fruit is a wonderful antioxidant and antimicrobial agent.