
Predictive Analysis for Personalized Machine: Leveraging Patient Data for Enhanced Healthcare

This research explores predictive analysis for personalized machine: leveraging patient data for enhanced healthcare. By leveraging the power of information and analytics, the healthcare industry can be driven towards a more patient-centric, proactive model that enhances outcomes and improve the overall quality of care. The objectives of the study are to: determine the significance and challenges of predictive analytics in healthcare, ascertain the data analytics techniques used in healthcare to enhance patient care, find out how predictive analytics can be applied for enhanced healthcare, and determine the ethical considerations associated with healthcare predictive analytics. This study employs the case study approach and experimental design. The study analyzes case studies of real-time deployment of predictive analytics models in healthcare centers, examines how these models enhance the healthcare delivery in those centers. Experiments were also conducted to understand how predictive analytics works. The C4.5 learning algorithm was employed to predict the presence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in patients and differentiate between those not affected by the condition. The C4.5 classifier shows reasonable strength, evident in the large number of rightly classified occurrences (396) and a low misclassification of only 4 occurrences. This is further demonstrated by a low error rate of 0.37, as shown in table 5. The prevalence of this algorithm is emphasized by the large value of KS (0.97), indicating the classifier’s ground-breaking accuracy and performance. The performance of C4.5, featured by its minimal execution time and accuracy, puts it as a decent classifier. This characteristic makes it specifically well-suited for application in the healthcare sector, particularly for tasks involving prediction and classification. The application of data analytics methods for predictive analysis holds significant benefits in the health sector, as it gives us the power to predict and address potential threats to human health, covering different age groups, from the young ones to the elderly. This proactive method enables early disease detection, helping in timely interventions and contributing to better decision-making.


Data Analytics for Decision-Making in Evaluating the Top-Performing Product and Developing Sales Forecasting Model in an Oil Service Company

This study addresses the strategic challenges faced by a company specialising in the manufacture of oil and gas equipment. Following organisational restructuring, which involved the dissolution of one business unit and the creation of another, the company is navigating complexities in product focus and manpower allocation within the Asia-Pacific region. The research problem centres on identifying the top-performing product, determining potential countries for establishing a support base facility based on sales performance, and developing a method for forecasting future sales.

The research involved retrieving and pre-processing historical sales data, then performing a thorough descriptive and predictive analysis. The data was partitioned into training and testing sets to facilitate predictive analytics. Several predictive models were developed and tested, including neural networks, linear regression, gradient-boosted trees, random forests, and ARIMA methods. Tableau Public was utilised for descriptive analytics, whereas RapidMiner Studio was employed for predictive analytics.

The study’s results, derived through both descriptive and predictive analytic methods, reveal critical insights. The Blowout Preventer (BOP) emerged as the top-performing product in the Asia-Pacific region. In terms of establishing support base facilities, Malaysia was identified as the ideal location for the BOP, while Indonesia was found suitable for the Manifold product group. Furthermore, the Random Forest model was determined to be the most effective for forecasting future sales. These findings provide strategic guidance for the company in product focus, regional expansion, and resource allocation, contributing significantly to the company’s decision-making process in a competitive industry.

German Kahn and Global Strategy

The article analyzes the political ideas of German Kahn, one of the major modern representatives of strategic thinking, and their role and significance in the states (especially in the US experience) and international political relations. In particular, aspects of strategic knowledge that work in the area of expanding our goals and opportunities, its habitual thinking is related to limited goals and opportunities, and the fact that strategic thinking arising from one of the two allows one to consider not only one’s own decisions, but also those of one’s opponent, were analyzed. Also, the possibilities of strategic thinking and analysis today are highlighted.