
Descriptive Study to Assess the Knowledge Regarding Self Administration of Insulin Injections

Introduction: Diabetes mellitus usually called  diabetes sugar condition that occurs  when the ones body does not produce insulin or body is enable to use normal amount insulin properly.

Objectives: The objectives of the study where on asses the knowledge and practice regarding the diabetes patient.

Design: a descriptive survey approach to assess the knowledge regarding self administration of insulin among the diabetes mellitus patient.

Tool: using 15 items questionnaire was in known portability conversing sampling technique the sample setting is selected area of kansarakui.

Sample Size: the sample size was 40.

Result: The study identify the 17 patient (42.55) having good, 16(40%) have average, and (17.5) poor knowledge administration of insulin among diabetes patient.

School Library Management: A Literature Review

This article aims to find out how school libraries is managed based on the literature review from previous research from several countries around the world. This article uses search and review methods, where the review process began with a search engine, Google scholar and IEEE, to search the articles with keywords. The authors found the scope of the reviewed articles was still very limited so it needs to be followed up related to school turnover management research. Result of the review show that libraries can run optimally if they apply good management. The research about this topic is limited and this article is a literature review; so further research needs to be done related to school library management in general and to include other data collection methods including interview and questionnaire. The theoretical benefit of this article is to add knowledge about educational library management and the practical benefit is as an information for further research.