
The Urgency of Digital Citizenship Learning Module for Indonesian Student

Secondary school students have unlimited internet access through technology devices, and they have become part of the virtual citizen. The rise of violence, fraud, digital rape, and the adverse of negative effect of digital socialization gives its own concerns. For these reasons, this study intends to provide a learning module of social guidance to prepare 21 century digital learners to develop awareness towards digital citizenship mindset. The research method uses mixed methods with a qualitative research and development approach when making a module. The stages are named define, design, develop and disseminate. Evaluation used was expert appraisals, audience analysis, and attitude observations. The module is a self-learning material of themes from digital citizenship skills; the curated selves, chatting and red flags, and lastly, hoaxes and fakes, that packed with numerous resources such as video links, article, reflective self-evaluation and interactive scientific resources. The survey conducted resulting that the module is considered effective for learners so they can generate a good social behavior in digital world, a sense of responsibility, increase security, have self-limits on threats and dangers, be confident, and be proficient in using technology in the virtual world. Based on preliminary observations, this study is the first in Indonesia which introduces the concept of digital citizenship through a learning module, ultimately, for secondary school level. Implications for the findings will be on an effort of behavioral changes for learners in secondary school level.

Interactive Multimedia Development Using Adobe Flash Cs6 to Improve Critical and Creative Thinking Skills of Class VIII Junior High School Students

Education has a huge impact on the existence of the 21st century. Improving the quality of human resources through education, from primary and secondary education to higher education is the key to being able to follow the development of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. This 21st century learning applies creativity, critical thinking, cooperation, problem solving, communication skills, community skills and character. The education system needs a new movement to apply skills in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. One of the movements designed by the government is the new literacy movement in the form of digital literacy and technology. Interactive multimedia is a new literacy movement based on digital and technology in learning that can improve students’ critical and creative thinking skills. The purpose of this research is to produce interactive multimedia for the respiratory system and excretory system material in humans that can improve critical and creative thinking skills of VIII grade students of junior high school.