Abstract :
Urban cities are noted for technological and economic advancement but are also the convergent localities for poverty, humans’ disparity, environmental degradations and the propagation of communicable diseases. This study examined groundwater distribution in urban settlement with a view to identify and proffer solutions to the associated problems of improper distribution of groundwater in such area. Literature search was employed mainly to unravel the various groundwater distribution techniques and inferences were made on how to improve the distribution techniques. The study reveal springs, sunk wells and boreholes as the main methods of groundwater distribution in urban areas. Urban settlement leads to uncontrollable rise in population which adversely affects the quantity and quality of the groundwater. There is a general decrease in quantity due to overexploitation while the quality degraded as a result of pollution from industrial waste and the people. In addition, pollution could be linked to saltwater intrusion since most urban regions of the world are in the coastal area. Groundwater distribution could be ameliorated through recharge management employing artificial recharge. Degraded groundwater quality could be treated to the standard of potable water. Protecting groundwater resources amidst the prevailing rapid urbanization represent a considerable challenge that can lead to escalating costs of provision of drinking water in the areas and cause considerable decrease in public health conditions. Also, as it is technologically difficult and economically expensive to treat a contaminated aquifer, groundwater protection measures must be sought beforehand.
Keywords :
Desalinization, Environmental degradation, Groundwater, Population, Urban cities.References :
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