Abstract :
Flood disaster is a natural disaster that ranks the third cause of economic loss worldwide. As a tropical country that has a rainy season, every year some parts of Indonesia are prone for being affected by floods. The causative factors include high rainfall and poor surface water management, making rainwater directly converted into surface water (run-off). Efforts to reduce run-off water include making biopores infiltration wells from paralon pipe material with a diameter of 10 centimeters, but because of the small volume, the biopores cannot functioned properly, so it is necessary to build infiltration wells with a larger capacity. The purpose of this research is to make a model of infiltration wells that have a larger volume than stainless steel.
This study used a pre-experimental design and is a development research of biopores infiltration wells. The stages in this research include design validation and absorption function testing.
The results of the study were the design of a box-shaped absorption container with a height of 120 cm. 100 cm wide and 100 cm long, made of 304 stainless steel, with an inlet and outlet holes for rainwater, a bottom absorption area, and has a lid that is easy to open for cleaning. In the function test, it was obtained the ability to accommodate rainwater of 1.2 cubic meters and the ability to absorb water of 0.9 liters per second on the soil of the test location, so that this infiltration box is estimated to be able to accommodate rainfall of 120 mm a day.
The conclusion is that this rainwater absorption container is able to accommodate rainwater while absorbing water so that it can be an alternative technology for preventing flood.
Keywords :
Design, Flood, Infiltration well, Stainless steel.References :
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