Abstract :
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are the main drivers of the economy in Indonesia because they are able to play a role in the process of increasing people’s income and succeed in encouraging economic growth. MSMEs have the ability to contribute to the local economy by creating new businesses that can increase employment opportunities. To assist MSMEs to grow, the government offers financial assistance. MSMEs need to know the health of their business and company. MSME Soundness Measurement provides a vision of business performance from a financial such as liquidity ratio, activity ratio, loan ratio, profitability ratio, and non-financial such as marketing, operations, good governance, and human resources. The assessment results were compared with the table AHP Calculations, the final score financial of 28,43% and non-financial aspect of 20,33%, the overall score of 48,76%. The results of measuring the level of Health obtained results in Cracktive companies, which are included in the Fair Soundness I” category with an “BBB” rating. Measurement of the Health Level of MSMEs is appropriate for Cracktive companies to determine the level of health and can be a tool for improvement.
Keywords :
AHP, Financial, MSME Soundness Assessment, MSME., Non-financialReferences :
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