Abstract :
The level of congestion in Indonesia’s big cities, including Denpasar, is already so severe. This is inseparable from the phenomenon where most people in Indonesia now have a car transportation system that is growing rapidly. Furthermore, the city is characterized by high car dependence and a low and steadily declining public transport profile. The Indonesian government seeks to transform the public transportation industry so that drivers want to change to public transportation through the implementation of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and most recently, in 2020 the government through the Ministry of Transportation launched the “Buy the Service” program or known as BTS which has been implemented in Indonesia. 5 big cities, namely: Palembang, Solo, Medan, Yogyakarta, and Denpasar. Then followed by Bandung, Makassar, Banjarmasin, Surabaya, and Banyumas in 2021. However, there is an indication that the interest of private car users to switch to using public transportation is very small. The study is intended to evaluate of service or transit improvement. Identify different categories of impacts and how to measure them, discuss the best way to evaluate public transport and identify common mistakes that distort results as well as discuss the travel impacts of changes to the transit system (BRT) and incentives (BTS). The results of this study are expected to explain ways to optimize transit benefits by increasing system efficiency, increasing passengers and creating more transit-oriented land use patterns.
Keywords :
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), Buy The Service (BTS), Evaluation, Public TransportReferences :
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