Abstract :
Hand sanitizer is an antiseptic that contains alcohol and other active ingredients that can prevent and inhibit microbial infections. The use of hand sanitizer has increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. Hand sanitizer used continuously can cause damage to the skin because it contains harsh chemicals, such as alcohol and peroxide. Therefore, there needs to be innovation in hand sanitizer during the Covid-19 pandemic, ranging from antioxidants, antimicrobials to antivirals. The purpose of this study was to produce and conduct organoleptic tests on hand sanitizer with the addition of nanogold, nanosilver, and eucalyptus oil. The formulations used in the manufacture of this hand sanitizer have been in accordance with those set by WHO with the addition of the active ingredients nanogold, nanosilver, and eucalyptus oil. The addition of nanogold functions as an antioxidant to keep the skin healthy. Nanosilver and eucalyptus oil function as an antimicrobial to antiviral, which is suitable in the formulation of hand sanitizer during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of the research at the organoleptic test stage showed that hand sanitizer with the addition of nanogold, nanosilver, and eucalyptus oil were preferred by the panelists with an average value of 3.45 in the color category, 3.95 in the fragrance category, and 3.50 in the absorption level category.
Keywords :
Covid-19; Eucalyptus oil; Hand sanitizer; Nanogold; Nanosilver.References :
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