Abstract :
Male prisoners are faced with a variety of unexpected situations and conditions while in correctional institutions. The sudden change experienced by prisoners has an impact on the Quality of Life (QoL) they have. However, research that addresses these factors systematically is not yet available. Therefore, this study wants to see what factors influence prisoners QoL while in prison. Method: This literature review uses a variety of articles and books obtained through ScienceDirect, EBSCO and PubMed health, published from January 2004 to September 2019, using the quality of the keywords of life, inmates, and male prison. Results: The literature states that the factors that influence QoL for male WBP include internal factors (loss of freedom, inappropriate living standards, changes in status and roles) and external factors (prison conditions, length of the detention period, and lack of family interaction). Conclusion: The knowledge of community nurses about the many factors that influence male QBL can make it easier to identify problems and provide nursing actions.
Keywords :
Inmates; Male prisoners; Quality of lifeReferences :
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