Abstract :
The importance of the principal’s leadership in implementing the full-day kindergarten education program attracted authors to research and this article discusses the results of the literature review conducted by the authors. There are a number of articles about the principal’s leadership review and full-day kindergarten implementation especially in the context of the world that can be found. The purpose of this review is to find out the principal’s leadership in implementing full-day kindergarten in a world context. Based on the results of literature reviews from various countries in the world, the authors found the scope of the articles reviewed is still very limited and it is very difficult to get literature that combines the two variables, therefore, the authors would be positively explain the findings for each variable. The results of the review literature on school principal’s leadership show that the principal’s leadership in carrying out his role as a leader has an impact on teacher performance and student achievement. The results of the review literature on the implementation of a full day kindergarten show that children who attend kindergarten (FDK) a full day experience academic and development benefits compared to children who attend a half-day program. Thus, the authors are interested in following up related to the principal’s leadership in implementing full-day kindergarten.
Keywords :
Full Day Kindergarten, Implementing, Kindergarten., Leadership, Principal’s LeadershipReferences :
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