Abstract :
Robots have helped revolutionize manufacturing processes by lending an assisting hand to humans. Robots have proven to be more effective and efficient than humans, even though humans still possess the mental prowess to help them function. Robots assist in activities like assembling, carrying heavy objects, performing strenuous tasks, welding mechanical parts, and quality inspection. Robots have several advantages over humans like being more accurate, cost effective, faster, and reliable. Nevertheless, robots still have their downsides like being too costly to implement and technically complex, especially for small businesses. This research paper comprehensively assesses the integration of robotic automation in manufacturing, focusing specifically on its benefits and challenges for quality assurance. Quality assurance is an essential component of the manufacturing process, as without it the process is never complete, manufacturing industries adhere to specific standards for their products to avoid causing harm to the end consumer in the long run, hence the relevance of robotic automation in this process. Robots are very relevant in the aspect of quality assurance, as they possess special devices which help in inspecting products during and after production. Through a thorough review of articles on this subject matter from reliable databases, this article discusses in details and suggests better ways of integrating robots in industries for more effective quality assurance.
Keywords :
Automation, Cobots, Industry 4.0, Manufacturing, Quality Control, Robots., TechnologyReferences :
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