Abstract :
The Water Supply, Waste Management, Waste and Recycling sector is one of the constituent sectors of the Indonesian economy. Water is an important component of human life, especially clean water. The provision of clean water is an activity that should be prioritized, in line with the 6th SDGs goal of clean water and proper sanitation. Waste and waste as by-products of economic activities, then management into useful goods is very important in supporting sustainable development, in accordance with what was launched by the United Nations through the concept of SDGs in goals 8, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15. The data used is sourced from BPS from 2017-2022. Data analysis using LQ, ΔLQ, Classic and Spatial Shift Share and Export-Import. The results showed that (1) The PAPASLIDU sector in West Java is a superior sector in the present and future. (2) Sector growth in DKI is best compared to West Java, Central Java and East Java. The competitiveness of Central Java and East Java is still low (3) DKI and Central Java still remain importers, West Java changed from importers to exporters and East Java remained as an exporter. Suggestions (1) Policies in West Java in the PAPASLIDU sector need to be maintained, and the DKI, Central Java and East Java regions need improvement, (2) Improvements to reduce imports and increase competitiveness by striving to increase the provision of clean water for the community. Reducing waste generation and waste by managing it into useful and economically valuable goods, namely expanding activities that have been carried out and adding new activities for areas that do not yet exist.
Keywords :
Classic Shift share, Import Export, LQ, Spatial Shift Share.References :
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