Abstract :
Pharmacy is considered a science and a profession in all human civilizations. Toxic substances are considered health problems that many people face and require prevention and treatment. Arabs and Muslims, in general, have shown interest in pharmacy, and specifically in toxins, both practically and theoretically. This is the focus of this research, which aims to introduce the science of pharmacy, highlight the efforts of Arabs and Muslims in it, especially in combating toxins through prevention, treatment, classification, and definition. The research also aims to introduce some of the works they have written in this field and assess their usefulness, using a descriptive-analytical approach and a historical approach to trace the significant contributions of Arabs and Muslims in pharmacy and toxins over time. The research, with reference to specialized sources in each field, concludes with several key findings, including the significant contribution of Islamic civilization to pharmacy and toxins, benefiting many other nations from these efforts.
Keywords :
Arabs, Drugs, Medicine, Pharmacy, Toxicology.References :
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