Ontological Metaphor in Taylor Swift’s Selected Songs of Reputation Album

Metaphor is one of figurative languages mostly applied in literary works and becomes the focus of this study. The main purpose of this study is to find and analyze one type of metaphor namely ontological metaphor. The data source of this study comes from the song lyrics of Taylor Swift’s Reputation Album. Her song lyrics are picked out because they provides enough of ontology metaphorical aspect that becomes the main concern of this study. To collect the data, documentation method and note taking technique was employed. George Lakoff and Mark Johnson (1980) theory Metaphor We Live By was exploited in order to analyze the data source. The result of data is presenting by applying qualitative method, meaning that the analysis was descriptively explained in the form of words and sentences. Based on the findings of this study, in can be concluded that the use of ontological metaphor within the song lyrics is important to convey the ideas, emotions, and thoughts, and also to embellish or give a color, so it seems artistic to read and listen to.