Navigating Industrial Relations and Occupational Health and Safety Challenges in the Vuca Era: A Case Study Exploration and Analysis

This paper explores the intersection of Industrial Relations (IR) and Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) in the Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous (VUCA) era. Industrial relations, vital for fostering harmonious workplaces, are challenged by the rapid changes in the VUCA world. Likewise, OHS faces new dynamics in ensuring workplace safety amid uncertainties. The VUCA era’s impact on IR is analyzed, highlighting volatility’s effects on labor markets, uncertainty in planning, complexity in diverse workplaces, and ambiguity in role clarity. Case studies in the healthcare and banking industries exemplify adaptive strategies. Key areas of focus include the evolution of health and safety policies, the role of flexible work arrangements, the dynamics of employment development in Industry 5.0, the impact of job creation laws in Indonesia, and the significance of workforce diversity. Findings emphasize the importance of evidence-based policies, agile practices, and a human-centric approach in navigating the challenges of the VUCA era in the realm of IR and OHS. Suggestions for future research explore diverse industry impacts and effective strategies for managing workforce diversity.