Modeling Contaminant Transport from a Red Mud Pond – A Case Study from South India

The present study focused on impact assessment of redmud pond on groundwater using numerical groundwater flow and contaminant transport modeling using pertinent data including water quality and 2D electrical resistivity imaging data. The observed groundwater depths range from 1.2 to 25.8 meters below ground level with deeper levels observed in upstream and higher elevated regions in the study area. Elevated pH and electrical conductivity (>3000 μS/cm) characterize the Redmud ponds, while other groundwater samples meet BIS drinking water standards. Major ion concentrations contouring indicates high total dissolved solids (TDS) around Redmud ponds due to leakage and in the downstream due to domestic sewage pollution. Most locations adhere to BIS drinking water limits except for one downstream site. The resistivity data indicated hard formations (>18 m depth) with resistivity >500 Ohm.m, weathered basalt (12-18 m, 60-150 Ohm.m), and saturated water (12 m, 1-5 Ohm.m). Contaminated aquifers (<1 Ohm.m) are detected up to 3 m depth, and noticed accumulating contaminated water (27 m depth) in the NW corner of the Redmud pond from seepage. Predominant groundwater flow from the Redmud pond towards public water bodies and streams is highlighted by simulated contaminant transport model. Collaboration and comprehensive management are recommended to protect the watershed’s environmental integrity and public health.