Abstract :
The goal of this study is to find out how effective teachers use Context Clues Strategy to improve reading skills for students at a high school in Ba Ria – Vung Tau province, Vietnam. The eleventhgrade students at Vo Thi Sau high school were the participants. The research method was classroom action research. The quantitative data was gathered during the tests. According to the results, 11 students (14.6%) passed the Mastery Minimum Criteria on the pre-test, whereas 53 students (70.6%) passed the post-test. The findings showed that student’s performance on the post-test had significantly improved. The comparison between the pre-test score (4.86) and the post-test score (7.41) demonstrated this improvement. As a result, Context Clues Strategy was a useful tool for teaching students reading comprehension. Lastly, some limitations and recommendations for further research are also mentioned.
Keywords :
Context Clues Strategy, Improving., reading comprehension, Vo Thi Sau high school.References :
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