Implementation of Transformative Learning to Improve Primary School Students’ Literacy and Numeration Skills in 8th Teaching Campus Program

The literacy and numeracy program was the main program in implementation of 8th teaching campus at Alas Kembang 2 Bangkalan State Elementary School, East Java, Indonesia. Based on results of initial observations and pretests of the minimum competency assessment, the literacy and numeracy abilities of 5th students at the Alas Kembang 2 Bangkalan State Elementary School were low. This was because the learning process was not supported by student experience. Transformative learning through experience (experiential learning) was one solution to improve literacy and numeracy skills. This was because students will have different backgrounds, learning styles, motivations and needs and students will be motivated to learn if what they learn can be applied immediately. The aim of this research was to describe the improvement in literacy and numeracy skills of 5th students through implementation of transformative learning at the Alas Kembang 2 Bangkalan State Elementary School. Data analysis was carried out using percentages. If the posttest results of the Minimum Competency Assessment were greater than the posttest results of the Minimum Competency Assessment, then the student’s literacy and numeracy skills were increase. The results of this research show that transformative learning through experience (experiential learning) can improve the literacy and numeracy skills of 5th students at the Alas Kembang 2 Bangkalan State Elementary School. This learning can be used as input for teachers in developing elementary school students’ literacy and numeracy skills.