Impact of Transformational Leadership on Employee Performance in Startups: Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction and Commitment

Human resources are a valuable asset for any organization. In human resource management, the issue of employee performance is very important because performance has a major impact on the success of an organization. Therefore, researchers want to conduct research by linking the variables of transformational leadership, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment because these variables are considered to be very instrumental in efforts to improve employee performance at company.

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of transformational leadership on employee performance with job satisfaction and organizational commitment as mediation at company. This research was conducted on employees at company. The sampling method used simple random sampling. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to 100 respondents. This type of research is a type of quantitative research and uses an analysis method with the Smart PLS 3.0 programmed.

The results indicate that transformational leadership does not have a significant positive impact on job satisfaction or employee performance within the company. However, it positively and significantly influences organizational commitment. Additionally, job satisfaction shows no effect on employee performance, whereas organizational commitment demonstrates a positive and significant impact on employee performance. Furthermore, transformational leadership indirectly and significantly affects employee performance.