Green Disclosure and Innovation to Corporate Loan: Case of LQ45 Index Companies

Following the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, Indonesia committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 29% through its own efforts and 49% with international support. To achieve this, the Indonesian government is advancing sustainable finance, as mandated by the 1945 Constitution, which ensures the right to a proper environment and sustainable economic principles. Supported by the Financial Services Authority (OJK), Indonesia introduced regulations like POJK No.51/POJK.03/2017 and POJK 60/POJK.04/2017, requiring financial institutions to adopt sustainable finance principles and develop environmentally friendly securities. Commercial banks must submit a Sustainable Finance Action Plan (RAKB) and sustainable reports to OJK, with green credit being a key component.This study employed a quantitative approach to examine the relationships between Green Credit Policy, corporate access to bank loans, environmental disclosure, and green innovation in Indonesian commercial banks. The analysis of historical data revealed that the Green Credit Policy significantly influenced corporate loan accessibility. Companies with robust environmental disclosures and a history of green innovation also experienced better loan acquisition outcomes.