Female Sexual Disfunction in Teachers and Nurses of Productive Age in Lampung, Indonesia

Sexual function is an important part of an individual’s physical and emotional well-being that can be influenced by various factors, including the type of work. Vocational high school (SMK) teachers and nurses are faced with different working conditions, with levels of stress, social interactions, and workloads that may impact their sexual lives. This study aims to analyze sexual function based on the type of work of female teachers and nurses in Indonesia. This study used a cross sectional study 82 people consisting of 41 nurses at Ryacudu Hospital and 41 teachers at SMK 01 Kotabumi, SMK YPIB Kotabumi, SMK Muhammadiah Abung Timur, North Lampung, Indonesia. The sample were selected by purposive sampling from July to December 2024. Data were collected through a questionnaire that measured aspects of sexual function such as sexual satisfaction, sexual desire, and sexual disorders experienced. Data analysis using Mann-Whitney test to determine the differences in sexual function in nurses and teachers. The results show that there is no difference in sexual function in female nurses at HM Ryacudu Hospital Kotabumi and female teachers at SMK 01 Kotabumi, SMK YPIB Kotabumi, SMK Muhammadiah Abung Timur (p-value = 0.745). Female teachers and nurses are expected to pay more attention to their sexual function so that it does not affect their performance at work.

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