Digital Narratives and Social Dynamics: Examining the Influence of Technology in Aravind Adiga’s The White Tiger

Aravind Adiga’s The White Tiger provides a critical analysis of the impact of digital technology and media on social dynamics within modern India. Published in 2008, the novel delves into the socio-economic changes occurring during a time of significant globalization and economic advancement, as experienced by its main character, Balram Halwai. This research focuses on the novel’s portrayal of digital technology and media as pivotal elements in facilitating social mobility, transforming urban environments, and serving as instruments of manipulation. Balram’s engagement with media illustrates its capacity to broaden personal aspirations and influence social hierarchies. The narrative’s representation of Bangalore’s technological vibrancy mirrors larger societal shifts, while simultaneously emphasizing how media can perpetuate existing power disparities. Adiga’s storytelling highlights the contradictions inherent in technological advancement, revealing how digital innovations can create new possibilities while exacerbating pre-existing inequalities. The application of theoretical frameworks such as technological determinism, social constructivism, media influence, postcolonial studies, and socio-economic analysis enriches the understanding of these themes, showcasing the intricate relationship between technology, media, and social dynamics in contemporary India.