Design of Business Ecosystem Mapping in the Black Soldier Fly Industry of Bandung City

BSF (Black Soldier Fly) maggot cultivation is an alternative organic waste management that is growing rapidly in the city of Bandung. This research aims to design a business ecosystem map for the BSF maggot cultivation industry in Bandung City. The method used is business ecosystem mapping with a qualitative approach modified by Zheng Ma.

The research results show that the BSF maggot cultivation industry in Bandung City has six main groups of actors, namely maggot producers, maggot consumers, maggot raw material suppliers, maggot cultivation equipment and technology suppliers, government, and research institutions. Interactions between actors are driven by shared values, such as sustainability, circular economy and economic value. External factors that influence the development of the BSF maggot cultivation industry in Bandung City are government policy (politics), market trends (economics), public awareness (social) and technological progress (technology).

Reconfiguration of the BSF maggot cultivation business ecosystem in Bandung City by incorporating elements of changes in external factors. The map of changes in the BSF maggot cultivation business ecosystem in the city of Bandung over the next 5 years includes: (1) increasing BSF maggot production to meet market demand, (2) developing new products and services based on BSF maggots, (3) increasing collaboration between actors, (4) strengthening human resource capacity, and (5) encouraging the development of environmentally friendly BSF maggot cultivation technology.