Design and Construction of Thermal Overload Relay (Siemens 3ua50) Based on Arduino Uno

A Thermal Overload Relay (TOR) is a device in an electric motor protection system designed to safeguard the motor from damage due to overheating or overcurrent. This research discusses the design and implementation of a Thermal Overload Relay (TOR) based on Arduino Uno, which is a popular and flexible microcontroller platform. This design includes the PZEM-004T sensor to detect the electrical current and temperature of the electric motor. The design integrates the advantages of the PZEM-004T sensor in accurately measuring current and voltage with the flexibility and programming capabilities of Arduino in control and data processing. This system utilizes Arduino’s communication capabilities to transmit current and temperature data in real-time, enabling remote monitoring and quick response to potentially hazardous conditions. The result of this project is a tool that can replace the function of the TOR itself, where the characteristics produced are close to those of conventional TORs, and the thermal principle in the TOR is regulated with a time delay disconnection in the Arduino program.