Demographic Characteristics and Family Challenges Among Widows and Widowers in South-South Geo Political Zone, Nigeria

This research study is about demographic characteristics and family challenges among widows and widowers in South-South geopolitical zone of Nigeria. To carry on the study two research questions and two hypothesis was formulated for the study. The study employed survey research design. The study area were the six states of the South-South geopolitical zone of Nigeria. The population of the study was 630 widows and widowers in Federal Universities in South-South Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria based on information from the registrar, ASUU and widows and widowers. The sample of the study is 441 widows and widowers in the research area. The instrument used for data collection is titled” Widows and Widowers Demography and Family Challenges Questionnaire (WWDFCQ). Cronbach Alpha Coefficient was used to determine the instruments’ reliability. Bar chart, mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions. Independent t-test, were used to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study unveiled that there is no significance difference in the characteristics of the widows and widowers in South-South geopolitical zone of Nigeria and there is a significant difference in the mean responses of widows and widowers on family challenges faced by them in South-South geopolitical zone of Nigeria. Among others it was recommended that Seminars and workshops should always be organized on behalf of widows and widowers in their different locations on issues that could help them get discernment on the alternative ways of coping with the family and cultural challenges.

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