Customer Satisfaction towards Online Shopping

Online shopping is the biggest part of customer attraction as well as customer satisfaction. In today’s technology environment, most businesses rely on internet purchasing to both please their consumers and attract new ones. The effects of online shopping on improving customer satisfaction are the subject of this study report. The study also sought to determine the effects of online shopping on improving customer satisfaction in retail establishments. The research tasks entailed an ethical construction of a questionnaire keeping in view the research topic and tasks at hand. The construction of the survey was done keeping multiple touch points in consideration. Extensive research was done to identify the most prominent issues in the realm of online shopping. The survey was constructed based on these observations and was then circulated to a group of 100 respondents of varying ages, genders, and from different physical locations. Likert scales were used to gather experience-based data from all respondents. After being working on the research, we have come to learn that customer satisfaction plays a vital role in how the choices of people to shop online. Websites offering online shopping must have good customer services and user-friendly applications or websites to be easily accessible to the public and therefore making them prefer online shopping over in-person shopping. The study also revealed that online shopping has a variety of consequences (age and gender) and according to the analysis, online shopping assists in good quality, access, and comfort, resulting in increased customer satisfaction.