Power Relations between Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) Facilitators and Beneficiary Families (KPM) (Study on PKH Implementation in Malang Regency)

Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) is a government social assistance program that aims to reduce poverty and improve the welfare of poor families in Indonesia. The PKH program seeks to reduce this social and economic inequality by providing financial assistance based on certain conditions to beneficiary families. However, a paradox also occurred in Malang when the program budget and number of PKH recipients were from 2018 to 2021. This actually shows that PKH has not succeeded in releasing poor people from the abyss of poverty. Using the phenomenological method, this article was created to understand the business process of implementing PKH. Second, it is related to the social dynamics of PKH implementation. The author discusses how the orientation of PKH assistants as social workers is the key to supporting social and economic change for PKH Beneficiary Families (KPM). And finally, the author discusses Power Relations in the context of PKH. This discussion explains the impact of social dynamics in implementing PKH. As a result, bureaucratic and social pathology, especially in the form of corrupt behavior accompanying PKH, has become a challenge that must be overcome. Social pathology among KPM also influences the implementation of PKH. In a deeper analysis, the power relations between PKH assistants and KPM can be explained using Michel Foucault’s power relations approach, which can be correlated to understand the dynamics and interactions in PKH implementation more thoroughly.

The Influence of Spiritual Leadership on Teacher’s Organizational Commitment Based on (Louis W. Fry Model): A Literature Review

This study aimed to investigate the influence of principal’s spiritual leadership on teacher’s organizational commitment. Spiritual leadership is very interesting to study, because this leadership concept is a synthesis of value-based leadership constructs to answer problems related to human relations. Spiritual leadership has an important role to play in education as it can help build good relationships between principals and teachers, and increase teachers’ emotional and psychological attachment to the organization. Spiritual leadership can also help improve the quality of education and organizational performance. In addition, spiritual leadership can help improve teacher retention issues and increase organizational commitment. By applying spiritual leadership, principals can motivate and inspire individuals and engage every member of the organization to achieve school goals. Therefore, spiritual leadership can help create a positive learning environment and build a strong organizational culture in schools. The method used in this study was a literature review to investigate the influence of principals’ spiritual leadership on teachers’ organizational commitment. The article selection procedure was very rigorous using various selected journal databases to select ten research articles that met the inclusive criteria of this study. The results of this study show that spiritual leadership of school principals can significantly influence teachers’ organizational commitment.

Improving the Business Model Canvas to Maintain the Sales Performance of Ornamental Fish Business Post Covid 19 Pandemic (Case Study: Ekuarium)

 Ekuarium is one of the ornamental fish retail businesses that experienced a decline in sales performance after COVID 19 Pandemic. The sales performance of this Ekuarium is relatively unstable even though it has the potential to continue to grow in the future. This study aims to analyze the elements that affect the sales performance of the Ekuarium and update the Business Model Canvas to improve sales performance. The research methodology used is a qualitative method with data collection through interviews and observation. The secondary data used in this study were obtained through books, journals, news, and other reliable sources. For environmental analysis, this study utilizes PESTEL Analysis, Porter’s 5 Forces, Customer Empathy Map, and Competitor Analysis to obtain data from the external environment. Furthermore, this study uses VRIO analysis to determine the competitive advantage of businesses. The collected data is then summarized using SWOT analysis and formulated in the TOWS Matrix, Value Proposition Canvas, and Marketing Mix (4P’s). The result of the study is that there are BMC updates on the Value Proposition, Customer Relationship, Channels, Customer Segments, and Revenue Stream blocks. It is hoped that the update can maintain and improve sales performance at the Ekuarium.

Understanding Interpersonal Relationship Drivers to Increase Employee Engagement: Study Case of PT. Sukses Multi Amarta

This research examined the significant factors that influence interpersonal relationship of PT. Sukses Multi Amarta active and former employees. It is found that interpersonal relationship plays very important role for the employee engagement and turnover within organization. The interpersonal relationship variables are measured by applying some researches that have been conducted by previous research which concluded into three main antecedents, Social Satisfaction, Communication, and Self-Esteem. This research used qualitative interview approach as primary data to predict the root cause of the employee turnover in which concludes the interpersonal relationship as the main cause. Quantitative approach is also used in this research for secondary data by collecting literatures and distributing questionnaires. The findings of this study showed that all of the independent variables, social satisfaction, communication and self-esteem has a positive and significant effect on interpersonal relationships among workers. Communication became the key variable in influencing the level of interpersonal relationship. The recommendation programs to increase the level of communication are also provided to develop better interpersonal relationship and its least valued attributes.

Application of the Project Based Learning Model in Improving Creativity and Entrepreneurial Skills for Independent Entrepreneur Students at the Kupang Negeri Polytechnic Campus

Implementation of the Independent Curriculum requires that lecturers carry out learning and teach students using a student-centered learning model. Project Based Learning (PjBL) is a studentcentered learning method.

Entrepreneurship is a science that emphasizes attitudes and creativity, where creativity is a skill needed in the digital era.

The Merdeka entrepreneurship program is one of the independent learning programs in the Merdeka learning curriculum at the Merdeka campus as a certified independent entrepreneurship development program to prepare individuals who are competent in developing businesses. Learning is used with a project based learning model. This learning activity includes individual and team learning. The aim of the research is to determine the process of implementing the project based learning model in increasing students’ creativity and skills in making business products and the results of increasing students’ creativity and skills in making business products through the project based learning model in learning creative product entrepreneurship courses for the even semester of the 2022/2023 academic year.

This research is classroom action research with a project based learning model. The research subjects were students in the 6th semester of the Public Sector Accounting study program, totaling 100 students. Implementation from April to August 2023, consisting of 3 cycles, with stages: “Observation, Planning-Action & Reflection”. Actions are carried out by researchers and collaborators who are tasked with observing and recording any existing developments. The data collection method used is observation. Data analysis was carried out by measuring the creativity and skills of the product results of several types of businesses, namely by presenting them in the form of tables and percentages. The research results show that initial observations show that many groups still lack creativity and skill. In implementing the project based learning (PJBL) method, students experience an increase in their creative thinking and skills after being given action. Increased creativity in making student business products in learning creative products and entrepreneurship in semester 6 2022/2023 amounted to 84.66%, and increased skills in making student business products amounted to 81,25%. The description above shows that the project based learning (PJBL) method can increase student creativity and skills in learning creative products and entrepreneurship.

Organizational Agility Assessment to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Structure Streamlining and Implementation of “Team of Teams” as the New Way of Working in the West Java Provincial Government

This research is aimed to conduct an organizational agility assessment in the Regional Secretariat of the West Java Provincial Government through Five Trademarks of Agile Organization, i.e. Strategy, Structure, Process, People, and Technology. Five Trademarks comprises 23 agile practices and is represented by 40 questionnaire statements. This research involves respondents from the civil servants serving in the Regional Secretariat of West Java. The respondent determination used complex probability sampling and stratified into 9 units of groups, with a sample of 211 employees. By using descriptive statistical analysis, this study shows that the Regional Secretariat is categorized as an average level in terms of organizational agility, with high stable capability and average dynamic capability. The Process and People dimension should be the main concern to enhance the current organizational agility level.

The Importance of Digital Technology and Clustering for Innovation in MSEs. Evidence from Secondary Data in Indonesia

This paper explores the relationship between innovation and these two determinants in micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in the manufacturing industry in Indonesia, using secondary data. The key question in this research: is there evidence of the importance of DT and clustering for innovation capability in MSEs in Indonesia? The paper analyzes secondary data from Indonesia’s National Agency of Statistics and reviews key literature on innovation and digitalization in MSEs, and industrial cluster development in Indonesia. It is found that the number of industrial clusters of micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) is concentrated on the island of Java, where more than 50% of the population is located, and is the most advanced region in economic development and industrialization in Indonesia. The majority of MSME clusters are in the food industry and woodworking industries. Only a very few of MSEs in the manufacturing industry use the Internet and do innovation. The type of innovation mostly is product innovation. Both relationships between MSEs doing innovation and MSEs using the internet and the total number of clusters are positive. But, statistically, only the relationship between the number of MSEs doing innovation and use of the internet is significant.

Determinants of Work life Balance on Lecturer Performance mediated by Work Engagement

In a dynamic and demanding academic environment, achieving optimal work-life balance is crucial for the well-being and performance of faculty members. This research investigates the determinants of work-life balance among lecturers and explores the mediating role of work engagement in influencing lecturer performance. The study employs a quantitative method with a systematic review. A questionnaire-based survey was designed to test the model based on a dataset from 98 private lecturers in Banten. The partial results indicate that Work-Life Balance (WLB) and Work Engagement (WE) have a positive and significant impact on Lecturer Performance (EP). The research also reveals that WE plays a crucial mediating role, influencing the relationship between work-life balance and lecturer performance. This study is one of the few that explores the interconnections among WLB, Lecturer Performance, and Work Engagement (WE) as a crucial mediating variable.

The Shift of Philippine Architectural Media toward Digitalization (2018-2023)

This research examines how Philippine architectural communication experienced a renewal after the pandemic crisis. First, through a shift from the country’s flagship architectural magazine, BluPrint, toward a personally initiated digital platform, Kanto. Since BluPrint started to become digital in 2018, the publishers aimed at more aggressive targets for new articles. When Covid hit the Philippines in the beginning of 2020, it made BluPrint  suffer and confused. The publisher company focused on the business side to diminish the encountered deficit. They started reaching out to a common lifestyle market but the journalists wished to continue addressing architects and the public interested in architecture. As the company wanted to broaden the target, the journalists felt that most of their content did not fit for that expansion. As result of the tension, in December 2020, most of BluPrint’s former staff decided to leave and “migrate” for Kanto. Kanto, a digital platform was created out of the former personal blog of one the migrant journalists to be an intellectual venue for art and architecture advocacy. Upon this departure, BluPrint’s publisher noticed that not only the magazine could not be published for a whole year in 2020 but also, it lost its journalists for a new competitor. Thus after a significant interruption, the publisher decided to renew BluPrint with a fully new staff. This marks the second shift, the complete digital transition of the originally printed, then blended BluPrint. These dynamic communication aspects of architecture, construction and built environment have not yet been sufficiently investigated, unlike their physical aspects. In order to elaborate findings, after a review of literature on worldwide shifts towards digital media, this paper matches observations on the institutional history and performance of BluPrint and Kanto with a second line of premises, qualitative statements. It reviews how former BluPrint, now migrant journalists are successful on the digital platform Kanto, in a fully different organizational and financial system. It also presents how BluPrint also experienced a renewal with its fully new staff. Behind both shifts, an underlying dilemma between financial success and content success became sharper in times of the increasing and now almost obligatory digitalization. Events and festivals are strongly needed by both online publications to create a tangible and interactive basis for gathering experiences of architecture lovers among themselves and with their “star architects”. In summary, the digitalization established a wider variety of journalistic forms which appear in more spontaneous, less focused presentations. While BluPrint strives after a wider viewership with an entertaining character, Kanto tries to deliver more depth in the profession embedded in a variety of artistic and cultural forms. As conclusion, in both shifts, content curation strategies prevailed over technological skills. The described genre shifts propelled deeper changes in both the content and nature of architectural discourse in the Philippines. The shifts also drew up a new relationship pattern between practicing architects, contractors and architectural media.

Determining The Contract Service Strategy at Coal Terminal Maintenance to Address Contractor’s Inability to Maintain Availability of Fixed Plants in Supporting Shipments Activities at PTKPC a Case Study PTKPC, East Kutai, East Kalimantan, Indonesia

PTKPC, a coal producer, was facing challenges due to a permit transition in December 2021 from Coal Mining Contract of Work (PKP2B) to Special Mining Business License (IUPK). This change increases operational costs with added royalty rates, value-added tax, and profit-sharing obligations. To address this issue, the company decided to streamline contractors in each department in all business units, consolidating various tasks under one umbrella contract. The goal is to provide a big volume of work, potentially lowering rates and reducing PTKPC’s operational costs. However, relying on a single contractor for crucial operations, as seen in the Coal Terminal Maintenance Department (CTMD), introduces risks. The sole contract winner, PTPB, struggles to meet obligations since the contract’s initiation on December 1, 2021. The average contract fulfillment since commencement date is 86% of 100% desired target, disrupting fixed plant Coal Terminal maintenance activities. Physical availability is 93%, below the 94% target, increasing CTMD’s maintenance costs by $0.059 per ton. This research seeks to identify the root causes of PTPB’s inability to fulfill contractual duties and explore alternative solutions. and then from all the existing alternatives, what is the best alternative in responding to this condition. Utilizing primary and secondary data from PTPB’s monthly proforma invoices, contract scope, and CTMD’s monthly reports, the research employs methodologies like problem tree analysis and stakeholder analysis to unravel business complexities and identify root cause of the problems. Qualitative data collection methods, including focused group discussions (FGD) and semi-structured interviews, will be used to determine alternatives. These alternatives will be assessed using the Value-Focused Thinking (VFT) methodology. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) methodology, assisted by the AHP Super Decision application, will determine the best alternative: the “Implementation of Warnings and Penalties to PTPB”. Implementing this alternative demonstrates PTKPC’s commitment to stakeholders, ensuring contractor accountability without disrupting fixed plant maintenance. Penalty funds will support CTMD’s financial viability, funding additional resources for tasks beyond PTPB’s capacity. This strategy may be applied to other contracts within PTKPC.