Fabrication and Characterization of Fast Dissolving Herbal Buccal Film Containing Mimosa Pudica Leaf Extract

Buccal films has distinct advantages over conventional dosage forms. Drugs can be delivered through  buccal route, by avoiding first pass metabolism to produce local and systemic action. Rapid absorption of the drug is achieved because buccal mucosa is highly permeable with rich blood supply. Only few dosage forms are designed to deliver the drug through this route. Leaf extract of Mimosa pudica has number of pharmacological actions. Buccal film  of leaf extract of mimosa pudica is prepared by solvent casting method and evaluated  for its characteristics. Six formulations were prepared, out of which F3 formulation was found promising formulation, releases 96.13% of drug in 10 minutes.

Decision Analysis to Find Best Solution of Operation and Maintenance Management System in Central Processing Plant (CPP) Gundih Using The SMART Method at PT. Pertamina EP

Central Processing Plant (CPP) Gundih is a gas field owned by PT. Pertamina EP Cepu Field area which is located in Blora Regency, Central Java. The gas produced by the CPP Gundih is channelled to the Tambak Lorok Gas and Steam Power Plant (PLTGU) with a capacity of 1,469MW in the Semarang City area, Central Java. Therefore, the CPP Gundih is a vital national object that supports national energy security, especially for the Central Java area. CPP Gundih first operated in 2013 with the operation and maintenance management system being fully handled by a third party with a contract term of one decade. In the coming year, the contract system will approach the end of the collaboration so that PT. Pertamina EP needs more efficient management schemes and strategies and more agile business processes.

In the past decade, there have been several evaluations that have become a concern for companies in implementing contract systems with third parties. These obstacles mean that several aspects are not managed well and result in problems that reduce the level of customer satisfaction, decrease profits, and increase operational and maintenance costs. So that PT. Pertamina EP is considering several options for better management of the CPP Gundih in the future, namely the option of detailing third party contracts in the future, the option of transferring management by PT. Pertamina EP partially, full management transfer option by PT. Pertamina EP without any third-party involvement.

From several proposed options, the author will use the Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique (SMART) method to select the best option by considering aspects of Cost, Durability and Plant Availability, Manpower Competency Management, Remuneration, Communication Flow, and Integrated Work Procedure. The research results obtained from this method will become a reference for the PT management team. Pertamina EP for decision making related to the operation and maintenance implementation system at the Central Processing Plant (CPP) Gundih gas field.

Human Resource Needs Planning in the Technical Implementation Unit Health Laboratory Kendari City

Introduction: Human Resource Planning Is A Structured Process Used To Predict Future Workforce Needs And Availability. Analysis Of Workforce Needs Is A Logical And Planned Step In Evaluating The Number And Competency Of Employees Required In An Organizational Unit. To Overcome The Problem Of Health Human Resource Needs, Laboratory Management Capabilities Are Needed To Accurately Plan Health Human Resource Needs In Accordance With Existing Service Requirements In Each Laboratory Unit. .

Method: This Research Aims To Carry Out An Analysis Of Health Human Resource Needs Planning At The Kendari City Health Laboratory Service Technical Implementation Unit. This Type Of Research Is Qualitative Descriptive Research With A Case Study Approach. The Informants In This Study Were 6 People, 2 Informants At The Service Technical Implementation Unit Health Laboratory And 4 Informants At The Kendari City Health Service. Data Collection Was Obtained From Primary Data And Secondary Data Through In-Depth Interviews, Document Review And Literature Review. Data Analysis Techniques Include Data Reduction, Data Presentation And Drawing Conclusions.

Results And Conclusions: The Research Results Show That In Planning Health Human Resources Needs There Is No Standard Operating Procedure, There Is No Policy In The Form Of A Planning Team Decree, There Is No Budget In Human Resources Planning, The Availability Of Data And Information Systems In The Form Of The Human Resources Application And The Renbut Application, And Using The Workload Analysis Method In Calculating Human Resources Needs.

The Importance of Studying Spontaneous Speech in Computational Linguistics

This scientific work provides information on the importance of studying spontaneous speech in computational linguistics. Studying spontaneous speech has numerous practical implications. The ramifications of spontaneous speech analysis are extensive, ranging from improving voice assistants and speech-to-text systems to enhancing human-computer interaction. An examination of spontaneous speech in computational linguistics offers a more authentic depiction of language usage, poses difficulties for current models, and opens up fresh opportunities for enhancing the precision and adaptability of language processing systems. The integration of spontaneous speech analysis will be crucial in developing the discipline of computational linguistics as technology progresses.

The Peculiarities of the Development of the Composition and Technology of the “Sedtab” Tablet

Today, neurological diseases occupy one of the leading places in terms of prevalence among all diseases. According to the World Health Organization, over the past 65 years, the number of neurological diseases in the world has increased more than 20 times and amounts to approximately 40%. Despite the relatively wide availability of means for the prevention and treatment of neurological diseases, the development and implementation of new, more effective and safe means remains relevant. In this regard, preparations from medicinal plants deserve special attention, since they are closer to the human body than synthetic drugs, easily enter into metabolic processes, practically do not cause side effects and often reduce negative consequences.

The main goal of this work is to develop a new composition and technology for “Sedtab” tablets based on local plant materials, i.e. stinging nettle, lemon balm and motherwort, as well as the study of technological properties based on scientific criteria for the creation of medicinal products.

The Peculiarities of Studies on the Stability of Ambronat

In this article, the quality indicators for determining the persistence of a cough–stimulating and secretomotor type of drug commonly used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract were investigated. “Ambronate” qiyami did not change its color, taste and smell during the years of its stability in terms of its appearance. The indicator of рN environment is normally in the range of 5.0–7.5 and during the study it was in the range of 6.3–7.8. The results for the 3 years of the study were presented. In the 2.5–3rd year of storage, the amount of fungi and bacteria in the kiyama increased, and the results of the study in 2.5 years of storage were presented. In the quantitative analysis, the amount of ambroxol hydrochloride was determined by the spectrophotometric method, the obtained results were reflected in the regulatory documents.

Analysis of Business Restructuring Strategies Based on a Strategic Due Diligence Approach at PT. Industri Telekomunikasi Indonesia (PERSERO)

In the ever-evolving market conditions and increasingly fierce competition, PT. INTI is faced with the challenge of carrying out an effective business restructuring in order to improve the company’s performance. The strategic due diligence approach is used in this study as a framework for analyzing business restructuring strategies. The research method used includes literature studies, secondary data analysis, and interviews with related parties at PT. INTI. The collected data were analyzed using qualitative approaches to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the company’s business situation. The results of this study reveal that PT. INTI requires a business restructuring which includes changes in business strategy, company organization, and operations. This study identified several suggested restructuring strategies, such as product and service diversification, developing new markets, increasing operational efficiency, and increasing collaboration with strategic partners.

Ohio Principal’s Behavior Leadership on Teacher’s Professional Commitment: A Literature Review

Ohio Principal’s Behavior Leadership on Teacher Professional Commitment. The principal’s behavior leadership is one of the components that support schools to achieve educational goals with good quality, how to lead in influencing and mobilizing subordinates, selecting and developing the character of each individual, carrying out communication to all elements of the organization, motivating subordinates, making decisions and supervising subordinates. Then there is a personal relationship built by the principal with the teacher, the structure of the division of teacher duties through consideration and initiating structure, to the teacher’s professional commitment at school. The research method in this article uses the library research method (Library Research) this research method deals with library data collection methods. The data collection technique in this study uses documentation and the data analysis technique of this study uses critical analysis, which is critical in nature, generally starting from certain views or values believed by the researcher in the problem of the influence of the principal’s ohio behavioral leadership on the commitment of the teacher profession. Through the commitment of professional teachers based on expertise, competence and specialist knowledge obtained through certain education, it will improve the quality and quality of education.

Dongkrek Art in Co-Curricular Activities as a Manifestation of Differentiated Learning

The purpose of this research is to describe cocurricular learning by utilizing Dongkrek art as differentiated learning. The type of research is descriptive qualitative. The source of data is co-curricular activities with Dongkrek art. Data were collected through: observation, interview, and documentation study. The result of the research is that co-curricular learning by utilizing Dongkrek art is differentiated learning because it fulfills its components, namely: flexibility, grouping process based on needs, active involvement of students, appropriate challenges, and continuous formative assessment. The conclusion of the research is that Dongkrek art in co-curricular is a manifestation of differentiated learning.

Data Analytics for Decision-Making in Evaluating the Top-Performing Product and Developing Sales Forecasting Model in an Oil Service Company

This study addresses the strategic challenges faced by a company specialising in the manufacture of oil and gas equipment. Following organisational restructuring, which involved the dissolution of one business unit and the creation of another, the company is navigating complexities in product focus and manpower allocation within the Asia-Pacific region. The research problem centres on identifying the top-performing product, determining potential countries for establishing a support base facility based on sales performance, and developing a method for forecasting future sales.

The research involved retrieving and pre-processing historical sales data, then performing a thorough descriptive and predictive analysis. The data was partitioned into training and testing sets to facilitate predictive analytics. Several predictive models were developed and tested, including neural networks, linear regression, gradient-boosted trees, random forests, and ARIMA methods. Tableau Public was utilised for descriptive analytics, whereas RapidMiner Studio was employed for predictive analytics.

The study’s results, derived through both descriptive and predictive analytic methods, reveal critical insights. The Blowout Preventer (BOP) emerged as the top-performing product in the Asia-Pacific region. In terms of establishing support base facilities, Malaysia was identified as the ideal location for the BOP, while Indonesia was found suitable for the Manifold product group. Furthermore, the Random Forest model was determined to be the most effective for forecasting future sales. These findings provide strategic guidance for the company in product focus, regional expansion, and resource allocation, contributing significantly to the company’s decision-making process in a competitive industry.