Conservation and Population Status of Freshwater Fishes from Kelekar River, South Sumatra, Indonesia

This study assessed the conservation and population status of the fish species collected from the Kelekar river. This study was conducted between May 2022 and June 2023. A total of   1.267 fish belonging to 49 species and 19 families were recorded. Cyprinidae was found to be the richest family (18 species) followed by Osphronemidae (5 species), Channidae (4 species), Siluridae (3 species), Bagridae, Claridae, Pangasidae, Pristolepidae (2 species), and others (1 species). The Shannon-Weiner diversity index was 3.547. The Simpson’s dominance index was 0.035, and the Evenness index was 0.921. The biodiversity index of the Kelekar river was in the high category. Base on the latest IUCN red list, one species as data deficient, forty-three species as least concern, two species as near threatened, two species as vulnerable, and one species as critically endangered. The IUCN based population status of fish species present in the Kelekar River was unknown (35%), stable (47%), and decreasing (18%).

Developing Self-Learning Competence for Students Based on Learning Theories Combined With the Support of AI Chatbot in Teaching

To ensure the educational goals of the 21st century, creating a “learning society” and “lifelong learning,” the development of self-learning competence in the teaching process is crucial. Constructivism and Metacognition theories have shown that teachers need to create a learning environment that helps learners build and create knowledge for themselves based on thinking, exploration, and practice. This approach aids in the development of students’ self-learning competence. AI Chatbot serves as an effective tool in building a virtual assistant, a virtual practice medium that allows students to interact, inquire, and experience 24/7 from anywhere. With AI Chatbot, students will receive support according to their needs, desires, and self-awareness levels. Moreover, AI Chatbot provides a suitable environment for developing self-learning competence for students.

Review of the OSI Model and TCP/IP Protocol Suite on Modern Network Communication

Layered approaches to networking are possible. Network architects categorize protocols in order to simplify their designs. Each layer has its own protocol for talking to the outside world. Every component of the network implements some of the nth layer. Messages are sent back and forth between these parts. Layer n protocol data units [n-PDU] are the official name for these transmissions. All the steps necessary for efficient conversation are covered and these steps are organized into layers for easy comprehension. Layered architecture describes this kind of planning for a communications system. The OSI model is a framework for developing and implementing network-based software applications. It also serves as a basis for the development of new networking protocol hardware, and architectures. This document compares and contrasts the OSI Reference Model seven layers with those of the TCP/IP Model four. There are distinct roles at each successive level. All Internet communication duties may be traced back to the TCP/IP reference model.

Effect of Goat Dung Charcoal Blend of Lontar Shell and Other Biomass on Physical and Chemical Properties of Biocharcoal Briquettes

This study aims to determine the physicochemical properties of biocharcoal briquettes blend of goat dung charcoal, lontar shell charcoal and various biomasses. This study used a completely randomised design with 4 treatments and 4 replicates. The treatments were T1: 50% goat dung charcoal + 40% lontar shell charcoal + 10% lontar male fruit charcoal, T2: 50% goat dung charcoal + 40% lontar shell charcoal + 10% rice husk charcoal, T3: 50% goat dung charcoal + 40% lontar shell charcoal + 10% corn cob charcoal, T4: 50% goat dung charcoal + 40% lontar shell charcoal + 10% lamtoro twigs charcoal. The variables studied were briquette yield, density, moisture content, ash content, calorific value, volatile matter, and fixed carbon. The statistical analysis showed that the treatment had a very significant effect (P<0.01) on density, moisture, ash content, calorific value, volatile matter, and fixed carbon, but no significant effect (P>0.05) on yield. The average of yield 56.41%, density 0.68g/cm3, moisture  5.39%, Ash 22.24%, fixed carbon 43.04%, volatile matter of 29.34% and calorific value 4555.67 cal/g.  It was concluded that biocharcoal briquettes produced blend of goat dung charcoal, lontar shell, and various biomasses (lontar male fruit, rice husk, corn cob and lamtoro twigs) had varying physical and chemical properties, but in this study using lontar male fruit charcoal, rice husk and lamtoro twig, were better.

Effect of Aquifer Strength and Gas-cap Size on Oil Recovery Efficiency in Thin-Oil Rim

Recovering oil from thin oil rim reservoirs depends on some factors such as the gas-cap size, thickness of initial oil column, aquifer strength, permeability anisotropy (kV/kH), and rock and fluid properties. The arbitrary selection of these factors by researchers during investigation limits the systematic assessment of the influence of these factors on hydrocarbon recovery from thin oil rim reservoirs. This work investigated the effect of aquifer strength, gas cap size, and permeability anisotropy on hydrocarbon recovery, using design of experiment (DOE) as a tool in the systematic selection of some of the factors that influence hydrocarbon recovery. A static model of the base case oil rim was built in Petrel. Using Eclipse simulator, two other reservoir models having different gas cap sizes from the base case were built. Forty-eight simulation cases were generated using the result from the design of experiment (DOE). The aquifer model used is a Fetkovich analytical aquifer model, and the aquifer volume factors used for this investigation are 0.7, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.5, while the gas cap sizes (m-factor) used are 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0.  The permeability anisotropy used are 0.01, 0.05, 0.10 and 0.40. Each simulation case was made to run for a period of twenty years (20years) and the results for the Field Oil Efficiency (FOE), Field Water Production Total (FWPT) and Field Gas Production Total (FGPT) were obtained and analyzed. It was found from this study that, the oil percentage recovery will increase as the gas cap size is decreased, while the percentage gas and water recoveries will increase as the size of the gas cap is increased for a thin oil rim reservoir. Again, for a thin oil rim reservoir with gas cap size of 0.50 ≤ m ≤ 2.00, percentage recovery of gas, oil and water will increase with aquifer volume. Also, based on the result obtained, a thin oil rim reservoir with small to moderate gas cap size (0.5≤ m≤1.0) will yield higher oil recoveries irrespective of the kV /kH ratio.

The Influence of Augmented Reality on Purchase Intentions through Consumers of Madame Gie Products

Beauty products are needed by every individual, with various types of products offered, including quality, price, brand, and packaging. Therefore, the Purchase intentions of beauty products are very diverse. Madame Gie is one of the beauty product brands that has plunged into the use of Augmented Reality to make it easier for consumers to choose product variances. This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of Augmented Reality experiences on the purchase intention of Madame Gie products in Bandung, with Consumers’ Control as an intervening variable. This study uses a quantitative approach with a questionnaire through Google Form of 385 samples and analyzed by the Smart-PLS statistical program based on this research, the AR experience positively influences consumer Purchase Intention toward Madame Gie products. Consumer’s Control also plays a crucial role in the relationship between AR experience and Purchase Intention. Therefore, companies need to consider the importance of giving control to consumers in AR technology usage to maximize its impact on consumer purchase intention and enhance the performance of their beauty product marketing.

Employer Branding to Improve Employee Loyalty after a Business Merger in PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas

In today’s world, solid employer branding is important for any company or organization. Ambler & Barrow (1996) defined employer branding as the process of building and promoting a company’s reputation as an employer. Ilyas et al. (2020) stated that employer branding has a strong positive relationship with employee loyalty and the extent to which employees are committed to their organization and its goals. When a business goes through a merger, employee loyalty becomes an important factor in ensuring the company’s productivity, which is something that PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas and some other Indonesian State-Owned Enterprises have gone through in recent years. The primary research objective of this study is to identify the specific aspects of employer branding that can be prioritized by PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas to enhance employee loyalty. The methodology used is primarily quantitative research with correlational analysis as the statistical model, however, additional qualitative data was also collected and analyzed. The primary data were acquired through an online questionnaire given to the employees of PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas. This study concludes that employer branding and employee loyalty have a strong positive significant correlation. Furthermore, it was also found that the employer branding dimensions with the strongest correlation with employee loyalty are organizational culture, ethics and corporate social responsibility, and diversity. PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas can focus on improving the organizational culture, ethics and corporate social responsibility, and diversity aspects of employer branding to improve employee loyalty. The research also provides actionable solutions for PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas to further strengthen its employer branding and improve employee loyalty.

The Significance of Stakeholders in the Rooftop Solar Power Plant Ecosystem Industry in Indonesia

Stakeholder analysis in an ecosystem is important for managers to planning the most efficient strategic steps for their organization. On the other hand, there is lack of research that mapping the significance of actors inside the ecosystem of an industry. This study attempts to utilize the network analysis as a method to examine the significance of stakeholders. We demonstrate the usage and effectiveness of this method in the rooftop solar power plant ecosystem industry in Indonesia. This study used a qualitative research methodology. Data were obtained through in-depth interviews with stakeholders who formed the industry. The result of this study are Indonesia’s rooftop solar power plant ecosystem map and power-interest grid of the stakeholders.

The Need for Flipbook Media for Building Space Material in Elementary School Mathematics Learning

This study describes the needs of flipbook media for learning mathematics with the material of building space. The purpose of this research is to describe the needs of flipbook media for learning mathematics with elementary school space building material. The type of research is descriptive qualitative. The data source is math learning with geometry material. data collection through questionnaires and interviews. The results showed that flipbook media is needed for learning mathematics because it has facilities that easily arouse motivation to learn, making flipbook content is easy and does not require large storage space, and can be learned at any time according to circumstances.

Factors That Influencing Employee’s Wellbeing during Pandemic

The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between diversity, psychosocial, and employee wellbeing as an impact of implementing flexible working arrangements during the COVID-19 period in 2022. The results revealed that diversity and psychosociality were significantly and positively related to employee wellbeing. It also revealed that age and gender were significantly and positively related to flexible working arrangements and that flexible working arrangements were significantly and positively related to psychosocial. Theoretically, this paper has contributed to the literature on flexible working arrangements, psychosocial, diversity, and well-being. Practically, the practitioners of digital companies should consider implementing flexible working arrangements to cater to the needs of their employees by providing flexible work time, remote working, or different working hours. In conclusion, this paper has revealed the importance of flexible working arrangements and diversity in employee well-being.