Teaching Process for Modules in the Information Technology Major for Higher Students According to the Competency Approach

The first part of the article studies the concept of “competency” and approaches to competency, setting goals and output standards of the teaching process. The main part of the article focuses on analyzing the teaching process according to the competency approach, introducing the program content of the Information Technology knowledge block. The content of this program includes basic information technology, programming, operating systems, networks, databases, software, information security, artificial intelligence, web and mobile development, and management. projects, and cloud computing.

The teaching process according to the competency approach is described in detail, starting from determining learning goals and output standards, followed by learning and practice. Using AI Chatbot and Website is recommended as an effective means of learning. Special emphasis is placed on student support through AI Chatbot, helping students to be autonomous and confident in the learning process. Diverse exercises and practices are provided to develop students’ abilities.

Next is the testing and assessment step, emphasizing the importance of multi-dimensional assessment to ensure objectivity and fairness to test students’ knowledge and abilities. The last part of the article is to perfect the teaching process based on the competency approach in the Information Technology industry, with benefits such as the competency to personalize learning and develop learning competency for students.

Proposed Digital Marketing Strategy to Increase Customer Acquisition for Travel Agent Company

This study is a comprehensive examination designed to explore a number of complex challenges encountered by PT Selaras Citanusa (Selaras Wisata) in their endeavor to attract consumers organically, particularly within the context of the thriving Umrah tourism industry. The COVID-19 pandemic has posed significant difficulties for this enterprise. Efforts to increase market share and increase public awareness of brands on the market represent one of the greatest obstacles. This study presents a comprehensive qualitative methodology that combines several resilient analytic techniques. The 7Ps marketing mix method is used to describe the essential components of Selaras Wisata’s marketing strategy. Fishbone analysis is used to identify the fundamental causes of the business’s numerous problems. The SWOT analysis aides in evaluating the company’s environmental strengths, vulnerabilities, opportunities, and threats. In addition, content analysis is used to perceive and measure the impact of the company’s numerous marketing efforts. The study also includes a comprehensive examination of the external factors influencing Selaras Wisata. By employing Porter’s Five Forces analysis, the research investigates the industry’s structure and other external factors that may impact the company. Selaras Wisata uses customer behavior analysis to obtain a deeper understanding of customer preferences, requirements, and levels of satisfaction with the services provided. The data underlying this study are collected through in-depth interviews with PT Selaras’s internal team members. This information is then thoroughly analyzed using a variety of analytical instruments, such as SWOT analysis and Fishbone analysis. The author anticipate that the outcomes of this research will provide valuable contributions to Selaras Wisata’s efforts in crafting an effective digital marketing strategy to enhance customer engagement and ultimately improve public perception.

Laws on Tourism Service Business Conditions: A Qualitative Study in Vietnam

According to Vietnamese law, tourism service business belongs to the group of conditional businesses, governed by the Law on Tourism; Products are travel programs and tours. In particular, travel companies are the bridge between tourists and other services to serve tourists. Pursuant to the 2017 Law on Tourism, the law has regulations related to travel service business conditions, however, these regulations are still not unified, and there are overlaps that need to be resolved. From there, the article analyzes tourism legal regulations on travel service business conditions, shows the need to improve regulations on this issue in the context of globalization and proposes solutions complete.

Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Method for Marketing Agency Selection at PT Kirana Mitraabadi

E-Commerce growth in Indonesia sets the stage for PT Kirana Mitraabadi, underlined by statistics indicating a substantial increase in e-commerce users. PT Kirana has identified the need to embrace and make a shift from a B2B-focused business model to the dynamic B2C market. The company aims to leverage this momentum, recognizing the potential to broaden its customer base and drive sales through the introduction of a new product line derived from its core offering of paraffin wax. However, the complexities of this shift reveal a major challenge in PT Kirana’s marketing division, which specializes only in B2B strategies. The key responsibility is developing B2C marketing strategies, required to be employed with a competent marketing agency. The assessment is conducted using 5 Whys technique and a fishbone diagram, examining the current factors and challenges that PT Kirana faces. Then, the process of choosing the agency involves a thorough decision making approach that takes into account both qualitative and quantitative factors. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is the preferred method for assessing and choosing the best marketing agency to partner with. The findings of the AHP analysis offer actionable insights, facilitating a seamless transition for PT Kirana Mitraabadi’s as it ventures into the B2C market, supported by the strategic expertise of the chosen marketing agency. This will help the company to capitalize on the e-commerce market in Indonesia, expand its customer base and successfully introduce their new product line also increasing their sales through the B2C market strategies.

The Role of Democratic Transformational Leadership Style in Supporting Clan Organizational Culture

Leadership plays a critical role in achieving organizational success and shaping its culture. This paper investigates the role of leadership in shaping organizational culture, specifically within a leading automotive dealership in Indonesia aiming to strengthen its clan culture. This paper aims to evaluate the existing leadership approach in the company and identify a style that would better support a clan culture. Primary data for the study was gathered through a quantitative survey of 324 employees, selected using Slovin’s formula. The questionnaire model that was employed is the Vannsimpco Leadership Survey (VLS). The tools that were used for analysis are descriptive analysis and gap analysis. Results show that the organization predominantly exhibits an Autocratic-Transformational leadership approach. In contrast, the expected leadership style that emerged from the results is Democratic-Transactional. Based on the findings, the company is advised to strategically realign its leadership to a Democratic-Transformational style, emphasizing participative decision-making, open communication, and collaborative, employee-focused approaches to foster a clan culture.

Understanding Factors That Affect Social Media Advertisement Adoption for Small Medium Enterprises in Indonesia the Case of Facebook Advertisement

Advancement of technology in the field of marketing has been one significant factor in assisting Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to increase their competitiveness. Meta, as a technological company, provide Facebook advertisement as a mean of digital social media advertising. One of the challenges that Meta faced is to attract more Facebook ads adoption especially in the Small Medium Enterprise sector. This research objective is to understand the factors that affect social media advertisement adoption, in this case Facebook advertisement, for small medium enterprises in Indonesia. There are eight variables that are believed to influence customer intention to adopt Facebook advertisement which are performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating condition, hedonic motivation, price value, perceived technology security and self-efficacy.

The main data was collected by an online survey and 350 SMEs participated in it. The respondents are SMEs that operate in Indonesia and either have not use Facebook advertisement service or do not use the service anymore. The sample was gathered using non-probability convenience sampling and the data was analysed using structural equation model technique. The research found that Self-efficacy is the highest influencing variable that are statistically significant to influence SMEs intention to adopt Facebook advertisement. Effort expectancy and social influence are found to be statistically significant to influence SMEs intention to adopt Facebook advertisement. Hedonic motivation and price value factor are found to be statistically significant to influence intention to adopt Facebook ads for SMEs that have use the service but choose not to use it anymore. In the contrary, the factor of performance expectancy, facilitating condition and perceived technology security are found to be not statistically significant to influence intention to adopt Facebook ads among Indonesia SMEs.

The research suggests Meta to prioritize an effort to increase SMEs self-efficacy in using Facebook advertisement by giving free training and certification. Other suggestions are to partner with relevant key opinion leaders (KOL)/communities, creating engagement with SMEs through events and giving monetary incentives such as discount coupons. For future research, researcher suggest different/smaller respondent demography and/or different social media advertising platform. Research with respondent that are actively using Facebook advertising service could also give additional insight to the study.

Legal Equivalence in International Agreements Case Study: Morocco-European Union Agreement Association

This study is comparative, qualitative and exploratory in nature. It aims at exploring the types of equivalence and translation procedures used in legal translations. The representative data consists of three authentic versions of the Morocco-European Union Association Agreement. This study has started by providing a brief overview of the translation theories and schools of thought as well as the issue of equivalence in translation, important translation techniques and procedures often employed in the translation of law are presented, discussing each translation procedure and its applicability to legal translation, and then a succinct description of the Morocco-EU FTA Association. This is followed by a comparative analysis of the English, French and Arabic translations in relation to the translation procedures used by translators. Because this study is mainly descriptive, Gideon Toury‘s comparative analysis translation approach will be used. It consists of the identification of the source text, and then the mapping of target text’s segments on their counterparts in order to determine the relationships that link a target text to its source.

Coaching Effectiveness in Ideation of PLN LDP Level 3

This study evaluates the effectiveness of coaching in the Ideation of Leadership Development Program (LDP) Level 3 at PT. PLN (Persero), focusing on Coach-Client Relationship theories (Diller et al., 2022) and the ADKAR model by Hiatt (2006). It investigates the influence of coach-coachee dynamics, including Working Alliance – Task and Goal, Perceived Empathy, Perceived Need Supportive Behavior, and Closeness, on the success of the coaching process. Additionally, the research assesses the ADKAR model’s components (Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, and Reinforcement) and Team Effectiveness based on Process Criteria (Effort-Related, Strategy-Related, and Knowledge & Skill-Related) in group project facilitation. Utilizing a quantitative approach, online questionnaires were distributed to 19 individuals who met the necessary criteria, including being participants in two coaching sessions of Ideation 3 Batch 5 and holding positions as potential leaders three tiers beneath the board of directors, consisting of Managers in Service Units, Vice Presidents in subsidiaries, and Assistant Vice Presidents. The responses then would be analyzed via IBM SPSS 27.0. Results indicate significant correlations between Coach-Client Relationship, ADKAR model, and Team Effectiveness, enhancing the understanding of coaching in personnel development. This finding highlights the necessity of a well-aligned coaching process to foster effective individual change readiness. Moreover, the finding also reveals that the coaching process extends beyond individual development and has a significant influence on team collaboration and effectiveness. A well-aligned coaching process can more effectively prepare individuals for the transitions and developments required in leadership roles and equip them to contribute positively to team environments. While this study contributes to a better understanding of coaching as a method for people development, there are some limitations concerning the sample and limited time of the study. Future research with a larger and varied sample, across-case data collection, and various additional data is needed. Testing with before-after questionnaires, forum group discussions, and a mixed-method approach would be particularly interesting, including diverse leadership levels and genders.

Improving Refuelling Flowtime at Fuel Terminal X PT AAA

This research evaluates the performance of fuel distribution services by PT AAA at Terminal X, focusing on meeting the operational target of 14 hours per day. The average service level during the assessment period was 56%, revealing a significant operational gap of 44% exceeding the target due to delays in truck refueling attributed to long queues, administrative processes, and technical disruptions. By analyzing data with the SIOD application and employing the 5 Whys method for root cause analysis, delays in refueling trucks, exceeding contract targets by 20%, were identified. Reducing refueling time could save PT BBB, a stakeholder, IDR 574 million annually in overtime expenses and mitigate worker fatigue and incidents during late-night work. Practical recommendations include improving operational hours, efficiency, and safety by identifying constraints and defects to align with target operational time in contractual obligations between PT AAA and PT BBB.

The Influence of Electronic Service Quality, Sales Promotion, and Product Variation on Purchase Decisions and Satisfaction: a Study on BUKALAPAK

Bukalapak, as one of the most popular online shopping applications in Indonesia, faces challenges in satisfying its customers. Despite offering a variety of products and services, there are significant complaints regarding the quality of service and the conducted promotions. This research aims to evaluate how product variation, sales promotions, and electronic service quality at Bukalapak influence purchase decisions and customer satisfaction, as well as the extent to which each of these factors impacts the decisions and satisfaction of Bukalapak’s customers. The study employs a quantitative method, collecting data through a survey distributed via Google Form, and selecting samples using non-probability sampling with purposive sampling technique. Respondents included those who have shopped at Bukalapak while residing in Indonesia, including millennials, Generation X, and Generation Z. For data analysis, the research utilizes the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) technique with the assistance of SmartPLS software. The results of this research indicate that respondents rate the electronic service quality, sales promotions, and product variation offered by Bukalapak, as well as the purchase decisions and customer satisfaction at Bukalapak, as Very Good. Electronic service quality, sales promotions, and product variation have a positive and significant impact on both purchase decisions and satisfaction.