A Sociodemographic Assessment of Infant Malnutrition in Rural Area, Bangladesh: Logistic Regression Approach

This study investigates the association between socio-demographic factors and infant child (0-1 year) malnutrition defined by underweight, stunting and wasting, in rural areas, Bangladesh. Survey data, Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2019 executed by UNICEF and Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), is used in the study. The percentage of undernutrition is 17.08% for underweight out of 3571 sample, 18% for stunted out of 3504 sample, 9.8% for wasted out of 3470 sample with omitting missing value. Statistical methods, ANOVA, chi-square test and sampling weighted logistic regression model, are used to figure out impact of individual socio-demographic factors on child malnutrition. The variables gender, receiving prenatal care, delivery place, parents education, wealth index, child weight at birth, geographical division, and women age group at birth, are significantly associated with malnourished children (P-value: 1%, 5% or 10%). Odds of being malnutrition is lower among female children, educated parents and rich family. Prevalence of child underweight is higher among mother physical disability, childbirth weight. The undernutrition, stunting and wasting, are highly likely among the children of disabled mother. The presence of underweight and wasting is higher in Sylhet Division, lower in Mymenshingh Division respectively, while the prevalence of stunting is higher in Mymenshingh, Rajshahi, Rangpur and Sylhhet Division.

Psychomotor Therapy Using the Body Schema for the Intellectually Disabled at the A.D.A.R-Tubahoze Centre

This study is the preliminary research focused on psychomotor therapy and body schemas for the intellectually disabled, hence the motor dimension with a test of balance, coordination and jumping in the pre-test and post-test of a BPM measurement at 60, 90 and 120 (BPM) with the YO and YC. The cognitive dimension with, for example, the Berces and Lezine test of body control and latero-spatial organization, the Piaget and Head tests of gesture imitation and latero-spatial organization. The affective dimension revolving around self-esteem was measured with the self-perception profile for adults with intellectual disabilities (SPPD) on physical appearance, athletic competence and psychomotor competence. At the end of the verification of research question and using methodological approach adopted on the present study on the motor dimension, the cognitive dimension and the affective dimension; it was found that with the motor dimension on the balance test, a trend on the performance of our intellectually disabled patients from A.D.A.R-Tubahoze centre during the psychomotor therapy sessions was tested positive in the post-test compared to the pre-test (BYO and BYC).With regard to the coordination test (CYO and CYC) at post-test and pre-test, the statistical frequencies with overall averages show that our intellectually impaired patients tended to obtain better results at post-test than at pre-test; this shows a success in the applicability of motor therapy to coordination disorder in intellectually impaired patients. Similarly, a positive performance trend was shown in the results of the jumping test at post-test than at pre-test. The trend in the results of the jump test (JYO and JYC) in the post-test than in the pre-test would have shown a positive result after our therapeutic-motor sessions with the IDs of the A.D.A.R. centre. From the cognitive dimension, using the test of imitation of gestures and lateral-spatial on different movements, has a score of 10 points in the test of imitation of simple gestures of hand movements, it would have been observed in MID patients that the test proved positive; with the Piaget’s Head test of latero-spatial organization administered to MID which was evaluated at a score of 40 points, had as a positive performance to all patients who took this test. The results of our work on the affective dimension of the dominant modality “Rather true”, was observed on items 12, 16, 20 and 24 of self-esteem, with physical appearance vis-à-vis items (5,10,18 and 22) and items 5 and 9 and then items 17, 13 and 1 of athletic competence; from items with a “Rather positive” modality with items 11, 3 and 2 3, 7, 15 and 19 of our MID patients that a positive trend on positive appreciation was satisfactorily observable.

Relevance of Inclusive Finance with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Perspective of Maqashid Sharia

This research aims to find out the right financing scheme so that the implementation of SDGs is more optimal and beneficial for small communities. inclusive financial contributions (zakat, infak and alms) in realizing SDGs and their relevance in realizing SDGs from a sharia maqashid perspective. This study uses a combination of qualitative-quantitative methods and approaches. Quantitative data analysis used is a method of tabulation, composing coding and score of variables. While qualitative data analysis includes the stage of data reduction, presentation and withdrawal of conclusions The results of this study show that the implementation of SDGs is carried out by a joint financing scheme through government and non-government budgets, one of which is through the distribution of zakat. The contribution of zakat in the implementation of SDGs has been carried out by the National Zakat Agency (Baznas) in the form of independence programs, religious education, health and social care. The relevance of zakat in realizing SDGs with Sharia Maqashid is shown in aid programs organized by Baznas such as the Program (1) eliminating poverty, (2) ending hunger, (3) good health and well-being, (4) quality education, and (5) clean water and sanitation relevant to the SDGs Program.

The Effects of Central Government Financial Allocation on the Provision of Quality Maternal Health Care in Kampala City

The relationship between devolution and service delivery has been a matter of inquiry for the past three decades. This paper aimed to examine the impact of Central Government financial allocation on the quality of delivery of maternal healthcare services in Kampala City, Uganda. To achieve this, a case study design incorporating both qualitative and quantitative methods was employed. Data collection involved the use of questionnaires and interviews conducted among healthcare professionals, KCCA (Kampala Capital City Authority) staff, and mothers receiving maternal healthcare at selected public health centers. The gathered data underwent both qualitative and quantitative analyses using measures of central tendency such as mean, standard deviation, correlation, and regression analysis. The results of regression analysis indicated that Central Government financial allocation had a significant influence on the provision of quality maternal healthcare. In light of these findings, it is recommended that steps be taken to enhance Central Government financial allocation. Additionally, the administration of KCCA should consider implementing anti-corruption measures as part of their best practices. Furthermore, healthcare center leadership and KCCA leadership should prioritize effective planning, good governance, and transparency in their financial expenditure and operations.

Solar Wind Plasma Parameters in Relation with Good Quality Magnetic Cloud Related Geomagnetic Storms

We have analyzed magnetic cloud related geomagnetic storms detected during the period of solar cycle 23 and 24 with disturbances in solar wind plasma parameters. We have observed that all the MC related geomagnetic storms are accompanying with disturbances in solar wind plasma parameters. The magnitude of magnetic cloud related geomagnetic storms is soundly correlated with peak disturbances values of solar wind plasma parameters solar wind plasma velocity (SWPV), solar wind plasma density (SWPD), solar wind plasma temperature (SWPT), interplanetary magnetic fields (IMFB) and southward component of interplanetary magnetic fields (IMFBz). Large positive correlation with correlation coefficient 0.60 have found between magnitude of MC related GMS and peak value of related disturbances in IMFB and 0.67 between magnitude of MC related geomagnetic storms and peak value of associated disturbances in IMFBz. Additionally positive correlations with correlation coefficient 0.54 have been found between magnitude of MC related GMS and peak value of associated disturbances in solar wind plasma temperature ,0.40 between magnitude of MC related GMS and peak value of associated disturbances in solar wind plasma velocity, 0.27 between magnitude of MC related geomagnetic storms and peak value of disturbances in soar wind plasma density.

The Development Strategy of Quail Farming Business in Pesantren Manajer Tholabie, Indonesia

Pesantren Manajer Tholabie is Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia that has business units in the field of animal husbandry, the business of quail farming. The quail farming business in boarding school is expected to has a good economic impact and social impact on students and boarding school management. The purpose of this study was to formulate a development strategy for quail farming in boarding school starting in 2022. The method used was descriptive quantitative using SWOT analysis as data analysis. The results of this study show that the quail farming business has a significant impact on the boarding school, such as increasing cash income, providing education and additional skills for students, and adding community and stakeholder relations for the boarding school. The right strategy to develop the quail farming business is a collaboration of SWOT (Strengths-Weakness-Opportunities-Threats) strategies, which is using strengths and taking advantage of opportunities to minimize threats and improve weaknesses.

The Interpretation of Political Portraiture in Print and Online Publications: Peculiarities of the Author’s Methods and Skills

Nowadays, the role and position of political leaders in state management and community life is one of the most urgent issues. The skills of the mass media, especially the authors, are important in conveying the political processes of each country and the activities of political personalities to the audience. This scientific article provides information on the author’s skill, method and approach in the interpretation of political portraits in press and internet publications. The point of view, role, participation, and position of the author were studied on the example of scientific and journalistic materials published in local and foreign publications. In the theory of journalism, the relevance of the political portrait genre, methodological methods have been researched.

Trigeminal Neuralgia: Issues of Pathogenesis and Treatment (Review)

The neurostomatological syndromes are common syndromes among neurological diseases, and their diagnosis and treatment are relevant due to the variety of clinical manifestations and intensity of pain paroxysms. Trigeminal neuralgia is the most common type of prosopalgia. Due to the frequent occurrence of the disease and the very high intensity of pain paroxysms, the difficulty of diagnosis and difficulties in treatment, it is of great scientific and practical importance. Modern methods of treatment of trigeminal neuralgia are conservative, surgical and physiotherapeutic methods, which are prescribed depending on the type of neuralgia. The article provides information about the pathogenesis of trigeminal neuralgia, diagnostic methods and modern treatment methods.

The Impact of Employing Microbacter Alfaafa – 11 (MA-11) and Organic Fertilizer on the Quantity and Quality of Rice Resulting from the Crossing of Sigupai and IRBB27

The objective of this study is to assess the impact of employing Microbacter Alfaafa-11 MA-11 and organic fertilizer on the yield and quality of the F9 rice variety resulting from the crossbreeding of sigupai with IRBB27. The research was conducted at the Saree State Vocational School-PP located in the Lembah Seulawah District of Aceh Besar Regency. The physical and chemical parameters of rice were analyzed at the Seed Science and Technology Laboratory and Plant Physiology Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University, between February 2023 and August 2023. This study employed a factorial Randomized Group Design (RAK) with 12 treatment combinations. Each treatment had 3 replications, and each replication consisted of 3 pots. Therefore, there were a total of 36 experimental units. The variables in this study include the initial factor: the concentration treatment of Microbacter Alfaafa-11 (MA-11) (A), which is divided into 4 levels: A0 (with no MA-11), A1 (0.05 ml MA-11 per 2.50 ml water), A2 (0.1 ml MA-11 per 2.50 ml water), A3 (0.15 ml MA-11 per 2.50 ml water). The second factor is the application of organic fertilizer treatment, which includes two components: Super Bokashi Fertilizer dose and Biofarm concentration. This factor is divided into three levels: B1 Super Bokashi (10 t ha-1), B2 Biofarm (14-liter ha-1), and B3 Super Bokashi + Biofarm (10 t ha-1 + 14-liter ha-1). The observation criteria include agronomic factors such as harvest age, as well as rice quality tests that assess physical features such as yield rice, milled rice, rice dimensions, and chemical attributes such as water content and protein content. The findings indicated that the use of Microbacter Alfaafa-11 MA-11 and organic fertilizer did not have any notable impact on the harvest age and rice quality parameters of the F9 line resulting from the crossbreeding of sigupai with IRBB27. The maximum rice yield achieved a percentage of 74.98%, with the average being slender rice. The water content ranged from 14.00% to 15.80%, while the highest protein level reached 6.93.

Bullying and Cyberbullying: Aspects and Dimensions

Bullying is a global, social phenomenon that has taken on alarming proportions, especially in recent decades, and seriously threatens the smooth psycho-emotional and social development of children and adolescents, as it is expressed in direct or indirect physical, sexual or verbal violence. This article seeks to approach the phenomenon, its characteristics and the causes of each aggressive behavior, with the aim of describing the effects on the functioning of children and consequently the family, school and the wider social environment.