The Role of Management Information Systems in Kerambitan Village Governance with Tri Hita Karana Culture as a Mediation Variable

This study aims to examine the effect of Management Information Systems on Governance. The mediating variable, namely the concept of Hindu culture Tri Hita Karana is included in this study. This research was conducted in one of the agro-tourism villages in Bali, namely Kerambitan Village – Tabanan by taking 128 research samples. The overall model evaluation results are based on the R-Square (R2), Q-Square Predictive Relevance (Q2) and Goodness of Fit (GoF) values, so the model is declared good. The results obtained by the Management Information System have a positive effect on Tri Hita Karana, Tri Hita Karana has a positive effect on corporate governance and Tri Hita Karana mediates the influence of management information systems on corporate governance.

The Development of RBL – STEM Learning Materials to Improve Student’s Conjecturing Thinking Skills in Solving Rainbow Vertex Antimagic Coloring Promblems and it’s Application to Supply Chain Management Using ANN

One of the educational developments in recent years has to do with STEM. The term STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and mathematics) is one approach in the learning process that is quite influential to be used today. STEM-based learning focuses students on solving problems in everyday life by combining the four fields of science: science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The resulting device has met the validity criterion of 3.25≤ Va<4; the suggestion from validators does not change the device as a whole, but only a tiny part. The validity score obtained in each device is 3.6 for RTM (valid), 3.5 for LKM (practical), and 3.6 for THB (practical). This math learning tool also meets the criteria of practicality, and the practitioner’s advice does not change the device as a whole but only a tiny part. In addition to being valid and practical, the device also meets the criteria of effectiveness. The average student in this trial class is classified as a complete student, and the response from students is positive. Based on the test results, researchers found 16 students with 70% presentations who scored above 60.

Risk Assessment Analysis for the Merger of Online Platform Companies

The risks connected to the merger of Company X and Y, a well-known online platform company, are examined in this research, along with suggestions for efficient risk management tactics. The study identifies potential risks like revenue loss, increased debt, compliance with regulations, conflicts between corporate cultures, and data privacy issues. The research suggests strategies to reduce the identified risks and guarantee a successful merger process after thoroughly analyzing these risks. The recommendations cover the creation of strong risk management strategies, efficient coordination and communication between the merging businesses, retention of key personnel, implementation of data privacy measures, proactive risk management of legal and regulatory risks, market monitoring, and ongoing evaluation and updates of risk management plans. By putting these suggestions into practice, Company X and Y can successfully manage risks, reduce potential negative effects, and position itself for long-term success in the phase following the merger. This research makes a contribution to the field of risk management in the context of corporate mergers by offering insightful information for businesses engaged in mergers and acquisitions.

Investment Strategy, Manager Characteristics, and Corporate Governance Effects on Mutual Fund Performance: A Study of PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) During Period of 2013-2018

This study aims to examine the relationships between investment strategies, investment manager characteristics, and corporate governance on the investment performance of PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero)’s mutual funds investment from 2013 to 2018. The year 2013 marked the introduction of a new bancassurance product, which necessitated PT AJS to generate higher returns on investment in a short-term period. The sudden change in management in 2018 brought the mismanagement case to public attention. The analysis utilized a cross-sectional multilinear regression approach, allowing for the examination of multiple independent variables and their relationship with the dependent variable. Data for the study is collected from various sources, including annual reports, financial reports, prospectuses, and court documents. The relationships are assessed using seven regression models, with measures such as mean return, standard deviation, beta, Sharpe ratio, Treynor ratio, Jensen’s Alpha, and state loss as the dependent variables. The regression models are estimated using SPSS software, and assumptions of linearity, independence of errors, homoscedasticity, and absence of multicollinearity are checked to ensure the validity of the analysis. Hypothesis testing is conducted to determine the statistical significance of the relationships, and measures such as R-squared, adjusted R-squared, and F-statistic are used to assess the overall goodness-of-fit of the models. The findings indicate that the models for mean return, Treynor ratio, Jensen’s Alpha, and state loss are statistically significant, demonstrating a strong correlation and high explanatory power. The results suggest that value investing and smaller market capitalization of constituent stocks have a positive association with investment performance. Additionally, reducing the presence of dividend-paying and suspect stocks is beneficial for investment performance. Factors such as management fees, education background, and years of experience show significant positive relationships, while investment horizon, asset size, and past performance have significant negative relationships with investment performance. The age of the investment manager does not exhibit a significant relationship. Furthermore, corporate governance demonstrates a negative relationship with investment performance. These findings provide valuable insights for improving investment performance and offer important lessons to prevent similar cases of mismanagement of investment funds in the future.

Proposed Green Retailing Concept for Maintaining the Sustainability in the Company

Retail business is a fast growing business in Indonesia. This is indicated by the number of retail businesses that have emerged both on a local and national scale. One of the companies engaged in the retail sector is ‘Berkah’ Swalayan. ‘Berkah’ Swalayan is a local retail company in Lampung and Central Java Provinces. This research aims to identify the internal and external conditions of ‘Berkah’ Swalayan which will then be given strategic recommendations related to green retailing. The topic of green retailing was chosen because this strategy is closely related to sustainable development goals which are currently a big focus and have a good impact on many sectors. Identification and analysis in this study used a mixed method, namely quantitative and qualitative methods. The data used are primary data and secondary data. Primary data comes from in-depth interviews with Berkah Swalayan and a survey of 101 respondents to Berkah Swalayan customers. Determination of the number of respondents using the Slovin formula. Secondary data obtained from literature review. Company analysis using the SWOT tool (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats). On the other hand, in this study variable validation was also carried out using SmartPLS 4. It was found that decision making related to green retailing was influenced by internal and external factors. Internal factors consist of company values. External factors consist of the influence of social organizations, customers and government. Meanwhile, green retailing can improve cost efficiency. This is because companies can reduce their budget costs for environmentally friendly company needs, for example reducing costs in the supply of plastic and the use of energy-friendly electronic devices. In this study the results obtained in the form of identification of internal and external company conditions. that green retailing is a strategy that can improve cost efficiency. In addition, the concept of green retailing also provides opportunities for companies to develop their business. Therefore, green retailing is a strategy that is recommended to be implemented for retail businesses. Several strategic recommendations are given in the implementation of green retailing. Recommendations for some of these strategies are implementing a ‘bring your own shopping container’ system which will be regulated by a point system, using environmentally friendly electronic devices, creating special eco-friendly angles, optimizing social media, and collaborating with the government, communities and businesses that focus on environmental issues.

The Effectiveness of Using PQ4R Based Modules in Improving Critical Thinking Skills in Elementary Schools

The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the PQ4R-based module to improve students’ critical thinking in elementary schools.This study uses a qualitative approach. This researchusing the One Group Pretest-Postest Design which is a form of the Pre-Experimental research method. This design uses one group. The population in the study were all students at SD Negeri Berundung. The sampling technique was using purposive sampling and the subjects of this study were students in class IV A at SD Negeri Berundung. Data collection was carried out using observation, interviews and tests. The results of the paired sample t-test were (Sig 0.01 <0.05) which means that there is a difference in the average student learning outcomes between pretest and posttest. The amount of increase using n-gain is 0.513 in the moderate category. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that learning using PQ4R-based modules is effective for increasing students’ critical thinking.

Synthesis, Characterization, and Antifungal Activity Test of Nanosilver in Body Lotion Preparation

Nanosilver is a nanoparticle known for its good antifungal ability. This study aims to determine the synthesis process and characterization of nanosilver produced and the antifungal activity of nanosilver in body lotion preparations. Body lotion in this study was made using a body lotion base which includes stearic acid, cetyl alcohol, TEA, glycerin, olive oil and distilled water. F1, F2, and F3 have nanosilver content of 10%, 15% and 20%, respectively. F4, as the positive control, contained methylparaben and F5 as a negative control. The body lotion produced in this study has a colour, aroma and texture that panellists prefer. The body lotion produced does not irritate the skin, is homogeneous, has good spreadability and has a pH value of 7. Nanosilver in this study was synthesized using a chemical reduction method with sodium citrate as a reducer and stabilizer. The synthesized nanosilver was characterized using a Transmission electron Microscope (TEM) and UV-Vis spectrophotometer to determine the nanosilver’s shape, size and stability. The nanosilver produced has a round shape with an average particle diameter of 34.793 nm and has good stability because it has a wavelength absorption peak that is not large. Namely, at week-0, nanosilver has an absorption peak at a wavelength of 415.20 nm, and week-8 has an absorption peak at a wavelength of 423 nm. The antifungal activity test using the direct microscope count (DMC) method was conducted for eight weeks. Until week 8, it showed that each formulation experienced an increase in fungal hyphae, reaching 34.4% for F1, 21.2% for F2, 19.8% for F3, 16.8% for F4 and 46% for F5. From the results of this study, it can be seen that nanosilver can suppress fungal activity in body lotion preparations.

The Impact of the Existence of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) Business Sectors on Village Development in Indonesia

Through various policy programs, the government provides stimuli for villages to manage their existing potentials, enabling them to develop independently and improve their economy. BUMDes (Village-Owned Enterprises) is one of the government’s flagship programs in village development, performing its role as an economic and social institution. The existence of BUMDes is expected to enhance economic self-reliance and community welfare. This research aims to empirically analyze the influence of business sectors and the number of businesses managed by BUMDes on the level of village development in Indonesia. By using the Propensity Score Matching method and linear regression on BUMDes data between 2019 and 2021, this research concludes that BUMDes engaged in social and commercial sectors have a significant impact on the level of village development. However, an increasing number of businesses operated actually decreases the effectiveness of the presence of the Business Sector of BUMDes on village development.

Proposed Knowledge Management Design to Improve Business Processes at O Mart Retail Company

Retail trade plays an important role both in a global context and in Indonesia itself because it drives economic growth, creates jobs and shapes consumer behavior. Understanding the importance of industry growth, dynamics of competition and knowledge management are essential for optimizing business performance and achieving sustainable success. Minimarket O Mart is one of the small retail in the form of minimarkets in Indonesia, minimarket O Mart has problems in its business, namely inefficient business because O Mart is still in its standard operating procedures, because there is still no good SOP documentation, besides that the knowledge sharing activities within the company is also limited to chatting and has not been carried out formally within the company. The aims of this study are to propose a knowledge management system that can improve business processes at O Mart and to develop an implementation plan for the suggested knowledge management system, outlining the steps and strategies required for its successful integration at O Mart. Theories that support this research are the Definition of Knowledge, Fishbone Analysis, Knowledge Management Framework, People-Process-Technology Framework, SECI Model, KM Roadmap, and Implementation Plan. The research methodology is based on a qualitative research design involving data collection through interviews with employees from various departments of O Mart Retail Company. This research uses a knowledge management framework (People, Process, Technology) and the SECI model which will then produce a Knowledge Management Roadmap and also a Knowledge management implementation plan which is expected to overcome the problem of inefficient business processes at O Mart minimarkets.

Commercial Building Revitalization in the city of Bandung, A feasibility study on “XYZ Hotel” Bandung

This thesis explores the feasibility study and potential revitalization of underutilized commercial buildings in Bandung, focusing specifically on the case of XYZ Hotel. The argument contends that many commercial buildings in Bandung remain underutilized, missing out on opportunities to generate higher income by utilizing their full potential. The study employs SWOT analysis and a comprehensive feasibility study to determine the potential of these buildings and propose strategies for their revitalization. The research questions aim to assess the current condition of XYZ Hotel, compare its facilities with competitors, identify alternative functions for the building, and evaluate the feasibility of its revitalization. Through interviews with industry experts and on-site observations, the physical condition of the hotel is evaluated, highlighting the need for significant renovations and upgrades to enhance its appeal and competitiveness. The study also examines the economic feasibility of the revitalization project by conducting a thorough financial analysis. The findings indicate that XYZ Hotel is currently underutilized and faces challenges in terms of outdated infrastructure, lack of modern amenities, and subpar room conditions. Experts recommend a major overhaul of the hotel’s facilities, incorporating modern technologies and amenities to meet the expectations of contemporary travellers. The financial analysis demonstrates a positive Net Present Value (NPV) of IDR 47,701,605,549, an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 16,61%, a Profitability Index of 1.90 times, and a payback period of 8 years, affirming the financial viability of the revitalization project. Based on the research findings, recommendations are provided for the building owner, ITB, and potential investors. The owner should carefully select investors who align with the vision and values of the project, considering the historical significance of the building and its potential impact on ITB’s reputation. For investors, it is crucial to understand the constraints associated with revitalizing a cultural heritage building and leverage the historical value of XYZ Hotel as a unique selling point. In conclusion, the study demonstrates the potential for revitalizing underutilized commercial buildings in Bandung, with XYZ Hotel serving as a case study. The proposed strategies and financial analysis provide valuable insights for stakeholders and future researchers interested in similar projects. By revitalizing and transforming underutilized buildings, Bandung can unlock new economic opportunities and preserve its cultural heritage for generations to come.