Sociocultural Perspectives on Badjao Life Captured from the Lived Experiences of Badjao Teens in Surigao City: A Phenomenology

This Husserlian phenomenological study explored the sociocultural perspectives on Badjao life of teens in Surigao City. Employing Van Kaam’s phenomenology modified by Moustakas (1994), six key informants from the Badjao community (aged 15 to 19) in Canlanipa, Surigao City, were interviewed on their sociocultural experiences, yielding nine themes. Purposive sampling identified informants. Applying Van Kaam’s modified by Moustakas for data analysis revealed significant findings: Cultural Transition and Urban Challenges, Social Stereotypes and Bullying, Judgement and Discrimination, Language and Communication Challenges, Community and Social Exclusion, Government Support for Education and Community, Community Resilience and Support, Badjao Community Dynamics, and Traditional Cultural Practices. The Badjao community’s resilience relies on governmental support, education, and navigating cultural transitions. Facing discrimination and economic disparities, they strengthen social bonds, preserving cultural identity. Tradition meeting progress creates a harmonious future. The research amplifies Badjao teens’ voices, aids Surigao City leaders in understanding their needs, boosts community pride, contributes to cultural understanding, enriches academic knowledge, refines cultural theories, empowers individuals, informs policies, and strengthens community well-being.

Yoga as an Integrated Therapy for Stroke Rehabilitation – A Case Study

Background and Purpose: A stroke (cerebrovascular accident) is damage to the brain cells from an interruption of their blood supply due to blockage or rupture of an artery to the brain. It is the second-leading cause of death and long-term disability worldwide. The present study is a case report investigating the effect of yoga therapy in addition to acupressure and physiotherapy on activities of daily living and the quality of life of patients after stroke.  

Subject and method:  It is a single case study of 38-year-old women diagnosed with acute ischemic stroke who have chief complaints of loss of function of the left upper and lower limbs, and hypertension. For better management of stroke and recovery, she was undergoing yoga, physiotherapy, and acupuncture treatment in the CAM department at DSVV. The primary outcome measures were activities of daily living by the Barthel index and quality of life by the stroke-specific quality of life scale. The subject received integrated treatment for 12 weeks consisting of 45-minute, 1-hour yoga sessions 6 days a week, regular physiotherapy in the subject’s home, and acupuncture every 2 weeks. The primary outcome data were collected before and after the treatment intervention phase. 

Result: The subject had improved Barthel’s activity and quality of life score. 

Discussion and Conclusion: The results suggest that yoga integrated with other complementary therapies may be beneficial to stroke survivors in rehabilitation.

Legal Protection of the Rights Children Born Out of Wedlock: A Comparative Study in Indonesia and Malaysia

Children born out of wedlock have the same human rights as those born within a legitimate marriage. This research aims to discuss how the law can play a crucial role in providing strong protection for the rights of children born out of wedlock, comparing legal regulations in family law between Indonesia and Malaysia. The research utilizes normative method of comparative legal analysis to examine regulations related to the legal status of children born out of wedlock within the legal systems of Indonesia and Malaysia. The results of this research indicate that in Indonesia, the protection of children born out of wedlock in terms of their rights can be fulfilled by both parents, and a child born out of wedlock can be acknowledged by the father as long as it can be substantiated through scientific knowledge or concrete legal evidence. Conversely, in Malaysia, the decision regarding the lineage of a child born out of wedlock lies entirely with the mother and her family, following the Shafi’i school of thought, and this has not changed to date. As a consequence, children born out of wedlock in Malaysia may lose their civil rights, including financial rights, custody, inheritance, and other rights from their biological father. Malaysian law also regulates penalties for individuals engaged in relationships outside of marriage to protect their lineage and prevent mixed-race offspring.

The Role of Driving Actors in the Social Capital Utilization in the Community

Population density and lower class marginalization due to the development of elite areas have alienated a community over its identity. The driving actors behind every social change exist, and they utilize a change through the villagers’ literacy power. Mainstreaming views on the actors’ active roles in social change essentially impact knowledge in the sociology of ethnic and cultural society. This study aims to describe the hidden actors behind the phenomenon of cultural movements that exist and develop national and international relations. This paper applies qualitative data collected in a participatory manner through interviews with key actors in Kampung Cempluk Festival. Focus group discussions were conducted with actors involved in every festival held by the community. Informants selected by snowball were then interviewed about their perceptions, motivations, and a value embodiment process. Researchers did the literature study through writings, releases, newspapers, mass media opinions, and several previous researches. The results indicate that alienation will foster citizens’ critical awareness of development and cultural values impacts. It is supported by driving actors who can read the potentials and opportunities in society. Thus, this research becomes the basis for policymakers in planning development which should prioritize a cultural approach and consider the threat of hidden power loss in society.

Analyzing the Implications of the Growing Street Vendor Population in Gweru, Zimbabwe: A Risk Assessment

This study investigates the consequences of the growing number of street vendors in Gweru, Zimbabwe, and offers a risk evaluation. The prominence of street vending can be attributed to several factors, including limited formal employment possibilities, poverty, inadequate education or skills, restricted job prospects, and exorbitant leasing expenses. The presence of restricted trading spaces also exerts a substantial influence. Although street selling is thought to have a positive effect on Zimbabwe’s economy, it is recognized that there are possible adverse consequences, such as noise pollution and overcrowding in public areas. Street selling is accompanied with several risks, such as concerns regarding sanitation, competition with established enterprises, traffic congestion, and potential safety dangers. In order to tackle these concerns, it is imperative for policymakers and urban planners in Gweru to enact efficacious laws and regulations that guarantee the establishment of secure, hygienic, and controlled street vending settings. It is essential to strike a balance between the requirements of various groups and to minimize any adverse effects. It is imperative to implement education and awareness initiatives aimed at promoting effective waste management practices. Gweru has the capacity to allocate specific areas for vending, enforce regulations regarding sanitation, control the quantity of traders and their operating hours, offer training and assistance to vendors, facilitate their transition into formal businesses, establish a structured market system, and engage in communication with the informal sector. This study highlights the significance of tackling the problems associated with street vending in order to promote sustainable development and enhance the quality of life for people. Efficient tactics are required to alleviate adverse consequences and foster a cohesive urban milieu.

Assessing Indoor Environmental Quality of Academic Building Using Subjective Measurement

Indoor Environment Quality (IEQ) is becoming increasingly popular as a means of assessing human comfort, especially in educational environments. Determining an appropriate degree of indoor environment quality (IEQ) involves considering many factors like thermal comfort, indoor air quality, acoustic comfort, and visual comfort. These days, there is an intense need for educational facilities to have high-quality interior environments by reason of the fear of a worldwide pandemic.  This research looks into IEQ characteristics in several standard functional locations of a Navsari academic building. In order to assess the level of user satisfaction in the staff room, drawing hall, and classroom, a sequence of questionnaires measuring the subjective aspects of the IEQ parameters (TC, AC, IAQ, and LC) were utilized. According to the study’s findings, the summer months had the lowest proportion of TC parameter satisfaction overall and the highest percentage of AC parameter satisfaction. Additionally, the data demonstrates that the satisfaction rate is lower for the LC and IAQ parameters. The research has confirmed that the academic building has low IEQ and It is necessary to take the required steps to turn out a more pleasant, conducive, and productive education place.

Predicting a Higher Heating Value for Torrefied Kesambi Leaf Biobriquettes through Ultimate Analysis

The escalating global pursuit of sustainable energy solutions has led to the emergence of biomass-derived fuels, such as biobriquettes, as feasible substitutes for traditional fossil fuels. Kesambi leaves, which are abundant in Southeast Asia and boast a high calorific value, represent a promising prospect for the production of biobriquettes. In this investigation, a conclusive analytical method is employed to construct a predictive framework for estimating the Higher Heating Value (HHV) of torrefied kesambi leaf biobriquettes. By incorporating ash content (PS), volatile matter (BR), carbon (C), hydrogen (H), and oxygen (O) percentages, alongside experimental HHV data, through multiple linear regression and elemental composition data acquired from proximal analysis, the model aims to forecast HHV. The model’s modest positive Mean Bias Error (MBE) and satisfactory Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) suggest a good fit. The substantial R-squared value indicates the model’s capability to adeptly capture HHV variability. Ultimately, this approach grounded in fundamental principles contributes significantly to the sustainable exploitation of biomass resources by providing a pragmatic and effective technique for predicting HHV for kesambi leaf biobriquettes.

The Effect of Capital Structure, Profitability and Institutional Ownership on Tax Avoidance in Manufacturing Companies in the Consumption Industry Sector Listed on The Indonesian Stock Exchange in 2020-2022

Objective – This research aims to examine the influence of capital structure, profitability and institutional ownership on tax avoidance in manufacturing companies in the consumer industry sector listed on BEI in 2020-2022.

Design/Methodology – The population in this research is all manufacturing companies in the consumer industry sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) in 2020-2022. The sampling technique in this research uses a purposive sampling method with the criteria of companies in the consumer goods industry sector that disclose financial reports consecutively for the 2020-2022 period . The data used is secondary data. The data analysis method used is Multiple Linear Regression Analysis with the help of the SPSS 25 application.

Results – The results of the research show that simultaneously and partially Capital Structure, Profitability and Institutional Ownership affect Tax Avoidance.

Re-actualization of Traditional Themes in Contemporary Craft Art through the Concept of Hybrid Aesthetics

In the beginning, craft as a category of art was established because of its traditional cultural elements. However, in its development, contemporary craft art features many other styles and elements of art, making it difficult to distinguish craft art from other types of art. To adjust to the development and new characteristics of contemporary craft art, it is necessary to develop new methods in the creation of craft art. One of them is cultural hybridization. This article offers a method of creation by adopting the concept of a hybrid aesthetic. Through this method, artists are invited to experiment with visually re-actualizing traditional cultural elements in the creation of craft works among modern art elements.

The main question that needs to be asked is how the hybrid aesthetic method can provide certain strength in reaffirming the definition of craft art according to the development of contemporary art. The adoption or application of the hybrid aesthetic concept in the creation of contemporary craft must still consider traditional elements and the adoption of other elements with the application of new methods of creation. The hybrid aesthetic concept produces a unique genre and has the opportunity to sustain an aura of originality through the re-actualization of traditional elements in a strong visual in the global art scene.

Exploring challenges of online learning in the context of Ba Ria – Vung Tau University by English Major students

This study aims to find out challenges of English major students in conducting online learning at Ba Ria – Vung Tau University (BVU). The research results were found by analyzing quantitative data by introducing survey to 160 English major students; the qualitative data was summarized by 15 English major students and 10 teachers from the interview. The results revealed many difficulties by the evaluation and perception of both students and teachers. The aspect of support is the highest while the lowest belonged to the challenges in aspect of the environment. Meanwhile, the challenges in aspect of collaboration were at the second position and the third position is about students’ attitude towards online learning. About challenges relating to equipment, the result was at the fourth position. Additionally, further discussions and recommendations on challenges that English major students encountered during online learning were also proposed.