Exploring the Nexus of Technology Availability, Child-Friendly Interface Design, Early Childhood Digital Literacy, Cognitive Skills, and Creativity in Language Learning in the Context of Banten Javanese Language

This research delves into intricate relationships involving technology availability, child-friendly interface design, early childhood digital literacy, cognitive skills, and creativity within the Banten Javanese language in Indonesia. Employing empirical analysis and statistical modelling, it examines the impact of technology and child-friendly interfaces on digital literacy, cognitive skills, and creativity, providing insights for theory and practice. The findings show significant positive correlations between technology availability, digital literacy, and cognitive skills among young learners. Child-friendly interfaces enhance digital literacy, cognitive abilities, and creativity in language learning. Theoretical contributions underscore integrating technology into language preservation, emphasizing its influence on digital literacy, cognitive development, and creativity in language learning. The study highlights digital literacy’s mediating role in the relationship between technology and language development. Educators and advocates can use these insights to design language programs prioritizing digital literacy and creative language acquisition. However, the study’s limitations, such as contextual specificity and a limited sample size, suggest the need for future research, including longitudinal and cross-cultural studies. The study’s novelty lies in its interdisciplinary approach, offering a nuanced understanding of how technology can enrich language acquisition while preserving cultural heritage.


Implementation of Strategic Management in Building Student Character in Education Institutions in Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to find out and analyze strategic management in realizing student character how student character is manifested and what are the obstacles and solutions in realizing student character. The research method used in this research is a qualitative method with the main data source being observation and interviews with informants who have been selected in this research. The informants in this research were the school principal, teachers, school committee, and students’ parents. The analysis technique in this research uses the Miles and Huberman analysis model. The results of the research show that strategy management realizes student characteristics, namely, strategy formulation, strategy implementation, and strategy evaluation. Students’ character can be categorized as good, such as good manners, independence, self-confidence, discipline, maintaining cleanliness, dressing neatly, being obedient, and having respect for other people. The challenge in developing student character is including the social environment outside the madrasah. Therefore, it is necessary to have the maximum involvement of parents in preventing deviant behavior.

The Influence of Organizational Culture and Job Competence on Employee Work Productivity at PT Patriot Intan Abadi, Tanah Laut Regency

This study aims to examine the influence of organizational culture and job competence on employee productivity at PT Patriot Intan Abadi, Tanah Laut Regency. The population in this study comprises all employees of PT Patriot Intan Abadi, totaling 137 employees. The sampling technique used in this research is probability sampling, employing the Taro Yamane or Slovin formula for calculation. Based on the Slovin formula calculation, the determined sample size is 58 respondents/employees. The data analysis used in this research is multiple linear regression with statistical tools facilitated by the IBM SPSS v.25 program. The results of this study indicate that organizational culture and job competence have an influence on the work productivity of employees at PT Patriot Intan Abadi. The job competence variable has a dominant influence on the work productivity of employees at PT Patriot Intan Abadi, Tanah Laut Regency.

Balancing Teacher–Led And Student–Led Activities When Teaching Foreign Languages to Students at Uzbekistan’s State Conservatory

This paper will look at the issue of implementing new work methods in English classes at the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan. Recently, there has been a lot of debate on whether to switch to a student–centered method or stick with the traditional model, in which the teacher entirely controls the process. There has been the need to employ innovative ways for motivating students and monitoring learning activities in the process of learning foreign languages in the digital educational environment. The paper argues that most students, regardless of their level, prefer cooperative learning and value teacher assistance. The forms of education that students select are determined by their attitude toward the learning process. The combined learning process allows language learners to cooperate with their teacher and fellow students, resulting in changes in the connection between teachers and students in which students’ personal interests and professional aspirations are taken into account. In the case of teaching conservatory students, it was discovered that student–centered training was less beneficial for those of students that just starting to learn English language as well as for the students at an intermediate level, but showed good results for the students approaching a more advanced level of understanding.

Implementation of Machinery Breakdown Insurance at PT Semen Indonesia

This research relating to insurance for operational machines at PT Semen Indonesia raises problems, namely: What is the object of implementing Machinery Breakdown Insurance in practice at PT. Semen Indonesia, and how to settle claims contained in insurance at PT. Indonesian Cement. The research results stated that, In this case the object insured by PT. Semen Indonesia to PT. Jasindo is all damage and/or that is sudden and unexpected and is not excluded in the policy or the machines insured. Compensation guarantee in Machinery Breakdown Insurance between PT. Semen Indonesia with PT. Jasindo if a loss occurs, what PT Jasindo will pay to PT Semen Indonesia is based on the damage.In the event of an insurance claim for machine damage, PT Semen Indonesia must immediately notify PT Jasindo about the loss/damage within 7 (seven) calendar days and must assist PT Jasindo in conducting a survey to calculate the compensation that will be given. PT Jasindo’s responsibility is to compensate for losses due to the asset’s condition becoming its original condition, without taking into account profit or loss. In this case, PT Jasindo is responsible within 3 x 24 hours and beyond that time PT Jasindo is no longer responsible. If there is a dispute regarding Machine Damage Insurance between PT Semen Indonesia and PT Jasindo in terms of claims, then PT Semen Indonesia and PT Jasindo agree to take legal action, namely through arbitration or through the local District Court.

The Influence of Expertise, Time of Assignment and Audit Stages on the Audit Quality of Internal Government Supervisory Apparatus (APIP) at Inspektorat throughout Aceh

The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of APIP’s expertise, APIP’s time of assignment and audit stages, namely the planning stage, implementation or supervision stage, and reporting stage on audit quality of Inspektorat throughout Aceh. The populations in this research are all APIPs at Inspektorat throughout Aceh, with a total of 23 regional inspektorat through Aceh. The samples in this research are censuses, cosisting of 23 regional Inspektorat with a total of 665 auditors spread across 23 regional Inspektorat throughout Aceh serve as samples with the sampling method used in this research namely random stratified sampling. The number of respondents in this research are 182 auditors from 23 regional Inspektorat throughout Aceh. Data analysis in this research is carried out by evaluating the measurement model (outer model) and structural modeling (inner model) using the Structural Equation Model (SEM) while the analysis of the research data carried out using the Partial Least Square (PLS) approach. The result of the research shows that expertise, time of assignment, and audit stages have a positive and significant effect on audit quality in Inspektorat throughout Aceh. Expertise has a positive and significant effect on audit quality in Inspektorat throughout Aceh. Time of assignment has a positive and significant effect on audit quality at Inspektorat throughout Aceh. and audit stages have a positive and significant effect on audit quality at Inspektorat throughout Aceh. The implications of the results of this reserach are hoped to be a benchmark for inspectors and decision makers in an effort to improve audit quality are expected to increase the number of auditors with JFA Certificate and have them participate in Education/Training and Techincal Guidance in the field of supervision so that Internal Government Supervisory Apparatus has a high comptency in producing quality audits.

Concentration of Rumen Parameters in Vitro Complete Pellet Feed Contains Different Alternative Energy Source Materials

This research aims to determine the effect of using alternative energy sources in the form of banana tubers and rejected cassava in complete pellet feed with different levels on VFA, NH3 and pH levels in vitro. The method used in this research is an experimental method using a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 4 replications, the treatments in this research are: R0; complete feed pellets 40% banana weevil + 60% concentrate, R1; complete feed pellets 60% banana weevil + 40% concentrate, , R2; pelleted complete feed (40% cassava + 60% concentrate, R3; pelleted complete feed 60% cassava + 40% concentrate. The data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance. Based on the results of statistical analysis, it showed that the treatment had a significant effect (p<0, 05) on VFA, NH3 and rumen fluid pH levels. The conclusion of this research is that based on the discussion above, it is concluded that the use of different energy source materials in complete pelleted feed is able to increase VFA production and NH3 concentration and rumen fluid pH in vitro to the best level. 40%.

The Study on the Effect of Owning Pets, Dogs or Cats, On the Rates of Stress and Depression in Thailand

Several studies have reported that pets can help people decrease their stress and depression. This encourages people to own either cats or dogs to help their mental health. This research aims to find the effectiveness of pets owning on the rate of stress and depression between petting dogs and cats. This research may help people who struggle with mental health. If this research confirms that dogs and cats have an impact on stress and depression, this may help people decide whether to own dogs or cats. On the other hand, if owning dogs or cats doesn’t have a correlation, people may need to see other ways or may discuss other factors that would come after buying a cat such as time, price, and pet’s behavior. Thus, we conducted a survey consisting of 33 questions. We had 26 pilot responders, revealing 0.819 for pet owners and 0.899 for non-pet owners. Our results from one-way ANOVA (F-test) show no correlation between dog owners, cat owners, and non-pet owners for their stress and depression rates (p-value = 0.333). This suggests that owning pets is not the main factor that could help people to step away from stress and depression.

Green Hotel Practices and Sustainable Development Goals: An Indian Perspective

This research paper delves into the critical intersection of green hotel practices and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within the context of India. Focusing on four SDGs—Clean Water and Sanitation (SDG 6), Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG 7), Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG 12), and Climate Action (SDG 13)—the study explores the perceptions of environmental management representatives in India’s four and five-star hotels. Through a comprehensive analysis of survey data from 32 participants, the research uncovers a multifaceted landscape where proactive engagement with green practices is evident.

Key findings reveal that hotels in India have a commendable commitment to environmental sustainability, actively aligning with these SDGs. Notable practices include the adoption of energy-efficient technologies, waste reduction and responsible waste management, and proactive steps in climate change mitigation. However, challenges persist, particularly concerning the limited adoption of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power.

This study offers a nuanced perspective on the hotel industry’s contribution to SDGs, underscoring both commendable achievements and areas for further improvement. The findings hold valuable implications for policymakers, hoteliers, and sustainability advocates, emphasizing the industry’s pivotal role in achieving global sustainability objectives.


Insider and Outsider Language in Indonesian Suicide Notes: Forensic Linguistic Study

Suicide has been happening quite frequently in Indonesia as news reported that there is an increase in number of suicide cases in 2023. Suicide notes are found on several cases. The notes are expected to be written by the victims. However, an issue is encountered when there are suicide notes that seem to be manipulated; thus, the notes are fake. This situation can be identified and analysed through the perspective of language, particularly from forensic linguistic point of view. Therefore, this study aims to identify linguistic features that show genuineness and fabrication. The data collected were Indonesian suicide notes found on the internet. Data collection was conducted through documentation method. The data were analysed through referential identity and content analysis from descriptive-qualitative approach. The theories applied were Olsson’s insider and outside language of suicide notes. The findings show that genuine and fabricated Indonesian suicide notes have different linguistic features. The genuine notes use insider language that demonstrates the language of the victims. The fabricated notes use outsider language that denotes the language of the general people who have typical view towards suicide.