Key Factors influencing Organizational Commitment

Research on organizational commitment is widely conducted worldwide and is regarded as one of the most significant factors. This is due to research showing that organizational commitment, in both business and government settings, significantly affects organizational success indicators. This study aimed to investigate significant variables influencing organizational commitment through a review of relevant literature and research. The study’s conclusions indicate that job satisfaction, job experience, work environment, and management team leadership are the four key variables that have a significant impact on organizational commitment. Consequently, in order to foster employee commitment to the organization, management of the company should focus on these four factors. Because it has an impact on both the employees and the organization itself, developing organizational commitment in employees is crucial. Making employees happy at work and wanting to work for the company for a long time is one way that organizational commitment affects employees. There will be a decline in the turnover rate. Organizational commitment will have a direct impact on the organization itself in the form of lower human resource management expenses, ongoing employee development, higher employee skill levels, and the ability for the organization to grow steadily and more sustainably.

A Proposed Business Model Innovation Using Blue Ocean Strategy Approach for Kiumarket in The Post-Pandemic Era

Kiumarket, a local brand in the home fragrance industry, encountered significant challenges in the evolving post-pandemic market landscape. Known for its diverse range of aromatic products, including scented candles, diffusers, and sprays, Kiumarket faced declining sales due to a shift in consumer habits, as people began spending less time at home. The market also saw an influx of new competitors, leading to increased competition and necessitating a strategic reevaluation of Kiumarket’s product offerings and pricing strategies. Furthermore, changing consumer preferences towards specific scents and qualities demanded a more targeted approach to Kiumarket’s product range. The research aimed to address these challenges by exploring effective strategies that would enable Kiumarket to adapt and secure a sustainable competitive advantage. The primary focus was on assessing the effectiveness of a new business model strategy for distinctive positioning in the market, the transformative role of innovative market creation and differentiation in enhancing Kiumarket’s value proposition, and the impact of such strategies on the brand’s market penetration, profitability, and long-term viability. Employing the Blue Ocean Strategy framework, the research delved into the current competitive scenarios using analytical tools like Porter’s Five Forces and the Business Model Canvas. This comprehensive approach helped in understanding the intricate market dynamics, competitor behaviors, and dominant value propositions. The Strategy Canvas was pivotal in analyzing the market landscape, identifying competitive factors, and uncovering potential differentiation opportunities. Innovative thinking was encouraged through the application of the Four Actions Framework and the ERRC Grid, focusing on reconstructing market value and strategy. A variety of research methods were utilized, including in-depth industry reports analysis, surveys, interviews, and focus group discussions. Tools such as SPSS ensured the accuracy and reliability of the data analysis. The study also incorporated Blue Ocean Strategy instruments like the Buyer Utility Map and the Three Tiers of Noncustomers, enabling a deep exploration of new market opportunities and insights into buyer personas. The findings of the research underscored the necessity for Kiumarket to differentiate its products, maintain consistent quality, and enhance customer satisfaction. It suggested that a strategic overhaul of the product line, coupled with competitive pricing and a strong focus on customer engagement, would be crucial. Additionally, targeting non-customers and innovating in product offerings emerged as vital strategies to tap into new market segments.

The Impact of Gender Based Violence on Women Life in Monduli District, Tanzania

Gеndеr-basеd violence (GBV) remains a pervasive issue in Tanzania, with manifestations including physical, sexual, psychological, and socioeconomic violence. Despite efforts by the government, GBV continues to afflict the community, particularly affecting women in the Masa society who face discrimination in education, legal status, cultural pеrspеctivеs, and economics. This paper assesses the impact of GBV on women’s lives in Moduli District, focusing on current forms of violence, women’s perceptions, and the mechanisms еmployеd by local government authoritiеs to addrеss GBV. Drawing on the Radical Fеminist Paradigm Theory and Psychoanalytic Theory, the study еxplorеs social rеlations through the lеns of gеndеr and еxaminеs the unеqual powеr dynamics bеtwееn mеn and women in patriarchal sociеtiеs. A casе study dеsign is adoptеd to invеstigatе the issue thoroughly, using both qualitativе and quantitativе approachеs for data analysis. Contеnt analysis is еmployеd for qualitativе data, whilе dеscriptivе statistics arе usеd to analyzе quantitativе data. Thе study rеvеals that prеvalеnt forms of GBV in Moduli District includе physical violence, rapе, dowry-rеlatеd violence, forcеd prеgnancy, vеrbal insults, forcеd marriagе, dеfamation, and intimidation in various sеttings. Womеn pеrcеivе GBV as rеstricting social and еconomic participation, еmploymеnt, financial rеsourcеs, autonomy, and control. Thе mechanisms еmployеd for rеsolving GBV disputеs includе litigation, gеndеr mainstrеaming stratеgiеs, intimidation, and the involvеmеnt of еldеrs. Thе paper concludеs with rеcommеndations for local government intеrvеntion, еmphasizing community-widе awarеnеss campaigns on the short- and long-tеrm еffеcts of GBV, supplеmеntеd by legal mеasurеs, gеndеr mainstrеaming, and the involvеmеnt of еldеrs. Addrеssing thеsе challеngеs is crucial to mitigating the impact of GBV on women in Moduli District, including issuеs of confidеncе, moral dеcay, family sеparation, and mеntal and еmotional trauma.

Abnormal Returns around the Announcement of Covid-19 Cases on Stock Prices in Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to find out whether there is a difference in abnormal returns on the day around the first announcement of the COVID-19 case and to find out whether there is a difference in abnormal returns after and before the first announcement of the COVID-19 case in Indonesia in pharmaceutical industry stocks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The population in this study are pharmaceutical companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange. While the sampling technique was purposive sampling. The data analysis technique used in this study was a one-sample t-test on normally distributed data and one sample Wilcoxon signed ranked test for abnormally distributed data for days around the announcement of Covid 19. The results of this study show whether there is no difference in abnormal returns around the announcement of Covid -19. And also there is no difference in abnormal returns 5 days before and after the announcement of Covid 19.

Measuring Digital Learning Trends and Accessibility Convenience in Enhancing Early Childhood Literacy and Language Proficiency: The Role of Smart Book Media from the Perspective of Banten Javanese Language

This study explores the relationships between digital learning trends, accessibility convenience, smart book media, early childhood literacy, and language proficiency in Banten Javanese Language. Using a quantitative approach with 140 young learners (aged 10-12), we assessed how digital learning trends and accessibility convenience impact smart book media, early childhood literacy, and language proficiency. Results show that digital learning trends notably affect smart book media’s functionality, contributing to developing early childhood literacy and language skills. Additionally, accessibility convenience is crucial in enhancing smart book media’s utility, fostering early childhood literacy and language proficiency. However, while smart book media significantly influence language skills and early childhood literacy, they don’t mediate the connections between digital learning trends, accessibility convenience, and these language-related outcomes. Educators and stakeholders can utilize these findings to shape culturally sensitive language education strategies, incorporating technology and resource accessibility. This research enriches the theoretical understanding of digital learning trends and accessibility convenience’s impact on language outcomes. It highlights the practical potential of smart book media in language education, aiding educators and policymakers in aligning strategies with contemporary trends and cultural nuances. While limited to Banten Javanese Language, the study prompts further exploration through qualitative and longitudinal studies. Future research should explore cultural influences and intervention programs for optimizing language development. By uniquely merging digital learning trends, accessibility convenience, smart book media, and language outcomes, this study contributes valuable insights to the discourse on language education and technology integration within the distinct context of Banten Javanese Language.

Breaking the Chains: Transforming Africa’s Economies through Sound Financial Management

The guide, “Breaking the Chains: Transforming Africa’s Economies through Sound Financial Management,” embarks on a comprehensive journey through the financial landscapes of African nations. It illuminates the pressing challenges born from poor public financial management while spotlighting a myriad of solutions. From the fundamental principles of transparency and accountability to the practical reforms reshaping budgeting, auditing, procurement, and revenue collection, this guide maps out a transformative course. Robust institutions, capacity building, and the role of technology take center stage, while anti-corruption measures fortify the quest for transparency and accountability. International support, monitoring and evaluation, and strategies for overcoming barriers stand as crucial partners in this journey. Amidst the challenges and roadblocks, the future of Africa is boundless, awaiting a new era of economic growth and sustainable development—a future where the chains of fiscal mismanagement are but a distant memory.

The Influence of Emotional Intelligence, Professionalism, and Individual Characteristics on the Performance of Employees of the Investment Agency, Integrated One-Stop Service, Trans-­Migration, and Labor in the Balangan Regency, South Kalimantan Province

This study aims to examine the influence of Emotional Intelligence, Professionalism, and Individual Characteristics on the Performance of Employees of the Investment Agency, Integrated One-Stop Service, Trans­-Migration, and Labor in the Balangan Regency, South Kalimantan Province. The population in this study consists of employees of the Investment and Integrated One-Stop Service Agency, Transmigration, and Labor Office in Balangan Regency, totaling 109 individuals. The sampling method used in this research is the census method. The selection of the census method in this study is based on the consideration that all employees of the Investment and Integrated One-Stop Service Agency, Transmigration, and Labor Office in Balangan Regency amount to 109 individuals. Therefore, the entire population is used as the sample. The data analysis used in this research is multiple linear regression with statistical tools facilitated by the IBM SPSS v.21 program. The results of this study indicate that Emotional Intelligence, Professionalism, and Individual Characteristics have an influence on Performance of Employees of the Investment Agency, Integrated One-Stop Service, Trans­-Migration, and Labor in the Balangan Regency, South Kalimantan Province. The Individual Characteristics variable has a dominant influence on the on Performance of Employees of the Investment Agency, Integrated One-Stop Service, Trans­-Migration, and Labor in the Balangan Regency, South Kalimantan Province.

The Potential of Lipid Oxidation on Non-Gluten Mocaf Cookies Incorporated with Chicken Meat-Carrot Puree

Cookies and crackers are the most popular snack in many countries. They are essentially made from wheat flour, which is also an issue as Indonesia is completely dependent on wheat imports. On the other hand, people with celiac disease could not consume wheat-derived products, including biscuits. Replacing the raw material of biscuits with local flour is one approach to reduce the use of wheat and help people with celiac disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of cookies made from modified cassava flour (mocaf), incorporated with chicken meat and carrot puree, from the point of view of lipid oxidation potential. The parameters observed were free fatty acids, peroxide value and thiobarbituric acid (TBA) number as indicators of lipid oxidation. The experimental design used was a completely randomised design with one factor, the ratio of chicken meat to carrot puree. The ratio was in 4 levels (F1 = 0:0 (control), F2 = 12.5%:37.5%, F3 = 25%:25%, F4 = 37.5%:12.5%). The results showed that the free fatty acid content had a range of 4.37-5.47 g/100 g, peroxide values 2.73-5.75 mq.eq/kg and TBA values 4.96-5.46 mg.mlonaldehyde/kg. Compared to the sample control (F1), the F4 formulation was considered to be the best biscuit in terms of low peroxide value and TBA values.

Exploring WhatsApp as Teaching and Learning Activities during Covid-19/New Normal era: A Semiotic Technology Analysis

In the landscape of modern education, the integration of technology, particularly within language learning, has gained substantial scholarly attention. Among digital platforms, WhatsApp has undergone a notable transformation, evolving from a basic messaging application to a versatile social hub. Its role expanded significantly during the Covid-19 pandemic, becoming a pivotal tool for online teaching and learning activities, prevalent not only in higher education but also across secondary levels. While existing studies have predominantly focused on user interaction within WhatsApp, limited attention has been directed toward the technical aspects or the application’s usage in the teaching and learning process. This research aims to comprehensively explore WhatsApp’s potential as a facilitator for English language studies, employing a semiotic multimodal analysis approach guided by Poulsen’s seminal work on semiotic technology. The study delves into WhatsApp’s intricate network of semiotic resources, semiotic regimes, and interactions, unveiling the complex interplay between language elements, multimodal features, and cultural aspects within this digital realm. Through the lens of semiotics, multimodal studies, and social semiotics, this investigation endeavors to offer a holistic understanding of WhatsApp’s use as an educational tool, shedding light on its multifaceted role in contemporary educational contexts.

Ternate Sultanate Palace: A Multifaceted Hub at the Crossroads of Culture and Politics

Historically, sultans have always had living space (lebenschraum habitus). In the Sultanate of Ternate, the living space of the sultans was the kadaton (palace) which since its birth was organized according to the philosophical cosmology constructed in a person’s customs. The palace (kadaton) as the basis of political legitimacy means that the palace is not merely the residence of the king and his relatives, but it is also seen as the state itself (exemplary state), so that in the history of its development, the palace has become an institution of power that politically has the same weight as the institution nobility itself. This research aims to 1) to reveal the Myth of the Seven Princesses: Source of Legitimacy, and 2) to reveal how the Sultan’s palace strengthened the Cultural and Political Center. This research used descriptive qualitative method. The result of this research revealed that the Sultanate of Ternate attempted to build and maintain its power base based on three factors. First, geopolitics, which causes the palace to have a traditional identity position that is closely related to the source of magical beliefs. Second, the doctrine of power, the palace has a central doctrine which makes the king the representative of God’s power (micro cosmos). Third, the basis of aristocratic power centered on cultural hegemony.