Enhancing Business Competitiveness: Strategic Adaptation and Business Model Canvas Application in PT Maritim Maju

In this detailed analysis, we explore the strategic repositioning of PT Maritim Maju within the context of the global maritime industry’s ongoing transformation, influenced by technological advancements and economic shifts. This study meticulously applies the Business Model Canvas framework, incorporating Resource-Based View, VRIO, and SWOT analyses, to diagnose and propose necessary strategic enhancements for PT Maritim Maju. It underscores the imperative for the company to diversify its services beyond traditional maritime activities, suggesting an expansion into maritime consulting and logistics technology. Additionally, the research advocates for the integration of advanced technologies such as AI in fleet management, aiming to optimize route planning and implement predictive maintenance, thereby achieving cost efficiencies, enhanced service reliability, and superior customer satisfaction. Strategic partnerships are highlighted as crucial for leveraging technological innovation and expanding service capabilities. The study also recommends a reevaluation of marketing strategies, emphasizing the adoption of digital marketing techniques to better position PT Maritim Maju on the global stage, highlighting its commitment to safety, reliability, and customer service excellence. Furthermore, it stresses the importance of continuous staff development in leadership and maritime technology to foster a culture of innovation and strategic agility. Compliance with international regulations and a proactive risk management approach are advised to mitigate operational risks. This comprehensive strategic plan aims to guide PT Maritim Maju through the intricacies of the modern maritime landscape, capitalizing on new opportunities for growth and establishing a foundation for enduring competitiveness and resilience.

Quality and Quantity of Hydroponic Rice Forage Ciherang and IR64 Varieties at Different Harvest Ages

The purpose of this study is to determine how different harvest ages and varieties affect the quantity and quality of fodder produced by hydroponically cultivated rice plants. The study design was a 2 x 3 factorial, completely randomized design (CRD) experiment with five replications. Tiller count, plant height, plant weight, and graph power were among the characteristics that were observed. The data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA), and any differences were found using Duncan’s multiple area test. The plant height, number of tillers, plant weight, and dry matter production were all significantly impacted by the harvest age factor, according to the data. The variety factor is significantly influenced by the observation variables. The interaction between the parameters at 60 days of yield after planting (DYAP) has a significant impact on the variables plant height, plant weight, number of tillers, and dry matter production. The IR64 variety outperformed the Ciherang variety, according to the results of the proximate analysis, and the best harvest age in terms of crude protein, crude fiber, and crude fat content was at 40 days after planting, while the best TDN was at 60 DYAP. The IR64 cultivar produced the most biomass at a harvest age of 60 DYAP. In summary, the study’s findings suggest that hydroponically grown paddy forage has great promise in terms of the nutrients it can produce, yet biomass output is still lower than that of cutter grass, while dry matter production is higher than that of fodder.

NEP 2020: The Status of the Role of Infrastructure in Enhancing Physical Education Programs

Physical Education programs play a crucial role in promoting healthy lifestyles and holistic development among individuals, particularly in educational settings. This review paper aims to comprehensively examine the role of infrastructure in enhancing Physical education programs. Infrastructure encompasses various components such as facilities, equipment, and outdoor spaces. Understanding how these elements contribute to the effectiveness of Physical education programs is essential for optimizing student engagement, learning outcomes, and overall well-being. Physical Education, which includes social skills development, physical fitness, cognitive growth, and the acquisition of critical movement abilities, is a vital component in the promotion of lifetime health and general well-being. Physical education programs’ ability to succeed is largely dependent on the framework that encourages and supports learning. Physical Education program quality and results are significantly influenced by the infrastructure, which includes buildings, tools, and outdoor areas. A comprehensive range of services, materials, and facilities that are necessary to promote an atmosphere that encourages sports participation and active living are included in Physical Education’s infrastructure. Everything from well-equipped gymnasiums to accessible playgrounds support inclusiveness, accessibility, and engagement among a wide range of populations in addition to facilitating a variety of sporting activities. Infrastructure may contribute significantly to the advancement of physical activity, sports participation, and overall well-being by implementing a comprehensive approach that solves financing gaps, prioritizes sustainability, facilitates equal access, and cultivates community relationships. This study intends to investigate these possibilities to optimize infrastructure’s influence on physical education programs.

The Influence of Organizational Culture and Work Motivation on Employee Performance with Job Satisfaction as Mediation Variables (Case Study PT. BPR Eka Ayu Artha Bhuwana)

This research aims to analyze the influence of organizational culture and work motivation on employee performance with job satisfaction as a mediating variable. The independent variables in this research are organizational culture and work motivation. The dependent variable in this research is employee performance and the mediating variable in this research is job satisfaction. The data collection techniques used in this research were observation, interviews and questionnaires. The data used is primary data and secondary data, with a research sample of 32 people who are employees of PT. BPR Eka Ayu Artha Bhuwana. Hypothesis testing is carried out using a variance-based Structural Equation Model (SEM) or what is called Partial Least Square (PLS). The results of the research show that organizational culture has a positive but not significant effect on job satisfaction, work motivation has a significant positive effect on job satisfaction, organizational culture has a significant positive effect on employee performance, work motivation has a positive and not significant effect on employee performance, job satisfaction has a positive and not significant effect on performance employees, job satisfaction is not a mediation of the relationship between organizational culture and employee performance and job satisfaction is not a mediation of work motivation on employee performance.

Experience of Pregnant Mothers Suffering from Covid-19 during Pregnancy until Childbirth in Indonesia

The outbreak of COVID-19 becomes a pandemic with many psychological impacts on humans, the disease that attacks the respiratory system has a negative impact on health. The aim of this study was to find out how the experience of a pregnant mother who suffered from Covid-19 during pregnancy to childbirth, using qualitative methods this study took as many as 12 pregnant mothers suffering from COVID-19 during the pregnancies as participants to be interviewed with the age range of 25-36 years. The results of the in-depth interview were processed using the Collaizi and NVivo methods. The results obtained five themes, namely mother’s knowledge about the transmission of Covid-19, symptoms experienced when infected, emotional reactions of mothers during infection, changes in emotional responses during childbirth and still infected with COVID-19, as well as family responses in accompanying mothers who are going to give birth. The conclusion of the study was that the participants experienced the transmission of Covid-19 from the surrounding environment through both direct and indirect contact, and the symptoms that appeared vary from symptoms, fever, and loss of sensory function, a variety of feelings of fear, sadness, stress and distress but there are also those who have confidence. Feelings of concern and fear for themselves and their babies vulnerable to exposure to the virus, the response from the family when the participants were infected with COVID-19 generally provided both moral and material support, but there were also participants who did not get support and even stay away from the participants.

The Influence of Work-Family Conflict and Job Satisfaction on Turnover Intention with Organizational Commitment as a Mediation Variable in Bebek Tepi Sawah Employees Restaurant Ubud

This research aims to determine the influence of work-family conflict and job satisfaction on turnover intention with organizational commitment as a mediating variable in Bebek Tepi Sawah Restaurant Ubud employees. The sample in this study included all employees of Bebek Tepi Sawah Restaurant Ubud. The number of samples in this study was 62 people. Testing the research hypothesis uses the Partial Least Square (PLS) application. The results of this research show that: (1) Work family conflict has a positive and significant effect on turnover intention. (2) Job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on turnover intention. (3) Work family conflict has a positive and insignificant effect on organizational commitment. (4) Job satisfaction has a negative and significant effect on organizational commitment. (5) Organizational commitment has a negative and significant effect on turnover intention. (6) Organizational commitment does not mediate the relationship between work family conflict and turnover intention. (7) Organizational commitment partially mediates the relationship between job satisfaction and turnover intention.

Psychosocial Factors at Work: A Case Study among Salesmen in an Indonesian Automotive Company

Human resources are the most vital for organizations to achieve their goals. In today’s world where all the business operations are advancing, and competition is increasing, the performance of an employee is the vital source for survival. Performance is also characterized by the visible actions (i.e., behaviors) of individuals that are pertinent to the organization’s objectives. Regarding productivity, a systematic review found that psychosocial plays a role in explaining the quality and quantity aspects of shaping company productivity. The psychosocial condition of an employee is a form of reaction that the employee gives psychologically to his work and work environment, including his social relationships in the workplace such as with leaders, coworkers, or customers.

An Indonesian automotive company’s growth productivity is based on the unit sales by the salesman, market share, and Key Performance Indicator (KPI). Somehow, there is a decrease in their productivity. To address these circumstances, this study intends to explore psychosocial conditions that affect performance. This research intends to apply COPSOQ III to salesmen as a screening to the company, and to gain an understanding of which psychosocial factors that may impact on performance of the salesmen (N = 334). COPSOQ III consists of 147 items, 45 factors and grouped into eight domains.

Data were analysed using Pearson product-moment correlation with significance level (p value <0.05) are conducted to analyse COPSOQ III as measurement. Result shows that, mostly salesmen have issues in their health-well-being, demands at work, work organization and job contents, interpersonal relations and leadership, and work individual interface. The findings also explore significant correlation between burnout and some dimensions in health-well-being. Quality of leadership also strongly correlated with predictability, role clarity, social support from supervisors, organizational justice, and recognition.

Designing Digital Educational Games by Integrating Teaching Process into the Technology Platform of Entertainment Games

: This study presents a method for designing Digital Educational Games (DEGs) that integrates educational content with entertainment game technology. The purpose is to create engaging learning experiences by leveraging theories of learning, emotion, and motivation. Methodology includes selecting popular entertainment games and incorporating educational objectives to enhance both learning and gameplay. This design has been applied into teaching Soft Skills according to the game based learning approach. This application was evaluated to find the effectiveness of this proposal and the way to improve the scenario of the “The Energy Bus Journey”. Results indicate this approach increases student engagement and learning efficacy. The conclusion suggests that while promising, further optimization is needed to perfect the balance between educational content and gaming enjoyment.

A Sociodemographic Assessment of Infant Malnutrition in Rural Area, Bangladesh: Logistic Regression Approach

This study investigates the association between socio-demographic factors and infant child (0-1 year) malnutrition defined by underweight, stunting and wasting, in rural areas, Bangladesh. Survey data, Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2019 executed by UNICEF and Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), is used in the study. The percentage of undernutrition is 17.08% for underweight out of 3571 sample, 18% for stunted out of 3504 sample, 9.8% for wasted out of 3470 sample with omitting missing value. Statistical methods, ANOVA, chi-square test and sampling weighted logistic regression model, are used to figure out impact of individual socio-demographic factors on child malnutrition. The variables gender, receiving prenatal care, delivery place, parents education, wealth index, child weight at birth, geographical division, and women age group at birth, are significantly associated with malnourished children (P-value: 1%, 5% or 10%). Odds of being malnutrition is lower among female children, educated parents and rich family. Prevalence of child underweight is higher among mother physical disability, childbirth weight. The undernutrition, stunting and wasting, are highly likely among the children of disabled mother. The presence of underweight and wasting is higher in Sylhet Division, lower in Mymenshingh Division respectively, while the prevalence of stunting is higher in Mymenshingh, Rajshahi, Rangpur and Sylhhet Division.

Psychomotor Therapy Using the Body Schema for the Intellectually Disabled at the A.D.A.R-Tubahoze Centre

This study is the preliminary research focused on psychomotor therapy and body schemas for the intellectually disabled, hence the motor dimension with a test of balance, coordination and jumping in the pre-test and post-test of a BPM measurement at 60, 90 and 120 (BPM) with the YO and YC. The cognitive dimension with, for example, the Berces and Lezine test of body control and latero-spatial organization, the Piaget and Head tests of gesture imitation and latero-spatial organization. The affective dimension revolving around self-esteem was measured with the self-perception profile for adults with intellectual disabilities (SPPD) on physical appearance, athletic competence and psychomotor competence. At the end of the verification of research question and using methodological approach adopted on the present study on the motor dimension, the cognitive dimension and the affective dimension; it was found that with the motor dimension on the balance test, a trend on the performance of our intellectually disabled patients from A.D.A.R-Tubahoze centre during the psychomotor therapy sessions was tested positive in the post-test compared to the pre-test (BYO and BYC).With regard to the coordination test (CYO and CYC) at post-test and pre-test, the statistical frequencies with overall averages show that our intellectually impaired patients tended to obtain better results at post-test than at pre-test; this shows a success in the applicability of motor therapy to coordination disorder in intellectually impaired patients. Similarly, a positive performance trend was shown in the results of the jumping test at post-test than at pre-test. The trend in the results of the jump test (JYO and JYC) in the post-test than in the pre-test would have shown a positive result after our therapeutic-motor sessions with the IDs of the A.D.A.R. centre. From the cognitive dimension, using the test of imitation of gestures and lateral-spatial on different movements, has a score of 10 points in the test of imitation of simple gestures of hand movements, it would have been observed in MID patients that the test proved positive; with the Piaget’s Head test of latero-spatial organization administered to MID which was evaluated at a score of 40 points, had as a positive performance to all patients who took this test. The results of our work on the affective dimension of the dominant modality “Rather true”, was observed on items 12, 16, 20 and 24 of self-esteem, with physical appearance vis-à-vis items (5,10,18 and 22) and items 5 and 9 and then items 17, 13 and 1 of athletic competence; from items with a “Rather positive” modality with items 11, 3 and 2 3, 7, 15 and 19 of our MID patients that a positive trend on positive appreciation was satisfactorily observable.