Written and Spoken Language in Igbo Cultural Milieu: A Philosophical Approach

Aristotle in his De Interpretatione sketches how words are related to things through the mind. It is the spoken word that brings to light the secret intentions of the human heart. Hence the Igbo people usually say that the spoken word is the human mind made visible.  In our contemporary society, the effects of many related spoken word problems are often misconstrued as either attacks from the malevolent spirits or as the machinations of the evil people. The spoken words can create as well as destroy. There is, therefore, a serious need to create the awareness and enlightenment in this regard to the grassroots. This work will, therefore, attempts to bring out the concept of the spoken language in Igbo cultural milieu, as a phenomenon to a philosophical scrutiny and, hence to provide the much needed literature in the field. Hence, the work intends to bring some enlightenment concerning the Igbo concept of the spoken words. This enlightenment will as well create awareness on the effectiveness and efficaciousness of the spoken words both in the positive and the negative dimensions, as well as the reason Igbo-African prefer spoken words to the written words. The researcher primarily uses philosophic techniques as a method to achieve the purpose of the study.

The Competence-Based Development of Village Government Personnel towards Superior and Independent Villages in Banyumas Regency, Indonesia

The shift in government paradigm has also affected the village government system in Indonesia. Previously, villages were the subordinate of the regency government. Nowadays, they have been autonomous governments. This, in a sense, is an advancement, yet it also poses challenges regarding how the autonomy shall be implemented, particularly the low competence that village government personnel have. Therefore, it needs to develop using a competency-based model. This research aims at identifying the competencies needed by village government personnel’s offices and preparing their competence standards. The method employed is survey and the data are collected using questionnaires, interviews, focussed group discussions, and documentation. The data are analyzed using descriptive statistics. The research is conducted in Banyumas Regency. The research results indicate that 3 (three) competencies are identified, namely managerial, sociocultural and technical competencies. The last one includes general and specific technical competencies. Each of these competencies is deemed as either “highly necessary” or “necessary” one by village government personnel. This shows that the said competencies are the ones needed by these village personnel’s offices. The identified competencies are used as the basis for preparing competence dictionaries and competence standards for village government personnel’s offices.

A Case Report of a Mesenchymal Chondrosarcoma of the Mandible

Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma is a rare variety of chondrosarcoma. The localization in the head and neck is rare and mandibular involvement is exceptional. It is characterized by the formation of cartilage by the tumor cells. We report a rare case of a mesenchymal chondrosarcoma of the mandible, through this case, and in the light of the literature we will review the epidemiological, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of this rare malignant tumor.

Japanese Tea Ceremony in the Industry of Health and Wellness Tourism

Japanese tea function is known to be a conventional practice that includes the custom arrangement and show of matcha powdered (green tea), within the coffee bar. Tea function is one of the significant customary and contemporary societies that people have been doing throughout the most recent hundreds of years. In Japan, one of the notable Japanese societies is the Tea function. Very much like other wellbeing and health the travel industry exercises, going into the lunch nook gives individuals a loosening up climate, where it gives individuals a diminutive warmup rest to them and heart. It permits local people and global vacationers to encounter the most bona fide Japanese culture, that is available in Kyoto. Concerning in the wellbeing and health, they are considered as a quickly developing the travel industry. That permits sightseers to encounter a respectable quality life, during their visit. Particularly, it tends to be finished by investigating the real experience just as finding the inward quietness during tea function time. Where the fundamental reason in this paper center the part of how tea function give the unwinding environment. By abandoning the concerns, and keep the psyche and heart quiet, very much like a tea individual.

Business Strategy for Atlantic City Hotel Facing Covid-19 Pandemic

As the supporting industry of the economic sector, the tourism industry has been impacted deeply by the Covid-19 pandemic. The social activities restrictions in the early pandemic, from March to June 2020, became the biggest disaster for the tourism industry, especially the hospitality industry. Atlantic City Hotel is one of the hotels that survived this pandemic even though some financial restrictions have done caused by the decreasing income impact of the low occupancy rate. In this research, two kinds of data are used to obtain the information: primary and secondary data, then analysed using the PESTEL framework, Porter’s Five Forces framework, and Perceptual Mapping framework to understand the external condition.

On the other hand, the Resources-based view framework, Value Chain Analysis, and reviewing existing business model canvas are used for internal conditions. Using some methods such as SWOT analysis, TOWS matrix, Porter’s Generic Strategy, Diamond Strategy, and adjusted Business Model Canvas will consequence business solution for Atlantic City Hotel facing the Covid-19 pandemic such as Hotels can pursue differentiating and cost leadership strategies at the same time. In addition, hotels can also make improvements in technology and its use for innovation activities. Technology is also used as a marketing tool, covering the lack of hotel facilities, and preventing the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

E-Wallet Application Penetration for Financial Inclusion in Indonesia

Indonesia is an archipelago country with more than 270 million inhabitants spread across urban and rural regions. This makes digital payment penetration a challenge in itself. Private and government e-wallet service providers have sought to increase the use of cashless services to address structural deficiencies in the country’s economy, such as poor financial inclusion and heavy reliance on manual remittances. This study discusses penetration problems that occur in the e-wallet industry and formulates the strategy so that the use of digital payment platforms can be carried out evenly in all regions of Indonesia. This study notes that technology enablement such as smartphone and internet penetration does not correlate with e-wallet penetration. Many underlying factors affect the penetration, such as key driving forces, infrastructure readiness, and people’s perception of the safety and security of mobile transactions. Bank Indonesia and e-wallet providers are responsible to educate people about the advantages along with possible risks of adopting e-wallet as a non-cash payment method.

Multi-Objective Optimization of Manufacturing Lot Size Under Stochastic Demand

In many manufacturing problems, multi-objective optimizations are representative models, as objectives are considered a conflict with one another. In real-life applications, optimizing a specific solution concerning one objective may end up in unacceptable results concerning the other objectives. Many Manufacturing companies operate under uncertainties and this affects the system performance. Stochastic product demand is one of the challenges faced by manufacturing companies and often affects the manufacturing system’s performance and decision-making. Making the proper decisions regarding manufacturing lot-sizing problems is critical for any manufacturer because it makes the firm compete within the market. In this paper, Markov chains in conjunction with stochastic goal programming were used to develop an optimization model for the manufacturing lot size. The over-achievement or under-achievement of the manufacturing lot size was determined by defining the goal constraints, deviation variables, priorities, and objective function. The different states of demand for the product with stochastic demand were represented by states of a Markov chain. Using the applied mathematics solver in MATLAB TM, the optimization model was then solved, determining the quantity of product to be manufactured in a given quarter of the year as demand changes from one state to another.

Extractives Industries and Conflict: Reduction of Risks Associated with Extractive Industries in Turkana County, Kenya

African countries endowed with natural resources, especially oil have seen violent conflicts due to poor management of the natural resources. Violent conflicts largely where local communities have been systematically excluded from decision-making processes and when the economic benefits are concentrated in the hands of a few thereby causing economic disequilibrium in the society. Misuse of the natural resources has frequently been cited as the main factor that activates, increase or support violent conflicts around the world. When the key stakeholders disagree on the management, distribution and protection of natural resources and related bionetworks. Natural resource conflicts arise when parties disagree about the management, distribution and protection of natural resources and related ecosystems. These conflicts can heighten into brutal relations and violence when the parties are incapable or reluctant to engage in a positive process of dialogue and conflict resolution. While there are many issues associated with extractive industries, the role of natural resources in triggering, escalating or sustaining violent conflict is the focus of this survey and consequently offer relevant in reducing these conflicts so that the natural resources found in Turkana County can truly be a blessing and a catalyst for poverty reduction in Turkana County. Conflict turns out to be difficult once societal mechanisms and institutions for handling and determining conflict break down, giving way to violence. Societies with weak institutions, fragile political systems and divisive social relations can be drawn into cycles of conflict and violence. Preventing this negative spiral and ensuring the peaceful resolution of disputes is a core interest of the international community. The general objective of the survey was to offer strategies in reducing conflicts associated with extractive industries. The methodology used in this survey was both qualitative and quantitative. The research design employed was descriptive survey design. The sample size was 270 heads of households and 20 stakeholders working in Turkana South and East Sub-Counties respectively. The data was collected using questionnaires and interview guides combined with observation schedules. The findings of the survey reveal that indeed extractive industries and conflicts are twins and hence there is need to address conflicts to turn natural resources into a blessing for the society.

Millennium Development Goals and Status of Health Services in Morigaon District of Assam

The proposal of the Millennium Declaration in 2000 by all United Nations Member States marked an historic moment, as world leaders committed to tackle extreme poverty in its many dimensions and create a better life for everyone. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) translate this commitment into a framework of measurable goals and targets by which progress can be measured. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are eight international development goals that all 193 United Nations member states and at least 23 international organizations have agreed to achieve by the year 2015. The goals are eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, achieving universal primary education, promoting gender equality and empowering women reducing child mortality rates, improving maternal health, combating HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases, ensuring environmental sustainability, and developing a global partnership for development.  Among these eight goals three goals are directly related to human health.

As a first step in Assam’s Model District, Morigaon, the project has created a multi-sectoral team of health, nutrition, water, and education officials to focus activities on maternal and child health. The project also focused on improved training for Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs), the critical community based health workers that mobilize women and children for health services within the villages. The project will also focus on training nurses in better antenatal care delivery, which is vital for lowering the risk of maternal death, and will introduce mobile phone technologies so that data can be collected—and mothers and babies tracked-throughout rural areas that are difficult to access.

The Proposed Improvement to Achieve Maturity from Low Impact Program Management Office – Case: PT Angkasa Pura II

Many Big companies realize the importance of PMO. The word “P” in the PMO can stands as Project, Program or Portfolio, it depends on a company needs. project is establishment of structured process in order to generate particular outputs, program is compilation of several projects while portfolio is compilation of several programs (Tjahjana et al., 2009a). For Angkasa Pura II PMO stands for Program Management, the centralized program management office to take on responsibilities for program related functions and program-related activities.