Role of Aqueous Bark Extract of Terminalia Arjuna on Serum Enzymes in Cigarette Smoke Exposed Rats

Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of mortality and a major public concern. The aim of our study to investigate the role of aqueous bark extract of Terminalia arjuna on serum enzymes in cigarette smoke exposed rats. A total fifteen (15) adult healthy Wistar rats from 100-158 were divided into three groups (A, B and C) each containing five rats.  Group (A) serving as control without exposure to cigarette smoke, Group (B) and (C) served as the experimental groups. The group (B) was exposed to Cigarette smoke (6 Cigarettes) for one hour/day for 30 days and experimental group (C) was exposed to cigarette smoke along with oral administration of aqueous bark extract of Terminalia arjuna  (5mg/rat /day) for 30 days. The results indicate that, a significant increase in Alanine amino transferase (ALT) and Aspartate amino transferase (AST) after exposure to cigarette smoke in comparison to control group while, a significant decrease in ALT and AST level after cigarette smoke exposure along with oral administration of aqueous bank extract of Terminalia arjuna in comparison to Cigarette smoke exposed rats due to antioxidant defence mechanism.

Prevalence and causes of ENT diseases evidence in Pakistan

Background: ENT infections are becoming a common issue for the people around the globe. this study aims to explain the prevalence of ENT issues during   January to November 2020 in south of Saudi Arabia.

Methods: Author employed the simplified frequency approach for case management and demography moreover the prevalence of ENT issues in general and ear, nose, and throat. This study is based on quantitative approach where data is being gathered through primary sources.

Results: Findings of the research confirm that roat infections are more common than of ear and nose moreover the prevalence of ENT issues are at higher rate that is around 54%. There are four main reasons which often causes ENT problems.

Conclusion: Results of this study are very much significant for general doctors, ENT specialist and clinical staff.

An Educational and Laboratory Device That Demonstrates the Properties of Light as a Stream of Quasiparticles-Photons

In this work a teaching-laboratory device was created for students of secondary schools, academic lyceums and colleges, as well as for students of higher educational institutions to study the phenomenon of internal and external photoeffects and to perform laboratory works in the field of physics optics. The device presents the results obtained on the basis of experiments proving that light consists of a flux of quasi-particle photons. The created device fully demonstrates the most important phenomena of physics, as well as such qualities as safety, ease of use, the possibility of individual work of students, does not require an external energy source and cheapness allow to use this device widely.

Critical Analyses of Liberia’s Bicentennial Celebration: A Way Forward to a New Historical Narrative and Development Tangibility

The land known today as Liberia existed with rich civilizations; well institutionalized tribal governance and political structures that functioned well to meet the political, economic and spiritual demands before the Western Civilization that came along with repatriation of the Americo-Liberians or the settlers in the early 1800s. Before 1822, there were socio-political establishments and institutions, the likes of Condo Confederation of the Mandingo leader, King Sa Bosso Kamara, King Jack Ben of Jumbo Town of Grand Bassa, King Brister, a Dei ruler, King Zolu Duma or Peter Careful as known by European of Gon (the Capital City of his Kingdom on North Lofa River) and others are some of the historical indigenous figures and their leadership ability and kingdoms are illustrations of existing socio-political civilizations before the docking and berthing of the Elizabeth; a Ship that brought the first batch of America-Liberians ( Freed Slaves) in 1822 at Dozoa Island  ( Providence Island), from North America. Further, this year marks the exact two centuries since the arrival of settlers. The event has been widely celebrated in the midst of incomparable development and economic successes as per the years of the nation’s existence; the so-celebrated class (the settlers) governed the State from 1847-1980 under the Republican and the True Whig Parties respectively with the same injustice and socioeconomic apartheid-like of leadership that they escaped from, from  the USA, and from 1980-2022 under the so-called majority native people led-admirations, the country stays economically and developmentally bleeding . Thus, there is a dire need  to a radically change the State’s behaviour by fighting corruption and prioritizing sustainable development and shared economic prosperity that has been compromised over the last 200 years to meet the aspiration of the people (Liberians). Hence, this paper aims at exploring some of the historical ambiguities and factors that led and contributed to incomparability of Liberia’s 200 years with her development and economic achievement. Nations’ success are measured by their tangible achievement not only how long they have been in nationhood.

Environmental Sustainability and the Anthropocene, A Dynamic Behavioral Approach

Achieving environmental sustainability in our recent dynamic and complicated world requires a new thinking and innovative solutions, specially in the age of “Anthropocene” associated with damaging impacts of human practices on the global environment. Using a deductive qualitative appro ach, that is based on exploring the relevant literature and countries’ experiences along with analysing the designed survey, the current study aimed at analysing the role of behavioral insights in shifting human behavior toward more sustainable lifestyles regarding environment protection and resources conservation in both of households’ scale and organizational scale. The main conclusions of the study are supposed to be so helpful for policy makers in the context of improving environmental policies and maximising the expected outcomes of definite policy interventions.

Knowledge and Attitude of Market Traders in Using Masks as Personal Protective Equipment during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Knowledge and attitudes towards health problems are factors related to health behavior. During the pandemic, the use of personal protective equipment is very important to prevent the occurrence of covid-19, for market traders, who must interact directly with buyers. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between knowledge and attitudes of traders towards the use of masks during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Leuwi Panjang market area. The method used is quantitative research with a cross sectional approach, data obtained from 75 respondents by random sampling using questionnaires and observation sheets. The results of this study indicate that 30 (40.0%). The results of chi square test obtained a p-value of 0.005 > 0.05, which means that there is a relationship between the knowledge of traders on the use of masks and the attitude of traders towards the use of masks, a p-value of 0.01 > 0.05, which means that there is a relationship. There is a relationship between knowledge and attitudes of traders towards the use of masks. The suggestion from this research is to collaborate with the Covid-19 task force and this research provides new knowledge for traders regarding the relationship between knowledge and attitudes of traders towards the use of masks as a personal protective equipment.

A Cross Sectional Study on Choice of Psychology as a Profession amongst Medical and Dental Graduates

Introduction: Mental health is an ignored subject in the field of medicine and in the area of public health, and less 1% health budget is spent on mental health problems in developing countries.

Aims and objectives: The basic aim of the study is to analyse the choice of psychiatry as a profession amongst medical graduates in Pakistan.

Material and methods: This cross sectional study was conducted in Sharif Medical and Dental College, Lahore during 2019 to 2020. The data was collected through systematically designed questionnaire which include all the demographic data and history of selected participants. We also included additional scales to measure personality and stigma towards mental illnesses. The data was collected from 3rd year, 4th year, final year medical students and from house officers.

Results: The data was collected from 700 students and house officers. There were 450 males and 250 female participants.  However a significantly higher proportion of participants (22%, n=197) were reporting their interest in the field of Psychiatry who had done more than a month long psychiatry ward rotation as compare to those participants (14%, n=54) with less than a month rotations (P-value=0.01).

Conclusion: It is concluded that current age of understudies have a more noteworthy attention to the potential for recuperation from serious mental sickness, so the animating openness to intense work is more compelling.

Organochlorine Pesticide Quantification of Otogor Wetland Ughelli Delta for Secondary Schools Cage Aquaculture for Hunger Eradication in Nigeria

United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 2 requires all member Nations to achieve zero hunger by 2030. Agriculture especially aquaculture adopting cage technique has been recognised as a very viable option in achieving this set goal. Aquaculture requires water devoid of pollutants and that underscores the study. This is an ex-post facto research that answered 3 research questions and tested a hypothesis and its focus is on the determination of the organochlorine pesticides content of Otogor wetland for cage aquaculture in secondary schools for zero hunger. To achieve this, Otogor wetland was mapped out into research cells A, B, C, D, E. From each of the cells, water was sampled with clean sampling bottle tied to a graduated string from 5 spots at 10 cm depth. The water samples from each cell were then bulked, a composite drawn, fixed with HNO3 and stored in ice cooled box for analysis. The analytical standards adopted were USEPA 3570, APHA, Steindwandter and Shufter 1978. The analytical instrument deployed for determination is Agilent 6100 series single quadrupole LC/MS. The mean results of the organochlorine pesticides investigated in Otogor wetland were DDT 1.27±0.21μg/l, heptachlor 3.01±0.45μg/l, a-lindane 0.33±0.09μg/l, adrin 3.52±1.00 μg/l and endrin 0.32±0.11μg/l. The results of the organochlorine pesticides investigated were subjected to test of significance with ANOVA with numerator 4 and denominator 20. The F ratio calculated value is 5.59 while F ratio critical value is 2.87, thus rejecting Ho and accepting Ha. The study thus recommend that cage aquaculture should not be deployed in Otogor wetland with the present pollution status. The pollutants source point should be identified and discontinued and remediation should be commissioned in Otogor wetland to return the wetland to its healthy state to allow for the deployment of cage aquaculture for youths empowerment for zero hunger in Nigeria.

Synthesis and Chemical Identification of the Supramolecular Complex of Glycyrrhizin Acid and Β-Indolyl-3-Acetic Acid

The study synthesized a supramolecular complex of glycyrrhizic acid and β -indolyl-3-acetic acid in a 4:1 ratio isolated from the root of the plant licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.). The resulting GA:IAA (4:1) complex was chemically identified based on the comparison of IR – Fure spectra of the starting agents.

Heat Stressed State of Piston Engine Parts

Modern foreign and domestic scientific literature has extensive information on the creation of a diesel engine with heat-insulated parts. Most of these studies are devoted to the development of technology for obtaining heat-insulating composite materials, methods for modeling thermal processes in internal combustion engines and reducing fuel consumption. Solving the problem of a diesel engine by reducing unproductive costs of thermal energy in the thermodynamic cycle and improving the performance of a diesel engine with heat-insulated parts based on the organization of the working process at high wall temperatures has not been sufficiently studied to date, which led to the choice of the topic of this study. In the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (No. PP-4422 dated 22 August 2019) – “On Accelerated Measures to Improve Energy Efficiency in Economic and Social Sectors, the Introduction of Energy-Saving Technologies and the Development of Renewable Energy Sources”, The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev noted that in order to comprehensively organize work to improve energy efficiency, widely introduce energy-saving technologies and renewable energy sources, radically reduce the energy intensity of economic and social sectors by involving available resources and untapped potential, taking into account advanced foreign experience, and also ensuring the rational and efficient use of fuel and energy resources. [1].

One of the most important concepts for a deep restructuring of the economic mechanism of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the creation of an integral, efficient and flexible system of economic management and the implementation on this basis of a program to improve the technical level and quality of machines.